define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'app', 'models/CollectorPackage', 'views/abstract/modalView', './collectorView', 'hbs!tpl/linkgrabber/modal'], function($, _, Backbone, App, CollectorPackage, modalView, CollectorView, template) { 'use strict'; // Modal dialog for package adding - triggers package:added when package was added return modalView.extend({ className: 'modal linkgrabber', events: { 'keypress #inputLinks': 'addOnEnter' }, template: template, // Holds the view that display the packages collectorView: null, initialize: function() { // Inherit parent events = _.extend({},,; this.listenTo(App.vent, 'package:added', _.bind(this.onAdded, this)); }, addOnEnter: function(e) { if (e.keyCode !== 13) return; this.addPackage(e); }, addPackage: function(e) { var self = this; // split, trim and remove empty links var links = _.filter($('#inputLinks').val().split('\n'), function(link) { return $.trim(link); }), function(link) { return link.length > 0; }); var options = App.apiRequest('checkLinks', {links: links}, { success: function(data) { self.collectorView.updateData(data); } }); $.ajax(options); this.$('#inputLinks').val(''); }, // Hide when there are no more packages onAdded: function() { if (this.collectorView !== null) { if (this.collectorView.collection.length === 0) this.hide(); } }, onRender: function() { // anonymous collection this.collectorView = new CollectorView({collection: new (Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: CollectorPackage }))()}); this.collectorView.setElement(this.$('.prepared-packages')); }, onDestroy: function() { if (this.collectorView) this.collectorView.close(); } }); });