path: root/
diff options
authorGravatar mkaay <> 2010-05-01 22:13:59 +0200
committerGravatar mkaay <> 2010-05-01 22:13:59 +0200
commit1cbd4effe10fbaa18a938975d54048f8e1c1f700 (patch)
tree47085cd606d540c11cca584ce56954d6ac77e1b0 /
parentgui captcha fix (diff)
moved gui to
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 630 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1ceb9f1a7..000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
- @version: v0.3.1
-import sys
-from time import sleep
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-from uuid import uuid4 as uuid
-import re
-import gettext
-from os.path import basename, dirname, join
-from module.gui.ConnectionManager import *
-from module.gui.connector import *
-from module.gui.MainWindow import *
-from module.gui.PWInputWindow import *
-from module.gui.Queue import *
-from module.gui.Collector import *
-from module.gui.XMLParser import *
-class main(QObject):
- def __init__(self):
- """
- main setup
- """
- QObject.__init__(self)
- = QApplication(sys.argv)
- self.init(True)
- def init(self, first=False):
- """
- set main things up
- """
- self.parser = XMLParser("module/config/gui.xml", "module/config/gui_default.xml")
- lang = self.parser.xml.elementsByTagName("language").item(0).toElement().text()
- if not lang:
- parser = XMLParser("module/config/gui_default.xml")
- lang = parser.xml.elementsByTagName("language").item(0).toElement().text()
- translation = gettext.translation("pyLoadGui", join(dirname(__file__), "locale"), languages=[str(lang)])
- translation.install(unicode=(True if sys.stdout.encoding.lower().startswith("utf") else False))
- self.mainWindow = MainWindow()
- self.pwWindow = PWInputWindow()
- self.connWindow = ConnectionManager()
- self.connector = connector()
- self.mainloop = self.Loop(self)
- self.connectSignals()
- self.checkClipboard = False
- default = self.refreshConnections()
- self.connData = None
- self.captchaProcessing = False
- if not first:
- else:
- self.connWindow.edit.setData(default)
- data = self.connWindow.edit.getData()
- self.slotConnect(data)
- def startMain(self):
- """
- start all refresh threads and show main window
- """
- if not self.connector.canConnect():
- self.init()
- return
- self.connector.start()
- sleep(1)
- self.restoreMainWindow()
- self.initQueue()
- self.initPackageCollector()
- self.initLinkCollector()
- self.mainloop.start()
- self.clipboard =
- self.connect(self.clipboard, SIGNAL('dataChanged()'), self.slotClipboardChange)
- self.mainWindow.actions["clipboard"].setChecked(self.checkClipboard)
- def stopMain(self):
- """
- stop all refresh threads and hide main window
- """
- self.disconnect(self.clipboard, SIGNAL('dataChanged()'), self.slotClipboardChange)
- self.mainloop.stop()
- self.connector.stop()
- self.mainWindow.saveWindow()
- self.mainWindow.hide()
- self.queue.stop()
- self.mainloop.wait()
- self.connector.wait()
- self.queue.wait()
- def connectSignals(self):
- """
- signal and slot stuff, yay!
- """
- self.connect(self.connector, SIGNAL("error_box"), self.slotErrorBox)
- self.connect(self.connWindow, SIGNAL("saveConnection"), self.slotSaveConnection)
- self.connect(self.connWindow, SIGNAL("removeConnection"), self.slotRemoveConnection)
- self.connect(self.connWindow, SIGNAL("connect"), self.slotConnect)
- self.connect(self.pwWindow, SIGNAL("ok"), self.slotPasswordTyped)
- self.connect(self.pwWindow, SIGNAL("cancel"), self.quit)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow, SIGNAL("connector"), self.slotShowConnector)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow, SIGNAL("addLinks"), self.slotAddLinks)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow, SIGNAL("addPackage"), self.slotAddPackage)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow, SIGNAL("setDownloadStatus"), self.slotSetDownloadStatus)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow, SIGNAL("saveMainWindow"), self.slotSaveMainWindow)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow, SIGNAL("pushPackageToQueue"), self.slotPushPackageToQueue)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow, SIGNAL("restartDownload"), self.slotRestartDownload)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow, SIGNAL("removeDownload"), self.slotRemoveDownload)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow, SIGNAL("addContainer"), self.slotAddContainer)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow, SIGNAL("stopAllDownloads"), self.slotStopAllDownloads)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow, SIGNAL("setClipboardStatus"), self.slotSetClipboardStatus)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow, SIGNAL("changePackageName"), self.slotChangePackageName)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow, SIGNAL("pullOutPackage"), self.slotPullOutPackage)
