path: root/module/plugins/crypter
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'module/plugins/crypter')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/module/plugins/crypter/ b/module/plugins/crypter/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c078000a..000000000
--- a/module/plugins/crypter/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import re
-from urlparse import urljoin
-from module.common.json_layer import json_loads
-from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
-from module.utils import save_join
-class DailymotionComFolder(Crypter):
- __name__ = "DailymotionComFolder"
- __type__ = "crypter"
- __version__ = "0.01"
- __pattern__ = r'https?://(?:www\.)?dailymotion\.com/((playlists/)?(?P<TYPE>playlist|user)/)?(?P<ID>[\w^_]+)(?(TYPE)|#)'
- __config__ = [("use_subfolder" , "bool", "Save package to subfolder" , True),
- ("subfolder_per_pack", "bool", "Create a subfolder for each package", True)]
- __description__ = """ channel & playlist decrypter"""
- __license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
- def api_response(self, ref, req=None):
- url = urljoin("", ref)
- html = self.load(url, get=req)
- return json_loads(html)
- def getPlaylistInfo(self, id):
- ref = "playlist/" + id
- req = {"fields": "name,owner.screenname"}
- playlist = self.api_response(ref, req)
- if "error" in playlist:
- return
- name = playlist['name']
- owner = playlist['owner.screenname']
- return name, owner
- def _getPlaylists(self, user_id, page=1):
- ref = "user/%s/playlists" % user_id
- req = {"fields": "id", "page": page, "limit": 100}
- user = self.api_response(ref, req)
- if "error" in user:
- return
- for playlist in user['list']:
- yield playlist['id']
- if user['has_more']:
- for item in self._getPlaylists(user_id, page + 1):
- yield item
- def getPlaylists(self, user_id):
- return [(id,) + self.getPlaylistInfo(id) for id in self._getPlaylists(user_id)]
- def _getVideos(self, id, page=1):
- ref = "playlist/%s/videos" % id
- req = {"fields": "url", "page": page, "limit": 100}
- playlist = self.api_response(ref, req)
- if "error" in playlist:
- return
- for video in playlist['list']:
- yield video['url']
- if playlist['has_more']:
- for item in self._getVideos(id, page + 1):
- yield item
- def getVideos(self, playlist_id):
- return list(self._getVideos(playlist_id))[::-1]
- def decrypt(self, pyfile):
- m = re.match(self.__pattern__, pyfile.url)
- m_id ='ID')
- m_type ='TYPE')
- if m_type == "playlist":
- self.logDebug("Url recognized as Playlist")
- p_info = self.getPlaylistInfo(m_id)
- playlists = [(m_id,) + p_info] if p_info else None
- else:
- self.logDebug("Url recognized as Channel")
- playlists = self.getPlaylists(m_id)
- self.logDebug("%s playlist\s found on channel \"%s\"" % (len(playlists), m_id))
- if not playlists:
-"No playlist available"))
- for p_id, p_name, p_owner in playlists:
- p_videos = self.getVideos(p_id)
- p_folder = save_join(self.config['general']['download_folder'], p_owner, p_name)
- self.logDebug("%s video\s found on playlist \"%s\"" % (len(p_videos), p_name))
- self.packages.append((p_name, p_videos, p_folder)) #: folder is NOT recognized by pyload 0.4.9!
diff --git a/module/plugins/crypter/ b/module/plugins/crypter/
deleted file mode 100644
index d7ca494fa..000000000
--- a/module/plugins/crypter/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import re
-from urlparse import urljoin
-from module.common.json_layer import json_loads
-from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
-from module.utils import save_join
-class YoutubeComFolder(Crypter):
- __name__ = "YoutubeComFolder"
- __type__ = "crypter"
- __version__ = "1.01"
- __pattern__ = r'https?://(?:www\.|m\.)?youtube\.com/(?P<TYPE>user|playlist|view_play_list)(/|.*?[?&](?:list|p)=)(?P<ID>[\w-]+)'
- __config__ = [("use_subfolder" , "bool", "Save package to subfolder" , True ),
- ("subfolder_per_pack", "bool", "Create a subfolder for each package", True ),
- ("likes" , "bool", "Grab user (channel) liked videos" , False),
- ("favorites" , "bool", "Grab user (channel) favorite videos", False),
- ("uploads" , "bool", "Grab channel unplaylisted videos" , True )]
- __description__ = """ channel & playlist decrypter plugin"""
- __license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
- API_KEY = "AIzaSyCKnWLNlkX-L4oD1aEzqqhRw1zczeD6_k0"
- def api_response(self, ref, req):
- req.update({"key": self.API_KEY})
- url = urljoin("", ref)
- html = self.load(url, get=req)
- return json_loads(html)
- def getChannel(self, user):
- channels = self.api_response("channels", {"part": "id,snippet,contentDetails", "forUsername": user, "maxResults": "50"})
- if channels['items']:
- channel = channels['items'][0]
- return {"id": channel['id'],
- "title": channel['snippet']['title'],
- "relatedPlaylists": channel['contentDetails']['relatedPlaylists'],
- "user": user} # One lone channel for user?
