path: root/pyload/plugins/
diff options
authorGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2014-12-13 15:56:57 +0100
committerGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2014-12-13 15:56:57 +0100
commitacc46fc3497a66a427b795b4a22c6e71d69185a1 (patch)
tree2d315b838a76435fc456b972c99c28d1732b2f70 /pyload/plugins/
parentCode fixes (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'pyload/plugins/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 307 deletions
diff --git a/pyload/plugins/ b/pyload/plugins/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1444a4300..000000000
--- a/pyload/plugins/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from random import choice
-from time import time
-from traceback import print_exc
-from threading import RLock
-from pyload.plugins.Plugin import Base
-from pyload.utils import compare_time, parseFileSize, lock
-class WrongPassword(Exception):
- pass
-class Account(Base):
- """
- Base class for every Account plugin.
- Just overwrite `login` and cookies will be stored and account becomes accessible in\
- associated hoster plugin. Plugin should also provide `loadAccountInfo`
- """
- __name = "Account"
- __type = "account"
- __version = "0.03"
- __description = """Base account plugin"""
- __license = "GPLv3"
- __authors = [("mkaay", "")]
- #: after that time (in minutes) pyload will relogin the account
- login_timeout = 10 * 60
- #: after that time (in minutes) account data will be reloaded
- info_threshold = 10 * 60
- def __init__(self, manager, accounts):
- Base.__init__(self, manager.core)
- self.manager = manager
- self.accounts = {}
- self.infos = {} #: cache for account information
- self.lock = RLock()
- self.timestamps = {}
- self.init()
- self.setAccounts(accounts)
- def init(self):
- pass
- def login(self, user, data, req):
- """login into account, the cookies will be saved so user can be recognized
- :param user: loginname
- :param data: data dictionary
- :param req: `Request` instance
- """
- pass
- @lock
- def _login(self, user, data):
- # set timestamp for login
- self.timestamps[user] = time()
- req = self.getAccountRequest(user)
- try:
- self.login(user, data, req)
- except WrongPassword:
- self.logWarning(
- _("Could not login with account %(user)s | %(msg)s") % {"user": user,
- "msg": _("Wrong Password")})
- success = data['valid'] = False
- except Exception, e:
- self.logWarning(
- _("Could not login with account %(user)s | %(msg)s") % {"user": user,
- "msg": e})
- success = data['valid'] = False
- if self.core.debug:
- print_exc()
- else:
- success = True
- finally:
- if req:
- req.close()
- return success
- def relogin(self, user):
- req = self.getAccountRequest(user)
- if req:
- req.cj.clear()
- req.close()
- if user in self.infos:
- del self.infos[user] #delete old information
- return self._login(user, self.accounts[user])
- def setAccounts(self, accounts):
- self.accounts = accounts
- for user, data in self.accounts.iteritems():
- self._login(user, data)
- self.infos[user] = {}
- def updateAccounts(self, user, password=None, options={}):
- """ updates account and return true if anything changed """
- if user in self.accounts:
- self.accounts[user]['valid'] = True #do not remove or accounts will not login
- if password:
- self.accounts[user]['password'] = password
- self.relogin(user)
- return True
- if options:
- before = self.accounts[user]['options']
- self.accounts[user]['options'].update(options)
- return self.accounts[user]['options'] != before
- else:
- self.accounts[user] = {"password": password, "options": options, "valid": True}
- self._login(user, self.accounts[user])
- return True
- def removeAccount(self, user):
- if user in self.accounts:
- del self.accounts[user]
- if user in self.infos:
- del self.infos[user]
- if user in self.timestamps:
- del self.timestamps[user]
- @lock
- def getAccountInfo(self, name, force=False):
- """retrieve account infos for an user, do **not** overwrite this method!\\
- just use it to retrieve infos in hoster plugins. see `loadAccountInfo`
- :param name: username
- :param force: reloads cached account information
- :return: dictionary with information
- """