- self.connect(self.mainWindow.captchaDock, SIGNAL("done"), self.slotCaptchaDone)
- def slotShowConnector(self):
- """
- emitted from main window (menu)
- hide the main window and show connection manager
- (to switch to other core)
- """
- self.stopMain()
- self.init()
- def quit(self):
- """
- quit gui
- """
- def loop(self):
- """
- start application loop
- """
- sys.exit(
- def slotErrorBox(self, msg):
- """
- display a nice error box
- """
- msgb = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, "Error", msg)
- msgb.exec_()
- def initPackageCollector(self):
- """
- init the package collector view
- * columns
- * selection
- * refresh thread
- * drag'n'drop
- """
- view = self.mainWindow.tabs["collector"]["package_view"]
- view.setColumnCount(1)
- view.setHeaderLabels(["Name"])
- view.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows)
- view.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection)
- def dropEvent(klass, event):
- event.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction)
- event.accept()
- view = event.source()
- if view == klass:
- items = view.selectedItems()
- for item in items:
- if not hasattr(item.parent(), "getPackData"):
- continue
- target = view.itemAt(event.pos())
- if not hasattr(target, "getPackData"):
- target = target.parent()
- klass.emit(SIGNAL("droppedToPack"), target.getPackData()["id"], item.getFileData()["id"])
- event.accept()
- return
- items = view.selectedItems()
- for item in items:
- row = view.indexOfTopLevelItem(item)
- view.takeTopLevelItem(row)
- def dragEvent(klass, event):
- view = event.source()
- #dragOkay = False
- #items = view.selectedItems()
- #for item in items:
- # if hasattr(item, "_data"):
- # if item._data["id"] == "fixed" or item.parent()._data["id"] == "fixed":
- # dragOkay = True
- # else:
- # dragOkay = True
- #if dragOkay:
- event.accept()
- #else:
- # event.ignore()
- view.dropEvent = dropEvent
- view.dragEnterEvent = dragEvent
- view.setDragEnabled(True)
- view.setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView.DragDrop)
- view.setDropIndicatorShown(True)
- view.setDragDropOverwriteMode(True)
- self.connect(view, SIGNAL("droppedToPack"), self.slotAddFileToPackage)
- self.packageCollector = PackageCollector(view, self.connector)
- def initLinkCollector(self):
- """
- init the link collector
- * refresh thread
- """
- self.linkCollector = LinkCollector(self.mainWindow.tabs["collector"]["package_view"], self.packageCollector.linkCollector, self.connector)
- def initQueue(self):
- """
- init the queue view
- * columns
- * refresh thread
- * progressbar
- """
- view = self.mainWindow.tabs["queue"]["view"]
- view.setColumnCount(4)
- view.setHeaderLabels([_("Name"), _("Plugin"), _("Status"), _("Progress")])
- view.setColumnWidth(0, 300)
- view.setColumnWidth(1, 100)
- view.setColumnWidth(2, 200)
- view.setColumnWidth(3, 100)
- self.queue = Queue(view, self.connector)
- delegate = QueueProgressBarDelegate(view, self.queue)
- view.setItemDelegateForColumn(3, delegate)
- self.queue.start()
- def refreshServerStatus(self):
- """
- refresh server status and overall speed in the status bar
- """
- status = self.connector.getServerStatus()
- if status["pause"]:
- status["status"] = _("Paused")
- else:
- status["status"] = _("Running")
- status["speed"] = int(status["speed"])
- text = _("Status: %(status)s | Speed: %(speed)s kb/s") % status
- self.mainWindow.actions["toggle_status"].setChecked(not status["pause"])
- self.mainWindow.serverStatus.setText(text)
- def refreshLog(self):
- """
- update log window
- """
- offset = self.mainWindow.tabs["log"]["text"].logOffset
- lines = self.connector.getLog(offset)
- if not lines:
- return
- self.mainWindow.tabs["log"]["text"].logOffset += len(lines)
- for line in lines:
- self.mainWindow.tabs["log"]["text"].emit(SIGNAL("append(QString)"), line)
- cursor = self.mainWindow.tabs["log"]["text"].textCursor()
- cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.End, QTextCursor.MoveAnchor)
- self.mainWindow.tabs["log"]["text"].setTextCursor(cursor)
- def updateAvailable(self):
- """
- update notification
- """
- status = self.connector.updateAvailable()
- if status:
- self.mainWindow.statusbar.emit(SIGNAL("showMsg"), _("Update Available"))
- else:
- self.mainWindow.statusbar.emit(SIGNAL("showMsg"), "")
- def getConnections(self):
- """
- parse all connections in the config file
- """
- connectionsNode = self.parser.xml.elementsByTagName("connections").item(0)
- if connectionsNode.isNull():
