path: root/pyload/webui/app/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pyload/webui/app/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/pyload/webui/app/ b/pyload/webui/app/
deleted file mode 100644
index a7fe8dcfb..000000000
--- a/pyload/webui/app/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import os
-import shutil
-import traceback
-import bottle
-from pyload.utils import decode, formatSize
-from pyload.webui import PYLOAD
-from import login_required, render_to_response, toDict
-def format_time(seconds):
- seconds = int(seconds)
- hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
- minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
- return "%.2i:%.2i:%.2i" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
-def get_sort_key(item):
- return item['order']
-@bottle.route('/json/status', method='POST')
-def status():
- try:
- status = toDict(PYLOAD.statusServer())
- status['captcha'] = PYLOAD.isCaptchaWaiting()
- return status
- except Exception:
- return bottle.HTTPError()
-@bottle.route('/json/links', method='POST')
-def links():
- try:
- links = [toDict(x) for x in PYLOAD.statusDownloads()]
- ids = []
- for link in links:
- ids.append(link['fid'])
- if link['status'] == 12:
- link['info'] = "%s @ %s/s" % (link['format_eta'], formatSize(link['speed']))
- elif link['status'] == 5:
- link['percent'] = 0
- link['size'] = 0
- link['bleft'] = 0
- link['info'] = _("waiting %s") % link['format_wait']
- else:
- link['info'] = ""
- data = {'links': links, 'ids': ids}
- return data
- except Exception, e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- return bottle.HTTPError()
-def packages():
- print "/json/packages"
- try:
- data = PYLOAD.getQueue()
- for package in data:
- package['links'] = []
- for file in PYLOAD.get_package_files(package['id']):
- package['links'].append(PYLOAD.get_file_info(file))
- return data
- except Exception:
- return bottle.HTTPError()
-def package(id):
- try:
- data = toDict(PYLOAD.getPackageData(id))
- data['links'] = [toDict(x) for x in data['links']]
- for pyfile in data['links']:
- if pyfile['status'] == 0:
- pyfile['icon'] = "status_finished.png"
- elif pyfile['status'] in (2, 3):
- pyfile['icon'] = "status_queue.png"
- elif pyfile['status'] in (9, 1):
- pyfile['icon'] = "status_offline.png"
- elif pyfile['status'] == 5:
- pyfile['icon'] = "status_waiting.png"
- elif pyfile['status'] == 8:
- pyfile['icon'] = "status_failed.png"
- elif pyfile['status'] == 4:
- pyfile['icon'] = "arrow_right.png"
- elif pyfile['status'] in (11, 13):
- pyfile['icon'] = "status_proc.png"
- else:
- pyfile['icon'] = "status_downloading.png"
- tmp = data['links']
- tmp.sort(key=get_sort_key)
- data['links'] = tmp
- return data
- except Exception:
- traceback.print_exc()
- return bottle.HTTPError()
-def package_order(ids):
- try:
- pid, pos = ids.split("|")
- PYLOAD.orderPackage(int(pid), int(pos))
- return {"response": "success"}
- except Exception:
- return bottle.HTTPError()
-def abort_link(id):
- try:
- PYLOAD.stopDownloads([id])
- return {"response": "success"}
- except Exception:
- return bottle.HTTPError()
-def link_order(ids):
- try:
- pid, pos = ids.split("|")
- PYLOAD.orderFile(int(pid), int(pos))
- return {"response": "success"}
- except Exception:
- return bottle.HTTPError()
-@bottle.route('/json/add_package', method='POST')
-def add_package():
- name = request.forms.get("add_name", "New Package").strip()
- queue = int(request.forms['add_dest'])
- links = decode(request.forms['add_links'])
- links = links.split("\n")
- pw = request.forms.get("add_password", "").strip("\n\r")
- try:
- f = request.files['add_file']
- if not name or name == "New Package":
- name =
- fpath = os.path.join(PYLOAD.getConfigValue("general", "download_folder"), "tmp_" + f.filename)
