path: root/pyload/manager/thread/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pyload/manager/thread/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/pyload/manager/thread/ b/pyload/manager/thread/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cdae122f..000000000
--- a/pyload/manager/thread/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# @author: RaNaN
-from Queue import Queue
-from threading import Thread
-from os import listdir, stat
-from os.path import join
-from time import sleep, time, strftime, gmtime
-from traceback import print_exc, format_exc
-from pprint import pformat
-from sys import exc_info, exc_clear
-from copy import copy
-from types import MethodType
-from pycurl import error
-from pyload.datatype.PyFile import PyFile
-from pyload.plugins.Plugin import Abort, Fail, Reconnect, Retry, SkipDownload
-from pyload.utils.packagetools import parseNames
-from pyload.utils import safe_join
-from pyload.api import OnlineStatus
-class PluginThread(Thread):
- """abstract base class for thread types"""
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __init__(self, manager):
- """Constructor"""
- Thread.__init__(self)
- self.setDaemon(True)
- self.m = manager #thread manager
- def writeDebugReport(self, pyfile):
- """ writes a
- :return:
- """
- dump_name = "" % (pyfile.pluginname, strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S"))
- dump = self.getDebugDump(pyfile)
- try:
- import zipfile
- zip = zipfile.ZipFile(dump_name, "w")
- for f in listdir(join("tmp", pyfile.pluginname)):
- try:
- # avoid encoding errors
- zip.write(join("tmp", pyfile.pluginname, f), safe_join(pyfile.pluginname, f))
- except Exception:
- pass
- info = zipfile.ZipInfo(safe_join(pyfile.pluginname, "debug_Report.txt"), gmtime())
- info.external_attr = 0644 << 16L # change permissions
- zip.writestr(info, dump)
- zip.close()
- if not stat(dump_name).st_size:
- raise Exception("Empty Zipfile")
- except Exception, e:
- self.m.log.debug("Error creating zip file: %s" % e)
- dump_name = dump_name.replace(".zip", ".txt")
- f = open(dump_name, "wb")
- f.write(dump)
- f.close()
-"Debug Report written to %s" % dump_name)
- def getDebugDump(self, pyfile):
- dump = "pyLoad %s Debug Report of %s %s \n\nTRACEBACK:\n %s \n\nFRAMESTACK:\n" % (
- self.m.core.api.getServerVersion(), pyfile.pluginname, pyfile.plugin.__version, format_exc())
- tb = exc_info()[2]
- stack = []
- while tb:
- stack.append(tb.tb_frame)
- tb = tb.tb_next
- for frame in stack[1:]:
- dump += "\nFrame %s in %s at line %s\n" % (frame.f_code.co_name,
- frame.f_code.co_filename,
- frame.f_lineno)
- for key, value in frame.f_locals.items():
- dump += "\t%20s = " % key
- try:
- dump += pformat(value) + "\n"
- except Exception, e:
- dump += "<ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE> " + str(e) + "\n"
- del frame
- del stack #delete it just to be sure...
- dump += "\n\nPLUGIN OBJECT DUMP: \n\n"
- for name in dir(pyfile.plugin):
- attr = getattr(pyfile.plugin, name)
- if not name.endswith("__") and type(attr) != MethodType:
- dump += "\t%20s = " % name
- try:
- dump += pformat(attr) + "\n"
- except Exception, e:
- dump += "<ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE> " + str(e) + "\n"
- dump += "\nPYFILE OBJECT DUMP: \n\n"
- for name in dir(pyfile):
- attr = getattr(pyfile, name)
- if not name.endswith("__") and type(attr) != MethodType:
- dump += "\t%20s = " % name
- try:
- dump += pformat(attr) + "\n"
- except Exception, e:
- dump += "<ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE> " + str(e) + "\n"
- if pyfile.pluginname in self.m.core.config.plugin:
- dump += "\n\nCONFIG: \n\n"
- dump += pformat(self.m.core.config.plugin[pyfile.pluginname]) + "\n"
- return dump
- def clean(self, pyfile):
- """ set thread unactive and release pyfile """
- = False
- pyfile.release()