path: root/module/web/media/js/
diff options
authorGravatar stickell <> 2014-08-24 16:00:27 +0200
committerGravatar stickell <> 2014-08-24 16:00:27 +0200
commitdf888fad2bd1697f6c61930c486242764184d638 (patch)
tree290e04ade53e7f01ae74b2c7f886f711e8062afa /module/web/media/js/
parent[MultiHoster] Fixed crash due to getConf deprecation (diff)
Revert 8446e16346ece5a934550f69e81d0cad528f7fba. It broke the WebUI.
Diffstat (limited to 'module/web/media/js/')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/web/media/js/ b/module/web/media/js/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55151acc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/web/media/js/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# External scope
+root = this
+# helper functions
+humanFileSize = (size) ->
+ filesizename = new Array("B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB")
+ loga = Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024)
+ i = Math.floor(loga)
+ a = Math.pow(1024, i)
+ if size is 0 then "0 B" else (Math.round(size * 100 / a) / 100 + " " + filesizename[i])
+parseUri = () ->
+ oldString = $("add_links").value
+ regxp = new RegExp('(ht|f)tp(s?):\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\/\?=_&%#]+[<| |\"|\'|\r|\n|\t]{1}', 'g')
+ resu = oldString.match regxp
+ return if resu == null
+ res = "";
+ for part in resu
+ if part.indexOf(" ") != -1
+ res = res + part.replace(" ", " \n")
+ else if part.indexOf("\t") != -1
+ res = res + part.replace("\t", " \n")
+ else if part.indexOf("\r") != -1
+ res = res + part.replace("\r", " \n")
+ else if part.indexOf("\"") != -1
+ res = res + part.replace("\"", " \n")
+ else if part.indexOf("<") != -1
+ res = res + part.replace("<", " \n")
+ else if part.indexOf("'") != -1
+ res = res + part.replace("'", " \n")
+ else
+ res = res + part.replace("\n", " \n")
+ $("add_links").value = res;
+Array::remove = (from, to) ->
+ rest = this.slice((to || from) + 1 || this.length)
+ this.length = from < 0 ? this.length + from : from
+ return [] if this.length == 0
+ return this.push.apply(this, rest)
+document.addEvent "domready", ->
+ # global notification
+ root.notify = new Purr {
+ 'mode': 'top'
+ 'position': 'center'
+ }
+ root.captchaBox = new MooDialog {destroyOnHide: false}
+ root.captchaBox.setContent $ 'cap_box'
+ root.addBox = new MooDialog {destroyOnHide: false}
+ root.addBox.setContent $ 'add_box'
+ $('add_form').onsubmit = ->
+ $('add_form').target = 'upload_target'
+ if $('add_name').value is "" and $('add_file').value is ""
+ alert '{{_("Please Enter a packagename.")}}'
+ return false
+ else
+ root.addBox.close()
+ return true
+ $('add_reset').addEvent 'click', -> root.addBox.close()
+ $('action_add').addEvent 'click', -> $("add_form").reset();
+ $('action_play').addEvent 'click', -> new Request({method: 'get', url: '/api/unpauseServer'}).send()
+ $('action_cancel').addEvent 'click', -> new Request({method: 'get', url: '/api/stopAllDownloads'}).send()
+ $('action_stop').addEvent 'click', -> new Request({method: 'get', url: '/api/pauseServer'}).send()
+ # captcha events
+ $('cap_info').addEvent 'click', ->
+ load_captcha "get", ""
+ $('cap_reset').addEvent 'click', -> root.captchaBox.close()
+ $('cap_form').addEvent 'submit', (e) ->
+ submit_captcha()
+ e.stop()
+ $('cap_positional').addEvent 'click', on_captcha_click
+ new Request.JSON({
+ url: "/json/status"
+ onSuccess: LoadJsonToContent
+ secure: false
+ async: true
+ initialDelay: 0
+ delay: 4000
+ limit: 3000
+ }).startTimer()
+LoadJsonToContent = (data) ->
+ $("speed").set 'text', humanFileSize(data.speed)+"/s"
+ $("aktiv").set 'text',
+ $("aktiv_from").set 'text', data.queue
+ $("aktiv_total").set 'text',
+ if data.captcha
+ if $("cap_info").getStyle("display") != "inline"
+ $("cap_info").setStyle 'display', 'inline'
+ root.notify.alert '{{_("New Captcha Request")}}', {
+ 'className': 'notify'
+ }
+ else
+ $("cap_info").setStyle 'display', 'none'
+ if
+ $("time").set 'text', ' {{_("on")}}'
+ $("time").setStyle 'background-color', "#8ffc25"
+ else
+ $("time").set 'text', ' {{_("off")}}'
+ $("time").setStyle 'background-color', "#fc6e26"
+ if data.reconnect
+ $("reconnect").set 'text', ' {{_("on")}}'
+ $("reconnect").setStyle 'background-color', "#8ffc25"
+ else
+ $("reconnect").set 'text', ' {{_("off")}}'
+ $("reconnect").setStyle 'background-color', "#fc6e26"
+ return null
+set_captcha = (data) ->
+ $('cap_id').set 'value',
+ if (data.result_type is 'textual')
+ $('cap_textual_img').set 'src', data.src
+ $('cap_title').set 'text', '{{_("Please read the text on the captcha.")}}'
+ $('cap_submit').setStyle 'display', 'inline'
+ $('cap_textual').setStyle 'display', 'block'
+ $('cap_positional').setStyle 'display', 'none'
+ else if (data.result_type == 'positional')
+ $('cap_positional_img').set('src', data.src)
+ $('cap_title').set('text', '{{_("Please click on the right captcha position.")}}')
+ $('cap_submit').setStyle('display', 'none')
+ $('cap_textual').setStyle('display', 'none')
+load_captcha = (method, post) ->
+ new Request.JSON({
+ url: "/json/set_captcha"
+ onSuccess: (data) -> set_captcha(data) if data.captcha else clear_captcha()
+ secure: false
+ async: true
+ method: method
+ }).send(post)
+clear_captcha = ->
+ $('cap_textual').setStyle 'display', 'none'
+ $('cap_textual_img').set 'src', ''
+ $('cap_positional').setStyle 'display', 'none'
+ $('cap_positional_img').set 'src', ''
+ $('cap_title').set 'text', '{{_("No Captchas to read.")}}'
+submit_captcha = ->
+ load_captcha("post", "cap_id=" + $('cap_id').get('value') + "&cap_result=" + $('cap_result').get('value') );
+ $('cap_result').set('value', '')
+ false
+on_captcha_click = (e) ->
+ position =
+ x = - position.x
+ y = - position.y
+ $('cap_result').value = x + "," + y
+ submit_captcha()