- raise Exception("null")
- connections = self.parser.parseNode(connectionsNode)
- ret = []
- for conn in connections:
- data = {}
- data["type"] = conn.attribute("type", "remote")
- data["default"] = conn.attribute("default", "False")
- data["id"] = conn.attribute("id", uuid().hex)
- if data["default"] == "True":
- data["default"] = True
- else:
- data["default"] = False
- subs = self.parser.parseNode(conn, "dict")
- if not subs.has_key("name"):
- data["name"] = _("Unnamed")
- else:
- data["name"] = subs["name"].text()
- if data["type"] == "remote":
- if not subs.has_key("server"):
- continue
- else:
- data["host"] = subs["server"].text()
- data["ssl"] = subs["server"].attribute("ssl", "False")
- if data["ssl"] == "True":
- data["ssl"] = True
- else:
- data["ssl"] = False
- data["user"] = subs["server"].attribute("user", "admin")
- data["port"] = int(subs["server"].attribute("port", "7227"))
- ret.append(data)
- return ret
- def slotSaveConnection(self, data):
- """
- save connection to config file
- """
- connectionsNode = self.parser.xml.elementsByTagName("connections").item(0)
- if connectionsNode.isNull():
- raise Exception("null")
- connections = self.parser.parseNode(connectionsNode)
- connNode = self.parser.xml.createElement("connection")
- connNode.setAttribute("default", str(data["default"]))
- connNode.setAttribute("type", data["type"])
- connNode.setAttribute("id", data["id"])
- nameNode = self.parser.xml.createElement("name")
- nameText = self.parser.xml.createTextNode(data["name"])
- nameNode.appendChild(nameText)
- connNode.appendChild(nameNode)
- if data["type"] == "remote":
- serverNode = self.parser.xml.createElement("server")
- serverNode.setAttribute("ssl", data["ssl"])
- serverNode.setAttribute("user", data["user"])
- serverNode.setAttribute("port", data["port"])
- hostText = self.parser.xml.createTextNode(data["host"])
- serverNode.appendChild(hostText)
- connNode.appendChild(serverNode)
- found = False
- for c in connections:
- cid = c.attribute("id", "None")
- if str(cid) == str(data["id"]):
- found = c
- break
- if found:
- connectionsNode.replaceChild(connNode, found)
- else:
- connectionsNode.appendChild(connNode)
- self.parser.saveData()
- self.refreshConnections()
- def slotRemoveConnection(self, data):
- """
- remove connection from config file
- """
- connectionsNode = self.parser.xml.elementsByTagName("connections").item(0)
- if connectionsNode.isNull():
- raise Exception("null")
- connections = self.parser.parseNode(connectionsNode)
- found = False
- for c in connections:
- cid = c.attribute("id", "None")
- if str(cid) == str(data["id"]):
- found = c
- break
- if found:
- connectionsNode.removeChild(found)
- self.parser.saveData()
- self.refreshConnections()
- def slotConnect(self, data):
- """
- slot: connect button in connectionmanager
- show password window if remote connection or start connecting
- """
- self.connWindow.hide()
- self.connData = data
- if data["type"] == "local":
- self.slotPasswordTyped("")
- else:
- def slotPasswordTyped(self, pw):
- """
- connect to a core
- if connection is local, parse the core config file for data
- set up connector, show main window
- """
- data = self.connData
- data["password"] = pw
- if not data["type"] == "remote":
- coreparser = XMLParser("module/config/core.xml", "module/config/core_default.xml")
- sections = coreparser.parseNode(coreparser.root, "dict")
- conf = coreparser.parseNode(sections["remote"], "dict")
- ssl = coreparser.parseNode(sections["ssl"], "dict")
- data["port"] = conf["port"].text()
- data["user"] = conf["username"].text()
- data["password"] = conf["password"].text()
- data["host"] = ""
- if str(ssl["activated"].text()).lower() == "true":
- data["ssl"] = True
- else:
- data["ssl"] = False
- if data["ssl"]:
- data["ssl"] = "s"
- else:
- data["ssl"] = ""
- server_url = "http%(ssl)s://%(user)s:%(password)s@%(host)s:%(port)s/" % data
- self.connector.setAddr(str(server_url))
- self.startMain()
- def refreshConnections(self):
- """
- reload connetions and display them
- """
- self.parser.loadData()
- conns = self.getConnections()
- self.connWindow.emit(SIGNAL("setConnections"), conns)
- for conn in conns:
- if conn["default"]:
- return conn
- return None
- def slotAddLinks(self, links):
- """
- emitted from main window
- add urls to the collector
- """
- self.connector.addURLs(links)
- def slotSetDownloadStatus(self, status):
- """
- toolbar start/pause slot
- """
- self.connector.setPause(not status)
- def slotAddPackage(self, name, ids):
- """
- emitted from main window
- add package to the collector
- """
- packid = self.connector.newPackage(str(name))
- for fileid in ids:
