path: root/module/utils/
diff options
authorGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2015-02-16 21:59:10 +0100
committerGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2015-02-16 21:59:10 +0100
commit8e7d14bae4d3c836f029a1235eb227380acc3f75 (patch)
treeebd0679642cccb994e70a89a106b394189cb28bc /module/utils/
parentMerge branch 'stable' into 0.4.10 (diff)
Fix plugins to work on 0.4.10
Diffstat (limited to 'module/utils/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/module/utils/ b/module/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dbde9b50..000000000
--- a/module/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import re
-from urlparse import urlparse
-endings = ("jdeatme", "3gp", "7zip", "7z", "abr", "ac3", "aiff", "aifc", "aif", "ai",
- "au", "avi", "apk", "bin", "bmp", "bat", "bz2", "cbr", "cbz", "ccf", "chm",
- "cr2", "cso", "cue", "cvd", "dta", "deb", "divx", "djvu", "dlc", "dmg", "doc",
- "docx", "dot", "eps", "epub", "exe", "ff", "flv", "flac", "f4v", "gsd", "gif",
- "gpg", "gz", "iwd", "idx", "iso", "ipa", "ipsw", "java", "jar", "jpe?g", "load",
- "m2ts", "m4v", "m4a", "md5", "mkv", "mp2", "mp3", "mp4", "mobi", "mov", "movie",
- "mpeg", "mpe", "mpg", "mpq", "msi", "msu", "msp", "mv", "mws", "nfo", "npk", "oga",
- "ogg", "ogv", "otrkey", "par2", "pkg", "png", "pdf", "pptx?", "ppsx?", "ppz", "pot",
- "psd", "qt", "rmvb", "rm", "rar", "ram", "ra", "rev", "rnd", "rpm", "run", "rsdf",
- "reg", "rtf", "shnf", "sh(?!tml)", "ssa", "smi", "sub", "srt", "snd", "sfv", "sfx",
- "swf", "swc", "tar\.(gz|bz2|xz)", "tar", "tgz", "tiff?", "ts", "txt", "viv", "vivo",
- "vob", "vtt", "webm", "wav", "wmv", "wma", "xla", "xls", "xpi", "zeno", "zip",
- "[r-z]\d{2}", "_[_a-z]{2}", "\d{3,4}(?=\?|$|\"|\r|\n)")
-rarPats = [re.compile(r'(.*)(\.|_|-)pa?r?t?\.?\d+.(rar|exe)$', re.I),
- re.compile(r'(.*)(\.|_|-)part\.?[0]*[1].(rar|exe)$', re.I),
- re.compile(r'(.*)\.rar$', re.I),
- re.compile(r'(.*)\.r\d+$', re.I),
- re.compile(r'(.*)(\.|_|-)\d+$', re.I)]
-zipPats = [re.compile(r'(.*)\.zip$', re.I),
- re.compile(r'(.*)\.z\d+$', re.I),
- re.compile(r'(?is).*\.7z\.[\d]+$', re.I),
- re.compile(r'(.*)\.a.$', re.I)]
-ffsjPats = [re.compile(r'(.*)\._((_[a-z])|([a-z]{2}))(\.|$)'),
- re.compile(r'(.*)(\.|_|-)[\d]+(\.(' + '|'.join(endings) + ')$)', re.I)]
-iszPats = [re.compile(r'(.*)\.isz$', re.I),
- re.compile(r'(.*)\.i\d{2}$', re.I)]
-pat0 = re.compile(r'www\d*\.', re.I)
-pat1 = re.compile(r'(\.?CD\d+)', re.I)
-pat2 = re.compile(r'(\.?part\d+)', re.I)
-pat3 = re.compile(r'(.+)[\.\-_]+$')
-pat4 = re.compile(r'(.+)\.\d+\.xtm$')
-def matchFirst(string, *args):
- """ matches against list of regexp and returns first match """
- for patternlist in args:
- for pattern in patternlist:
- m =
- if m is not None:
- name =
- return name
- return string
-def parseNames(files):
- """ Generates packages names from name, data lists
- :param files: list of (name, data)
- :return: packagenames mapped to data lists (eg. urls)
- """
- packs = {}
- for file, url in files:
- patternMatch = False
- if file is None:
- continue
- # remove trailing /
- name = file.rstrip('/')
- # extract last path part .. if there is a path
- split = name.rsplit("/", 1)
- if len(split) > 1:
- name = split.pop(1)
- #check if an already existing package may be ok for this file
- # found = False
- # for pack in packs:
- # if pack in file:
- # packs[pack].append(url)
- # found = True
- # break
- #
- # if found:
- # continue
- # unrar pattern, 7zip/zip and hjmerge pattern, isz pattern, FFSJ pattern
- before = name
- name = matchFirst(name, rarPats, zipPats, iszPats, ffsjPats)
- if before != name:
- patternMatch = True
- # xtremsplit pattern
- m =
- if m is not None:
- name =
- # remove part and cd pattern
- m =
- if m is not None:
- name = name.replace(, "")
- patternMatch = True
- m =
- if m is not None:
- name = name.replace(, "")
- patternMatch = True
- # additional checks if extension pattern matched
- if patternMatch:
- # remove extension
- index = name.rfind(".")
- if index <= 0:
- index = name.rfind("_")
- if index > 0:
- length = len(name) - index
- if length <= 4:
- name = name[:-length]
- # remove endings like . _ -
- m =
- if m is not None:
- name =
- # replace . and _ with space
- name = name.replace(".", " ")
- name = name.replace("_", " ")
- name = name.strip()
- else:
- name = ""
- # fallback: package by hoster
- if not name:
- name = urlparse(file).netloc
- if name:
- name = pat0.sub("", name)
- # fallback : default name
- if not name:
- name = _("Unnamed package")
- # build mapping
- if name in packs:
- packs[name].append(url)
- else:
- packs[name] = [url]
- return packs