# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import with_statement import base64 import binascii import os import re import urllib import bottle from pyload.webui import PYLOAD, DL_ROOT, JS try: from Crypto.Cipher import AES except Exception: pass def local_check(function): def _view(*args, **kwargs): if request.environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR", "0") in ("", "localhost") \ or request.environ.get("HTTP_HOST", "0") in ("", "localhost:9666"): return function(*args, **kwargs) else: return bottle.HTTPError(403, "Forbidden") return _view @bottle.route('/flash') @bottle.route('/flash/') @bottle.route('/flash', method='POST') @local_check def flash(id="0"): return "JDownloader\r\n" @bottle.route('/flash/add', method='POST') @local_check def add(request): package = request.POST.get('referer', None) urls = filter(lambda x: x != "", request.POST['urls'].split("\n")) if package: PYLOAD.addPackage(package, urls, 0) else: PYLOAD.generateAndAddPackages(urls, 0) return "" @bottle.route('/flash/addcrypted', method='POST') @local_check def addcrypted(): package = request.forms.get('referer', 'ClickNLoad Package') dlc = request.forms['crypted'].replace(" ", "+") dlc_path = os.path.join(DL_ROOT, package.replace("/", "").replace("\\", "").replace(":", "") + ".dlc") with open(dlc_path, "wb") as dlc_file: dlc_file.write(dlc) try: PYLOAD.addPackage(package, [dlc_path], 0) except Exception: return bottle.HTTPError() else: return "success\r\n" @bottle.route('/flash/addcrypted2', method='POST') @local_check def addcrypted2(): package = request.forms.get("source", None) crypted = request.forms['crypted'] jk = request.forms['jk'] crypted = base64.standard_b64decode(urllib.unquote(crypted.replace(" ", "+"))) if JS: jk = "%s f()" % jk jk = JS.eval(jk) else: try: jk = re.findall(r"return ('|\")(.+)('|\")", jk)[0][1] except Exception: # Test for some known js functions to decode if jk.find("dec") > -1 and jk.find("org") > -1: org = re.findall(r"var org = ('|\")([^\"']+)", jk)[0][1] jk = list(org) jk.reverse() jk = "".join(jk) else: print "Could not decrypt key, please install py-spidermonkey or ossp-js" try: Key = binascii.unhexlify(jk) except Exception: print "Could not decrypt key, please install py-spidermonkey or ossp-js" return "failed" IV = Key obj = AES.new(Key, AES.MODE_CBC, IV) result = obj.decrypt(crypted).replace("\x00", "").replace("\r", "").split("\n") result = filter(lambda x: x != "", result) try: if package: PYLOAD.addPackage(package, result, 0) else: PYLOAD.generateAndAddPackages(result, 0) except Exception: return "failed can't add" else: return "success\r\n" @bottle.route('/flashgot_pyload') @bottle.route('/flashgot_pyload', method='POST') @bottle.route('/flashgot') @bottle.route('/flashgot', method='POST') @local_check def flashgot(): if request.environ['HTTP_REFERER'] not in ("http://localhost:9666/flashgot", ""): return bottle.HTTPError() autostart = int(request.forms.get('autostart', 0)) package = request.forms.get('package', None) urls = filter(lambda x: x != "", request.forms['urls'].split("\n")) folder = request.forms.get('dir', None) if package: PYLOAD.addPackage(package, urls, autostart) else: PYLOAD.generateAndAddPackages(urls, autostart) return "" @bottle.route('/crossdomain.xml') @local_check def crossdomain(): rep = "\n" rep += "\n" rep += "\n" rep += "\n" rep += "" return rep @bottle.route('/flash/checkSupportForUrl') @local_check def checksupport(): url = request.GET.get("url") res = PYLOAD.checkURLs([url]) supported = (not res[0][1] is None) return str(supported).lower() @bottle.route('/jdcheck.js') @local_check def jdcheck(): rep = "jdownloader=true;\n" rep += "var version='9.581;'" return rep