path: root/pyload/datatype/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pyload/datatype/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/pyload/datatype/ b/pyload/datatype/
deleted file mode 100644
index 173203a8d..000000000
--- a/pyload/datatype/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# @author: RaNaN, mkaay
-from pyload.manager.event.PullEvents import UpdateEvent
-from pyload.utils import formatSize, lock
-from time import sleep, time
-from threading import RLock
-statusMap = {
- "finished": 0,
- "offline": 1,
- "online": 2,
- "queued": 3,
- "skipped": 4,
- "waiting": 5,
- "temp. offline": 6,
- "starting": 7,
- "failed": 8,
- "aborted": 9,
- "decrypting": 10,
- "custom": 11,
- "downloading": 12,
- "processing": 13,
- "unknown": 14,
-def setSize(self, value):
- self._size = int(value)
-class PyFile(object):
- """
- Represents a file object at runtime
- """
- __slots__ = ("m", "id", "url", "name", "size", "_size", "status", "plugin",
- "packageid", "error", "order", "lock", "plugin", "waitUntil",
- "active", "abort", "statusname", "reconnected", "progress",
- "maxprogress", "pluginmodule", "pluginclass")
- def __init__(self, manager, id, url, name, size, status, error, plugin, package, order):
- self.m = manager
- = int(id)
- self.url = url
- = name
- self.size = size
- self.status = status
- self.plugin = self.plugintype, self.pluginname = plugin
- self.packageid = package #should not be used, use package() instead
- self.error = error
- self.order = order
- # database information ends here
- self.lock = RLock()
- self.plugin = None
- = None
- self.waitUntil = 0 # time() + time to wait
- # status attributes
- = False #obsolete?
- self.abort = False
- self.reconnected = False
- self.statusname = None
- self.progress = 0
- self.maxprogress = 100
- self.m.cache[int(id)] = self
- # will convert all sizes to ints
- size = property(lambda self: self._size, setSize)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "PyFile %s: %s@%s" % (,, self.pluginname)
- @lock
- def initPlugin(self):
- """ inits plugin instance """
- if not self.plugin:
- self.pluginmodule = self.m.core.pluginManager.getPlugin(self.plugintype, self.pluginname)
- self.pluginclass = getattr(self.pluginmodule, self.m.core.pluginManager.getPluginName(self.plugintype, self.pluginname))
- self.plugin = self.pluginclass(self)
- @lock
- def hasPlugin(self):
- """Thread safe way to determine this file has initialized plugin attribute
- :return:
- """
- return hasattr(self, "plugin") and self.plugin
- def package(self):
- """ return package instance"""
- return self.m.getPackage(self.packageid)
- def setStatus(self, status):
- self.status = statusMap[status]
- self.sync() #@TODO needed aslong no better job approving exists
- def setCustomStatus(self, msg, status="processing"):
- self.statusname = msg
- self.setStatus(status)
- def getStatusName(self):
- if self.status not in (13, 14) or not self.statusname:
- return self.m.statusMsg[self.status]
- else:
- return self.statusname
- def hasStatus(self, status):
- return statusMap[status] == self.status
- def sync(self):
- """sync PyFile instance with database"""
- self.m.updateLink(self)
- @lock
- def release(self):
- """sync and remove from cache"""
- # file has valid package
- if self.packageid > 0:
- self.sync()
- if hasattr(self, "plugin") and self.plugin:
- self.plugin.clean()
- del self.plugin
- self.m.releaseLink(
- def delete(self):
- """delete pyfile from database"""
- self.m.deleteLink(
- def toDict(self):
- """return dict with all information for interface"""
- return self.toDbDict()
- def toDbDict(self):
- """return data as dict for databse
- format:
- {
- id: {'url': url, 'name': name ... }
- }
- """
- return {
- {
- 'id':,
- 'url': self.url,
- 'name':,
- 'plugin': self.pluginname,
- 'size': self.getSize(),
- 'format_size': self.formatSize(),
- 'status': self.status,
- 'statusmsg': self.getStatusName(),
- 'package': self.packageid,
- 'error': self.error,
- 'order': self.order
- }
- }
- def abortDownload(self):
- """abort pyfile if possible"""
- while in self.m.core.threadManager.processingIds():
- self.abort = True
- if self.plugin and self.plugin.req:
- self.plugin.req.abortDownloads()
- sleep(0.1)
- self.abort = False
- if self.hasPlugin() and self.plugin.req:
- self.plugin.req.abortDownloads()
- self.release()
- def finishIfDone(self):
- """set status to finish and release file if every thread is finished with it"""
- if in self.m.core.threadManager.processingIds():
- return False
- self.setStatus("finished")
- self.release()
- self.m.checkAllLinksFinished()
- return True
- def checkIfProcessed(self):
- self.m.checkAllLinksProcessed(
- def formatWait(self):
- """ formats and return wait time in humanreadable format """
- seconds = self.waitUntil - time()
- if seconds < 0: return "00:00:00"
- hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
- minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
- return "%.2i:%.2i:%.2i" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
- def formatSize(self):
- """ formats size to readable format """
- return formatSize(self.getSize())
- def formatETA(self):
- """ formats eta to readable format """
- seconds = self.getETA()
- if seconds < 0: return "00:00:00"
- hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
- minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
- return "%.2i:%.2i:%.2i" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
- def getSpeed(self):
- """ calculates speed """
- try:
- return self.plugin.req.speed
- except Exception:
- return 0
- def getETA(self):
- """ gets established time of arrival"""
- try:
- return self.getBytesLeft() / self.getSpeed()
- except Exception:
- return 0
- def getBytesLeft(self):
- """ gets bytes left """
- try:
- return self.getSize() - self.plugin.req.arrived
- except Exception:
- return 0
- def getPercent(self):
- """ get % of download """
- if self.status == 12:
- try:
- return self.plugin.req.percent
- except Exception:
- return 0
- else:
- return self.progress
- def getSize(self):
- """ get size of download """
- try:
- if self.plugin.req.size:
- return self.plugin.req.size
- else:
- return self.size
- except Exception:
- return self.size
- def notifyChange(self):
- e = UpdateEvent("file",, "collector" if not self.package().queue else "queue")
- self.m.core.pullManager.addEvent(e)
- def setProgress(self, value):
- if not value == self.progress:
- self.progress = value
- self.notifyChange()