- data = Account.loadAccountInfo(self, name)
- if force or name not in self.infos:
- self.logDebug("Get Account Info for %s" % name)
- req = self.getAccountRequest(name)
- try:
- infos = self.loadAccountInfo(name, req)
- if not type(infos) == dict:
- raise Exception("Wrong return format")
- except Exception, e:
- infos = {"error": str(e)}
- print_exc()
- if req:
- req.close()
- self.logDebug("Account Info: %s" % infos)
- infos['timestamp'] = time()
- self.infos[name] = infos
- elif "timestamp" in self.infos[name] and self.infos[name][
- "timestamp"] + self.info_threshold * 60 < time():
- self.logDebug("Reached timeout for account data")
- self.scheduleRefresh(name)
- data.update(self.infos[name])
- return data
- def isPremium(self, user):
- info = self.getAccountInfo(user)
- return info['premium']
- def loadAccountInfo(self, name, req=None):
- """this should be overwritten in account plugin,\
- and retrieving account information for user
- :param name:
- :param req: `Request` instance
- :return:
- """
- return {"validuntil" : None, #: -1 for unlimited
- "login" : name,
- # "password" : self.accounts[name]['password'], #: commented due security reason
- "options" : self.accounts[name]['options'],
- "valid" : self.accounts[name]['valid'],
- "trafficleft": None, #: in bytes, -1 for unlimited
- "maxtraffic" : None,
- "premium" : None,
- "timestamp" : 0, #: time this info was retrieved
- "type" : self.__name}
- def getAllAccounts(self, force=False):
- return [self.getAccountInfo(user, force) for user, data in self.accounts.iteritems()]
- def getAccountRequest(self, user=None):
- if not user:
- user, data = self.selectAccount()
- if not user:
- return None
- req = self.core.requestFactory.getRequest(self.__name, user)
- return req
- def getAccountCookies(self, user=None):
- if not user:
- user, data = self.selectAccount()
- if not user:
- return None
- cj = self.core.requestFactory.getCookieJar(self.__name, user)
- return cj
- def getAccountData(self, user):
- return self.accounts[user]
- def selectAccount(self):
- """ returns an valid account name and data"""
- usable = []
- for user, data in self.accounts.iteritems():
- if not data['valid']: continue
- if "time" in data['options'] and data['options']['time']:
- time_data = ""
- try:
- time_data = data['options']['time'][0]
- start, end = time_data.split("-")
- if not compare_time(start.split(":"), end.split(":")):
- continue
- except Exception:
- self.logWarning(_("Your Time %s has wrong format, use: 1:22-3:44") % time_data)
- if user in self.infos:
- if "validuntil" in self.infos[user]:
- if self.infos[user]['validuntil'] > 0 and time() > self.infos[user]['validuntil']:
- continue
- if "trafficleft" in self.infos[user]:
- if self.infos[user]['trafficleft'] == 0:
- continue
- usable.append((user, data))
- if not usable: return None, None
- return choice(usable)
- def canUse(self):
- return False if self.selectAccount() == (None, None) else True
- def parseTraffic(self, value, unit=None): #: return bytes
- if not unit and not isinstance(value, basestring):
- unit = "KB"
- return parseFileSize(value, unit)
- def wrongPassword(self):
- raise WrongPassword
- def empty(self, user):
- if user in self.infos:
- self.logWarning(_("Account %s has not enough traffic, checking again in 30min") % user)
- self.infos[user].update({"trafficleft": 0})
- self.scheduleRefresh(user, 30 * 60)
- def expired(self, user):
- if user in self.infos:
- self.logWarning(_("Account %s is expired, checking again in 1h") % user)
- self.infos[user].update({"validuntil": time() - 1})
- self.scheduleRefresh(user, 60 * 60)
- def scheduleRefresh(self, user, time=0, force=True):
- """ add task to refresh account info to sheduler """
- self.logDebug("Scheduled Account refresh for %s in %s seconds." % (user, time))
- self.core.scheduler.addJob(time, self.getAccountInfo, [user, force])
- @lock
- def checkLogin(self, user):
- """ checks if user is still logged in """
- if user in self.timestamps:
- if self.login_timeout > 0 and self.timestamps[user] + self.login_timeout * 60 < time():
- self.logDebug("Reached login timeout for %s" % user)
- return self.relogin(user)
- else:
- return True
- else:
- return False