- def getPlaylist(self, p_id):
- playlists = self.api_response("playlists", {"part": "snippet", "id": p_id})
- if playlists['items']:
- playlist = playlists['items'][0]
- return {"id": p_id,
- "title": playlist['snippet']['title'],
- "channelId": playlist['snippet']['channelId'],
- "channelTitle": playlist['snippet']['channelTitle']}
- def _getPlaylists(self, id, token=None):
- req = {"part": "id", "maxResults": "50", "channelId": id}
- if token:
- req.update({"pageToken": token})
- playlists = self.api_response("playlists", req)
- for playlist in playlists['items']:
- yield playlist['id']
- if "nextPageToken" in playlists:
- for item in self._getPlaylists(id, playlists['nextPageToken']):
- yield item
- def getPlaylists(self, ch_id):
- return map(self.getPlaylist, self._getPlaylists(ch_id))
- def _getVideosId(self, id, token=None):
- req = {"part": "contentDetails", "maxResults": "50", "playlistId": id}
- if token:
- req.update({"pageToken": token})
- playlist = self.api_response("playlistItems", req)
- for item in playlist['items']:
- yield item['contentDetails']['videoId']
- if "nextPageToken" in playlist:
- for item in self._getVideosId(id, playlist['nextPageToken']):
- yield item
- def getVideosId(self, p_id):
- return list(self._getVideosId(p_id))
- def decrypt(self, pyfile):
- m = re.match(self.__pattern__, pyfile.url)
- m_id ='ID')
- m_type ='TYPE')
- if m_type == "user":
- self.logDebug("Url recognized as Channel")
- user = m_id
- channel = self.getChannel(user)
- if channel:
- playlists = self.getPlaylists(channel['id'])
- self.logDebug("%s playlist\s found on channel \"%s\"" % (len(playlists), channel['title']))
- relatedplaylist = {p_name: self.getPlaylist(p_id) for p_name, p_id in channel['relatedPlaylists'].iteritems()}
- self.logDebug("Channel's related playlists found = %s" % relatedplaylist.keys())
- relatedplaylist['uploads']['title'] = "Unplaylisted videos"
- relatedplaylist['uploads']['checkDups'] = True #: checkDups flag
- for p_name, p_data in relatedplaylist.iteritems():
- if self.getConfig(p_name):
- p_data['title'] += " of " + user
- playlists.append(p_data)
- else:
- playlists = []
- else:
- self.logDebug("Url recognized as Playlist")
- playlists = [self.getPlaylist(m_id)]
- if not playlists:
-"No playlist available"))
- addedvideos = []
- urlize = lambda x: "" + x
- for p in playlists:
- p_name = p['title']
- p_videos = self.getVideosId(p['id'])
- p_folder = save_join(self.config['general']['download_folder'], p['channelTitle'], p_name)
- self.logDebug("%s video\s found on playlist \"%s\"" % (len(p_videos), p_name))
- if not p_videos:
- continue
- elif "checkDups" in p:
- p_urls = [urlize(v_id) for v_id in p_videos if v_id not in addedvideos]
- self.logDebug("%s video\s available on playlist \"%s\" after duplicates cleanup" % (len(p_urls), p_name))
- else:
- p_urls = map(urlize, p_videos)
- self.packages.append((p_name, p_urls, p_folder)) #: folder is NOT recognized by pyload 0.4.9!
- addedvideos.extend(p_videos)