var load, rename_box, confirm_box; document.addEvent("domready", function() { load = new Fx.Tween($("load-indicator"), {link: "cancel"}); load.set("opacity", 0); rename_box = new Fx.Tween($('rename_box')); confirm_box = new Fx.Tween($('confirm_box')); $('rename_reset').addEvent('click', function() { hide_rename_box() }); $('delete_reset').addEvent('click', function() { hide_confirm_box() }); /*$('filemanager_actions_list').getChildren("li").each(function(action) { var action_name = action.className; if(functions[action.className] != undefined) { action.addEvent('click', functions[action.className]); } });*/ }); function indicateLoad() { //$("load-indicator").reveal(); load.start("opacity", 1) } function indicateFinish() { load.start("opacity", 0) } function indicateSuccess() { indicateFinish(); notify.alert('{{_("Success")}}.', { 'className': 'success' }); } function indicateFail() { indicateFinish(); notify.alert('{{_("Failed")}}.', { 'className': 'error' }); } function show_rename_box() { bg_show(); $("rename_box").setStyle('display', 'block'); rename_box.start('opacity', 1) } function hide_rename_box() { bg_hide(); rename_box.start('opacity', 0).chain(function() { $('rename_box').setStyle('display', 'none'); }); } function show_confirm_box() { bg_show(); $("confirm_box").setStyle('display', 'block'); confirm_box.start('opacity', 1) } function hide_confirm_box() { bg_hide(); confirm_box.start('opacity', 0).chain(function() { $('confirm_box').setStyle('display', 'none'); }); } var FilemanagerUI = new Class({ initialize: function(url, type) { this.url = url; this.type = type; this.directories = []; this.files = []; this.parseChildren(); }, parseChildren: function() { $("directories-list").getChildren("li.folder").each(function(ele) { var path = ele.getElements("input.path")[0].get("value"); var name = ele.getElements("")[0].get("value"); this.directories.push(new Item(this, path, name, ele)) }.bind(this)); $("directories-list").getChildren("li.file").each(function(ele) { var path = ele.getElements("input.path")[0].get("value"); var name = ele.getElements("")[0].get("value"); this.files.push(new Item(this, path, name, ele)) }.bind(this)); } }); var Item = new Class({ initialize: function(ui, path, name, ele) { this.ui = ui; this.path = path; = name; this.ele = ele; this.directories = []; this.files = []; this.actions = new Array(); this.actions["delete"] = this.del; this.actions["rename"] = this.rename; this.actions["mkdir"] = this.mkdir; this.parseElement(); var pname = this.ele.getElements("span")[0]; this.buttons = new Fx.Tween(this.ele.getElements(".buttons")[0], {link: "cancel"}); this.buttons.set("opacity", 0); pname.addEvent("mouseenter", function(e) { this.buttons.start("opacity", 1) }.bind(this)); pname.addEvent("mouseleave", function(e) { this.buttons.start("opacity", 0) }.bind(this)); }, parseElement: function() { this.ele.getChildren('span span.buttons img').each(function(img) { img.addEvent('click', this.actions[img.className].bind(this)); }, this); //click on the directory name must open the directory itself this.ele.getElements('b')[0].addEvent('click', this.toggle.bind(this)); //iterate over child directories var uls = this.ele.getElements('ul'); if(uls.length > 0) { uls[0].getChildren("li.folder").each(function(fld) { var path = fld.getElements("input.path")[0].get("value"); var name = fld.getElements("")[0].get("value"); this.directories.push(new Item(this, path, name, fld)); }.bind(this)); uls[0].getChildren("li.file").each(function(fld) { var path = fld.getElements("input.path")[0].get("value"); var name = fld.getElements("")[0].get("value"); this.files.push(new Item(this, path, name, fld)); }.bind(this)); } }, reorderElements: function() { //TODO sort the main ul again (to keep data ordered after renaming something) }, del: function(event) { $("confirm_form").removeEvents("submit"); $("confirm_form").addEvent("submit", this.deleteDirectory.bind(this)); $$("#confirm_form p").set('html', '{{_(("Are you sure you want to delete the selected item?"))}}'); show_confirm_box(); event.stop(); }, deleteDirectory: function(event) { hide_confirm_box(); new Request.JSON({ method: 'POST', url: "/json/filemanager/delete", data: {'path': this.path, 'name':}, onSuccess: function(data) { if(data.response == "success") { new Fx.Tween(this.ele).start('opacity', 0); var ul = this.ele.parentNode; this.ele.dispose(); //if this was the only child, add a "empty folder" div if(!ul.getChildren('li')[0]) { var div = new Element("div", { 'html': '{{ _("Folder is empty") }}' }); div.replaces(ul); } indicateSuccess(); } else { //error from json code... indicateFail(); } }.bind(this), onFailure: indicateFail }).send(); event.stop(); }, rename: function(event) { $("rename_form").removeEvents("submit"); $("rename_form").addEvent("submit", this.renameDirectory.bind(this)); $("path").set("value", this.path); $("old_name").set("value",; $("new_name").set("value",; show_rename_box(); event.stop(); }, renameDirectory: function(event) { hide_rename_box(); new Request.JSON({ method: 'POST', url: "/json/filemanager/rename", onSuccess: function(data) { if(data.response == "success") { = $("new_name").get("value"); this.ele.getElements("b")[0].set('html', $("new_name").get("value")); this.reorderElements(); indicateSuccess(); } else { //error from json code... indicateFail(); } }.bind(this), onFailure: indicateFail }).send($("rename_form").toQueryString()); event.stop(); }, mkdir: function(event) { new Request.JSON({ method: 'POST', url: "/json/filemanager/mkdir", data: {'path': this.path + "/" +, 'name': '{{_("New folder")}}'}, onSuccess: function(data) { if(data.response == "success") { new Request.HTML({ method: 'POST', url: "/filemanager/get_dir", data: {'path': data.path, 'name':}, onSuccess: function(li) { //add node as first child of ul var ul = this.ele.getChildren('ul')[0]; if(!ul) { //remove the "Folder Empty" div this.ele.getChildren('div').dispose(); //create new ul to contain subfolder ul = new Element("ul"); ul.inject(this.ele, 'bottom'); } li[0].inject(ul, 'top'); //add directory as a subdirectory of the current item this.directories.push(new Item(this.ui, data.path,, ul.firstChild)); }.bind(this), onFailure: indicateFail }).send(); indicateSuccess(); } else { //error from json code... indicateFail(); } }.bind(this), onFailure: indicateFail }).send(); event.stop(); }, toggle: function() { var child = this.ele.getElement('ul'); if(child == null) child = this.ele.getElement('div'); if(child != null) { if (child.getStyle('display') == "block") { child.dissolve(); } else { child.reveal(); } } } });