# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from os import remove from os.path import dirname from logging import log, DEBUG from hashlib import md5 from time import time from nose.tools import nottest from helper.Stubs import Core from helper.PluginTester import PluginTester from module.PyFile import PyFile from module.plugins.Base import Fail from module.utils import accumulate from module.utils.fs import save_join, join, exists DL_DIR = join("Downloads", "tmp") class HosterPluginTester(PluginTester): files = {} def setUp(self): PluginTester.setUp(self) for f in self.files: pass if exists(join(DL_DIR, f)): remove(join(DL_DIR, f)) @nottest def test_plugin(self, name, url, flag): # Print to stdout to see whats going on print "%s: %s, %s" % (name, url, flag) log(DEBUG, "%s: %s, %s", name, url, flag) # url and plugin should be only important thing pyfile = PyFile(self.core, -1, url, url, 0, 0, "", name, 0, 0) pyfile.initPlugin() self.thread.pyfile = pyfile self.thread.plugin = pyfile.plugin try: a = time() pyfile.plugin.preprocessing(self.thread) log(DEBUG, "downloading took %ds" % (time()-a)) log(DEBUG, "size %d kb" % (pyfile.size / 1024)) if flag == "offline": raise Exception("No offline Exception raised.") if pyfile.name not in self.files: raise Exception("Filename %s not recognized." % pyfile.name) if not exists(save_join(DL_DIR, pyfile.name)): raise Exception("File %s does not exists." % pyfile.name) hash = md5() f = open(save_join(DL_DIR, pyfile.name)) while True: buf = f.read(4096) if not buf: break hash.update(buf) if hash.hexdigest() != self.files[pyfile.name]: log(DEBUG, "Hash is %s" % hash.hexdigest()) raise Exception("Hash does not match.") except Exception, e: if isinstance(e, Fail) and flag == "fail": pass elif isinstance(e, Fail) and flag == "offline" and e.message == "offline": pass else: raise # setup methods c = Core() f = open(join(dirname(__file__), "hosterlinks.txt")) links = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()] urls = [] flags = {} for l in links: if not l or l.startswith("#"): continue if l.startswith("http"): if "||" in l: l, flag = l.split("||") flags[l] = flag.strip() urls.append(l) elif len(l.split(" ")) == 2: name, hash = l.split(" ") HosterPluginTester.files[name] = hash hoster, c = c.pluginManager.parseUrls(urls) plugins = accumulate(hoster) for plugin, urls in plugins.iteritems(): for i, url in enumerate(urls): def meta(plugin, url, flag, sig): def _test(self): self.test_plugin(plugin, url, flag) _test.func_name = sig return _test tmp_flag = flags.get(url, None) if flags.get(url, None): sig = "test_%s_LINK%d_%s" % (plugin, i, tmp_flag) else: sig = "test_%s_LINK%d" % (plugin, i) setattr(HosterPluginTester, sig, meta(plugin, url, flags.get(url, None), sig))