path: root/docs/api/datatypes.rst
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+.. _api_datatypes:
+API Datatype Definition
+Below you find a copy of :file:`module/remote/thriftbackend/pyload.thrift`, which is used to generate the data structs
+for various languages. It is also a good overview of avaible methods and return data.
+.. code-block:: c
+ .. [[[cog cog.out(open('module/remote/thriftbackend/pyload.thrift', 'rb').read()) ]]]
+ namespace java org.pyload.thrift
+ typedef i32 FileID
+ typedef i32 PackageID
+ typedef i32 ResultID
+ typedef i32 InteractionID
+ typedef list<string> LinkList
+ typedef string PluginName
+ typedef byte Progress
+ typedef byte Priority
+ enum DownloadStatus {
+ Finished
+ Offline,
+ Online,
+ Queued,
+ Skipped,
+ Waiting,
+ TempOffline,
+ Starting,
+ Failed,
+ Aborted,
+ Decrypting,
+ Custom,
+ Downloading,
+ Processing,
+ Unknown
+ }
+ enum Destination {
+ Collector,
+ Queue
+ }
+ // types for user interaction
+ // some may only be place holder currently not supported
+ // also all input - output combination are not reasonable, see InteractionManager for further info
+ enum Input {
+ BOOL, // confirm like, yes or no dialog
+ CLICK, // for positional captchas
+ CHOICE, // choice from list
+ MULTIPLE, // multiple choice from list of elements
+ LIST, // arbitary list of elements
+ TABLE // table like data structure
+ }
+ // more can be implemented by need
+ // this describes the type of the outgoing interaction
+ // ensure they can be logcial or'ed
+ enum Output {
+ CAPTCHA = 1,
+ }
+ struct DownloadInfo {
+ 1: FileID fid,
+ 2: string name,
+ 3: i64 speed,
+ 4: i32 eta,
+ 5: string format_eta,
+ 6: i64 bleft,
+ 7: i64 size,
+ 8: string format_size,
+ 9: Progress percent,
+ 10: DownloadStatus status,
+ 11: string statusmsg,
+ 12: string format_wait,
+ 13: i64 wait_until,
+ 14: PackageID packageID,
+ 15: string packageName,
+ 16: PluginName plugin,
+ }
+ struct ServerStatus {
+ 1: bool pause,
+ 2: i16 active,
+ 3: i16 queue,
+ 4: i16 total,
+ 5: i64 speed,
+ 6: bool download,
+ 7: bool reconnect
+ }
+ struct FileData {
+ 1: FileID fid,
+ 2: string url,
+ 3: string name,
+ 4: PluginName plugin,
+ 5: i64 size,
+ 6: string format_size,
+ 7: DownloadStatus status,
+ 8: string statusmsg,
+ 9: PackageID packageID,
+ 10: string error,
+ 11: i16 order
+ }
+ struct PackageData {
+ 1: PackageID pid,
+ 2: string name,
+ 3: string folder,
+ 4: string site,
+ 5: string password,
+ 6: Destination dest,
+ 7: i16 order,
+ 8: optional i16 linksdone,
+ 9: optional i64 sizedone,
+ 10: optional i64 sizetotal,
+ 11: optional i16 linkstotal,
+ 12: optional list<FileData> links,
+ 13: optional list<FileID> fids
+ }
+ struct InteractionTask {
+ 1: InteractionID iid,
+ 2: Input input,
+ 3: list<string> structure,
+ 4: list<string> preset,
+ 5: Output output,
+ 6: list<string> data,
+ 7: string title,
+ 8: string description,
+ 9: string plugin,
+ }
+ struct ConfigItem {
+ 1: string name,
+ 2: string long_name,
+ 3: string description,
+ 4: string type,
+ 5: string default_value,
+ 6: string value,
+ }
+ struct ConfigSection {
+ 1: string name,
+ 2: string long_name,
+ 3: string description,
+ 4: string long_description,
+ 5: optional list<ConfigItem> items,
+ 6: optional map<string, InteractionTask> handler,
+ }
+ struct CaptchaTask {
+ 1: i16 tid,
+ 2: binary data,
+ 3: string type,
+ 4: string resultType
+ }
+ struct EventInfo {
+ 1: string eventname,
+ 2: list<string> event_args,
+ }
+ struct UserData {
+ 1: string name,
+ 2: string email,
+ 3: i32 role,
+ 4: i32 permission,
+ 5: string templateName
+ }
+ struct AccountInfo {
+ 1: PluginName plugin,
+ 2: string loginname,
+ 3: bool valid,
+ 4: i64 validuntil,
+ 5: i64 trafficleft,
+ 6: i64 maxtraffic,
+ 7: bool premium,
+ 8: bool activated,
+ 9: map<string, string> options,
+ }
+ struct ServiceCall {
+ 1: PluginName plugin,
+ 2: string func,
+ 3: string arguments, // empty string or json encoded list
+ }
+ struct OnlineStatus {
+ 1: string name,
+ 2: PluginName plugin,
+ 3: string packagename,
+ 4: DownloadStatus status,
+ 5: i64 size, // size <= 0 : unknown
+ }
+ struct OnlineCheck {
+ 1: ResultID rid, // -1 -> nothing more to get
+ 2: map<string, OnlineStatus> data, //url to result
+ }
+ // exceptions
+ exception PackageDoesNotExists{
+ 1: PackageID pid
+ }