- with open(fpath, 'wb') as destination:
- shutil.copyfileobj(f.file, destination)
- links.insert(0, fpath)
- except Exception:
- pass
- name = name.decode("utf8", "ignore")
- links = map(lambda x: x.strip(), links)
- links = filter(lambda x: x != "", links)
- pack = PYLOAD.addPackage(name, links, queue)
- if pw:
- pw = pw.decode("utf8", "ignore")
- data = {"password": pw}
- PYLOAD.setPackageData(pack, data)
-def move_package(dest, id):
- try:
- PYLOAD.movePackage(dest, id)
- return {"response": "success"}
- except Exception:
- return bottle.HTTPError()
-@bottle.route('/json/edit_package', method='POST')
-def edit_package():
- try:
- id = int(request.forms.get("pack_id"))
- data = {"name": request.forms.get("pack_name").decode("utf8", "ignore"),
- "folder": request.forms.get("pack_folder").decode("utf8", "ignore"),
- "password": request.forms.get("pack_pws").decode("utf8", "ignore")}
- PYLOAD.setPackageData(id, data)
- return {"response": "success"}
- except Exception:
- return bottle.HTTPError()
-@bottle.route('/json/set_captcha', method='POST')
-def set_captcha():
- if request.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD', "GET") == "POST":
- try:
- PYLOAD.setCaptchaResult(request.forms['cap_id'], request.forms['cap_result'])
- except Exception:
- pass
- task = PYLOAD.getCaptchaTask()
- if task.tid >= 0:
- src = "data:image/%s;base64,%s" % (task.type,
- return {'captcha': True, 'id': task.tid, 'src': src, 'result_type': task.resultType}
- else:
- return {'captcha': False}
-def load_config(category, section):
- conf = None
- if category == "general":
- conf = PYLOAD.getConfigDict()
- elif category == "plugin":
- conf = PYLOAD.getPluginConfigDict()
- for key, option in conf[section].iteritems():
- if key in ("desc", "outline"):
- continue
- if ";" in option['type']:
- option['list'] = option['type'].split(";")
- option['value'] = decode(option['value'])
- return render_to_response("settings_item.html", {"sorted_conf": lambda c: sorted(c.items(), key=lambda i: i[1]['idx'] if i[0] not in ("desc", "outline") else 0),
- "skey": section, "section": conf[section]})
-@bottle.route('/json/save_config/<category>', method='POST')
-def save_config(category):
- for key, value in request.POST.iteritems():
- try:
- section, option = key.split("|")
- except Exception:
- continue
- if category == "general": category = "core"
- PYLOAD.setConfigValue(section, option, decode(value), category)
-@bottle.route('/json/add_account', method='POST')
-def add_account():
- login = request.POST['account_login']
- password = request.POST['account_password']
- type = request.POST['account_type']
- PYLOAD.updateAccount(type, login, password)
-@bottle.route('/json/update_accounts', method='POST')
-def update_accounts():
- deleted = [] #: dont update deleted accs or they will be created again
- for name, value in request.POST.iteritems():
- value = value.strip()
- if not value:
- continue
- tmp, user = name.split(";")
- plugin, action = tmp.split("|")
- if (plugin, user) in deleted:
- continue
- if action == "password":
- PYLOAD.updateAccount(plugin, user, value)
- elif action == "time" and "-" in value:
- PYLOAD.updateAccount(plugin, user, options={"time": [value]})
- elif action == "limitdl" and value.isdigit():
- PYLOAD.updateAccount(plugin, user, options={"limitDL": [value]})
- elif action == "delete":
- deleted.append((plugin, user))
- PYLOAD.removeAccount(plugin, user)
-@bottle.route('/json/change_password', method='POST')
-def change_password():
- user = request.POST['user_login']
- oldpw = request.POST['login_current_password']
- newpw = request.POST['login_new_password']
- if not PYLOAD.changePassword(user, oldpw, newpw):
- print "Wrong password"
- return bottle.HTTPError()