" HiCursorWords -- Highlights words under the cursor. " " Maintainer: Shuhei Kubota <kubota.shuhei+vim@gmail.com> " Description: " This script highlights words under the cursor like many IDEs. " " This doesn't provide scope-aware highlighting nor language specific one. " You can control highlighting by highlighting group names. " " Variables: " " (A right hand side value is a default value.) " " g:HiCursorWords_delay = 200 " A delay for highlighting in milliseconds. " Smaller value may cause your machine slow down. " " g:HiCursorWords_hiGroupRegexp = '' " If empty, all words are highlighted. " If not empty, only the specified highlight group is highlighted. " (my memo: 'Identifier\|vimOperParen') " " To investigate highlight group name, the next variable may help you. " " g:HiCursorWords_debugEchoHiName = 0 " If not 0, echoes the highlight group name under the cursor. " " Hightlight groups: " " (Do :highlight! as you like.) " " WordUnderTheCursor " " if !exists('g:HiCursorWords_delay') let g:HiCursorWords_delay = 2 endif if !exists('g:HiCursorWords_hiGroupRegexp') let g:HiCursorWords_hiGroupRegexp = '' endif if !exists('g:HiCursorWords_debugEchoHiName') let g:HiCursorWords_debugEchoHiName = 0 endif highlight! link WordUnderTheCursor Underlined augroup HiCursorWords autocmd! autocmd CursorMoved,CursorMovedI * call s:HiCursorWords__startHilighting() augroup END function! s:HiCursorWords__getHiName(linenum, colnum) let hiname = synIDattr(synID(a:linenum, a:colnum, 0), "name") let hiname = s:HiCursorWords__resolveHiName(hiname) return hiname endfunction function! s:HiCursorWords__resolveHiName(hiname) redir => resolved silent execute 'highlight ' . a:hiname redir END if stridx(resolved, 'links to') == -1 return a:hiname endif return substitute(resolved, '\v(.*) links to ([^ ]+).*$', '\2', '') endfunction function! s:HiCursorWords__getWordUnderTheCursor(linestr, linenum, colnum) "let word = substitute(a:linestr, '.*\(\<\k\{-}\%' . a:colnum . 'c\k\{-}\>\).*', '\1', '') "expand('<word>') let word = matchstr(a:linestr, '\k*\%' . a:colnum . 'c\k\+') if word == '' return '' endif return '\V\<' . word . '\>' endfunction function! s:HiCursorWords__execute() if exists("w:HiCursorWords__matchId") call matchdelete(w:HiCursorWords__matchId) unlet w:HiCursorWords__matchId endif let linestr = getline('.') let linenum = line('.') let colnum = col('.') if g:HiCursorWords_debugEchoHiName echo s:HiCursorWords__getHiName(linenum, colnum) endif let word = s:HiCursorWords__getWordUnderTheCursor(linestr, linenum, colnum) if strlen(word) != 0 if strlen(g:HiCursorWords_hiGroupRegexp) != 0 \ && match(s:HiCursorWords__getHiName(linenum, colnum), g:HiCursorWords_hiGroupRegexp) == -1 return endif let w:HiCursorWords__matchId = matchadd('WordUnderTheCursor', word, 0) endif endfunction function! s:HiCursorWords__startHilighting() let b:HiCursorWords__oldUpdatetime = &updatetime let &updatetime = g:HiCursorWords_delay augroup HiCursorWordsUpdate autocmd! autocmd CursorHold,CursorHoldI * \ if exists('b:HiCursorWords__oldUpdatetime') | let &updatetime = b:HiCursorWords__oldUpdatetime | endif \ | call s:HiCursorWords__execute() augroup END endfunction " vim: set et ft=vim sts=4 sw=4 ts=4 tw=78 :