+ exception FileDoesNotExists{
+ 1: FileID fid
+ }
+ exception UserDoesNotExists{
+ 1: string user
+ }
+ exception ServiceDoesNotExists{
+ 1: string plugin
+ 2: string func
+ }
+ exception ServiceException{
+ 1: string msg
+ }
+ service Pyload {
+ //config
+ string getConfigValue(1: string section, 2: string option),
+ void setConfigValue(1: string section, 2: string option, 3: string value),
+ map<string, ConfigSection> getConfig(),
+ map<PluginName, ConfigSection> getPluginConfig(),
+ ConfigSection configureSection(1: string section),
+ // server status
+ void pauseServer(),
+ void unpauseServer(),
+ bool togglePause(),
+ ServerStatus statusServer(),
+ i64 freeSpace(),
+ string getServerVersion(),
+ void kill(),
+ void restart(),
+ list<string> getLog(1: i32 offset),
+ bool isTimeDownload(),
+ bool isTimeReconnect(),
+ bool toggleReconnect(),
+ // download preparing
+ // packagename - urls
+ map<string, LinkList> generatePackages(1: LinkList links),
+ map<PluginName, LinkList> checkURLs(1: LinkList urls),
+ map<PluginName, LinkList> parseURLs(1: string html, 2: string url),
+ // parses results and generates packages
+ OnlineCheck checkOnlineStatus(1: LinkList urls),
+ OnlineCheck checkOnlineStatusContainer(1: LinkList urls, 2: string filename, 3: binary data)
+ // poll results from previosly started online check
+ OnlineCheck pollResults(1: ResultID rid),
+ // downloads - information
+ list<DownloadInfo> statusDownloads(),
+ PackageData getPackageData(1: PackageID pid) throws (1: PackageDoesNotExists e),
+ PackageData getPackageInfo(1: PackageID pid) throws (1: PackageDoesNotExists e),
+ FileData getFileData(1: FileID fid) throws (1: FileDoesNotExists e),
+ list<PackageData> getQueue(),
+ list<PackageData> getCollector(),
+ list<PackageData> getQueueData(),
+ list<PackageData> getCollectorData(),
+ map<i16, PackageID> getPackageOrder(1: Destination destination),
+ map<i16, FileID> getFileOrder(1: PackageID pid)
+ // downloads - adding/deleting
+ list<PackageID> generateAndAddPackages(1: LinkList links, 2: Destination dest),
+ PackageID addPackage(1: string name, 2: LinkList links, 3: Destination dest, 4: string password),
+ void addFiles(1: PackageID pid, 2: LinkList links),
+ void uploadContainer(1: string filename, 2: binary data),
+ void deleteFiles(1: list<FileID> fids),
+ void deletePackages(1: list<PackageID> pids),
+ // downloads - modifying
+ void pushToQueue(1: PackageID pid),
+ void pullFromQueue(1: PackageID pid),
+ void restartPackage(1: PackageID pid),
+ void restartFile(1: FileID fid),
+ void recheckPackage(1: PackageID pid),
+ void stopAllDownloads(),
+ void stopDownloads(1: list<FileID> fids),
+ void setPackageName(1: PackageID pid, 2: string name),
+ void movePackage(1: Destination destination, 2: PackageID pid),
+ void moveFiles(1: list<FileID> fids, 2: PackageID pid),
+ void orderPackage(1: PackageID pid, 2: i16 position),
+ void orderFile(1: FileID fid, 2: i16 position),
+ void setPackageData(1: PackageID pid, 2: map<string, string> data) throws (1: PackageDoesNotExists e),
+ list<PackageID> deleteFinished(),
+ void restartFailed(),
+ //events
+ list<EventInfo> getEvents(1: string uuid)
+ //accounts
+ list<AccountInfo> getAccounts(1: bool refresh),
+ list<string> getAccountTypes()
+ void updateAccount(1: PluginName plugin, 2: string account, 3: string password, 4: map<string, string> options),
+ void removeAccount(1: PluginName plugin, 2: string account),
+ //auth
+ bool login(1: string username, 2: string password),
+ UserData getUserData(1: string username, 2:string password) throws (1: UserDoesNotExists ex),
+ map<string, UserData> getAllUserData(),
+ //services
+ // servicename : description
+ map<PluginName, map<string, string>> getServices(),
+ bool hasService(1: PluginName plugin, 2: string func),
+ string call(1: ServiceCall info) throws (1: ServiceDoesNotExists ex, 2: ServiceException e),
+ //info
+ // {plugin: {name: value}}
+ map<PluginName, map<string,string>> getAllInfo(),
+ map<string, string> getInfoByPlugin(1: PluginName plugin),
+ //scheduler
+ // TODO
+ // User interaction
+ //captcha
+ bool isCaptchaWaiting(),
+ CaptchaTask getCaptchaTask(1: bool exclusive),
+ string getCaptchaTaskStatus(1: InteractionID tid),
+ void setCaptchaResult(1: InteractionID tid, 2: string result),
+ }
+ .. [[[end]]]