- self.connector.addFileToPackage(fileid, packid)
- self.mainWindow.lastAddedID = packid
- def slotAddFileToPackage(self, pid, fid):
- """
- emitted from collector view after a drop action
- """
- self.connector.addFileToPackage(fid, pid)
- def slotAddContainer(self, path):
- """
- emitted from main window
- add container
- """
- filename = basename(path)
- type = "".join(filename.split(".")[-1])
- fh = open(path, "r")
- content =
- fh.close()
- self.connector.uploadContainer(filename, type, content)
- def slotSaveMainWindow(self, state, geo):
- """
- save the window geometry and toolbar/dock position to config file
- """
- mainWindowNode = self.parser.xml.elementsByTagName("mainWindow").item(0)
- if mainWindowNode.isNull():
- mainWindowNode = self.parser.xml.createElement("mainWindow")
- self.parser.root.appendChild(mainWindowNode)
- stateNode = mainWindowNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("state").item(0)
- geoNode = mainWindowNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("geometry").item(0)
- newStateNode = self.parser.xml.createTextNode(state)
- newGeoNode = self.parser.xml.createTextNode(geo)
- stateNode.removeChild(stateNode.firstChild())
- geoNode.removeChild(geoNode.firstChild())
- stateNode.appendChild(newStateNode)
- geoNode.appendChild(newGeoNode)
- self.parser.saveData()
- def restoreMainWindow(self):
- """
- load and restore main window geometry and toolbar/dock position from config
- """
- mainWindowNode = self.parser.xml.elementsByTagName("mainWindow").item(0)
- if mainWindowNode.isNull():
- return
- nodes = self.parser.parseNode(mainWindowNode, "dict")
- state = str(nodes["state"].text())
- geo = str(nodes["geometry"].text())
- self.mainWindow.restoreWindow(state, geo)
- self.mainWindow.captchaDock.hide()
- def slotPushPackageToQueue(self, id):
- """
- emitted from main window
- push the collector package to queue
- """
- self.connector.pushPackageToQueue(id)
- def slotRestartDownload(self, id, isPack):
- """
- emitted from main window
- restart download
- """
- if isPack:
- self.connector.restartPackage(id)
- else:
- self.connector.restartFile(id)
- def slotRemoveDownload(self, id, isPack):
- """
- emitted from main window
- remove download
- """
- if isPack:
- self.connector.removePackage(id)
- else:
- self.connector.removeFile(id)
- def slotStopAllDownloads(self):
- """
- emitted from main window
- stop all running downloads
- """
- self.connector.stopAllDownloads()
- def slotClipboardChange(self):
- """
- called if clipboard changes
- """
- if self.checkClipboard:
- text = self.clipboard.text()
- pattern = re.compile(r"(http|https)://[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(([0-9]{1,5})?/.*)?")
- matches = pattern.finditer(text)
- for match in matches:
- self.slotAddLinks([str(])
- def slotSetClipboardStatus(self, status):
- """
- set clipboard checking
- """
- self.checkClipboard = status
- def slotChangePackageName(self, pid, name):
- """
- package name edit finished
- """
- self.connector.setPackageName(pid, str(name))
- def slotPullOutPackage(self, pid, isPack):
- """
- pull package out of the queue
- """
- if isPack:
- self.connector.pullOutPackage(pid)
- def checkCaptcha(self):
- if self.connector.captchaWaiting() and self.mainWindow.captchaDock.isFree():
- cid, img, imgType = self.connector.getCaptcha()
- self.mainWindow.captchaDock.emit(SIGNAL("setTask"), cid, str(img), imgType)
- elif not self.mainWindow.captchaDock.isFree():
- status = self.connector.getCaptchaStatus(self.mainWindow.captchaDock.currentID)
- if not (status == "user" or status == "shared-user"):
- self.mainWindow.captchaDock.hide()
- self.mainWindow.captchaDock.processing = False
- self.mainWindow.captchaDock.currentID = None
- def slotCaptchaDone(self, cid, result):
- self.connector.setCaptchaResult(str(cid), str(result))
- def pullEvents(self):
- events = self.connector.getEvents()
- for event in events:
- if event[1] == "queue":
- self.queue.addEvent(event)
- elif event[1] == "packages":
- self.packageCollector.addEvent(event)
- elif event[1] == "collector":
- self.linkCollector.addEvent(event)
- class Loop(QThread):
- """
- main loop (not application loop)
- """
- def __init__(self, parent):
- QThread.__init__(self)
- self.parent = parent
- self.running = True
- def run(self):
- while self.running:
- sleep(1)
- self.update()
- def update(self):
- """
- methods to call
- """
- self.parent.refreshServerStatus()
- self.parent.refreshLog()
- self.parent.updateAvailable()
- self.parent.checkCaptcha()
- self.parent.pullEvents()
- def stop(self):
- self.running = False
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- app = main()
- app.loop()