define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore', 'app', 'hbs!tpl/dashboard/select'], function($, Backbone, _, App, template) { 'use strict'; // Renders context actions for selection packages and files return Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ el: '#selection-area', template: template, events: { 'click .icon-check': 'deselect', 'click .icon-pause': 'pause', 'click .icon-trash': 'trash', 'click .icon-refresh': 'restart' }, // Element of the action bar actionBar: null, // number of currently selected elements current: 0, initialize: function() { this.$el.calculateHeight().height(0); var render = _.bind(this.render, this); App.vent.on('dashboard:updated', render); App.vent.on('dashboard:filtered', render); App.vent.on('package:selection', render); App.vent.on('file:selection', render); App.vent.on('selection:toggle', _.bind(this.select_toggle, this)); // API events, maybe better to rely on internal ones? App.vent.on('package:deleted', render); App.vent.on('file:deleted', render); }, get_files: function(all) { var files = []; if (App.dashboard.files) if (all) files = App.dashboard.files.where({visible: true}); else files = App.dashboard.files.where({selected: true, visible: true}); return files; }, get_packs: function() { if (!App.dashboard.tree.get('packages')) return []; // TODO return App.dashboard.tree.get('packages').where({selected: true}); }, render: function() { var files = this.get_files().length; var packs = this.get_packs().length; if (files + packs > 0) { this.$el.html(this.template({files: files, packs: packs})); this.$el.initTooltips('bottom'); } if (files + packs > 0 && this.current === 0) this.$el.slideOut(); else if (files + packs === 0 && this.current > 0) this.$el.slideIn(); // TODO: accessing ui directly, should be events if (files > 0) {'icon-check').removeClass('icon-check-empty'); App.dashboard.ui.packages.addClass('ui-files-selected'); } else {'icon-check-empty').removeClass('icon-check'); App.dashboard.ui.packages.removeClass('ui-files-selected'); } this.current = files + packs; }, // Deselects all items deselect: function() { this.get_files().map(function(file) { file.set('selected', false); }); this.get_packs().map(function(pack) { pack.set('selected', false); }); this.render(); }, pause: function() { alert('Not implemented yet'); this.deselect(); }, trash: function() { _.confirm('default/confirmDialog.html', function() { var pids = []; // TODO: delete many at once this.get_packs().map(function(pack) { pids.push(pack.get('pid')); pack.destroy(); }); // get only the fids of non deleted packages var fids = _.filter(this.get_files(),function(file) { return !_.contains(pids, file.get('package')); }).map(function(file) { file.destroyLocal(); return file.get('fid'); }); if (fids.length > 0) $.ajax(App.apiRequest('deleteFiles', {fids: fids})); this.deselect(); }, this); }, restart: function() { this.get_files().map(function(file) { file.restart(); }); this.get_packs().map(function(pack) { pack.restart(); }); this.deselect(); }, // Select or deselect all visible files select_toggle: function() { var files = this.get_files(); if (files.length === 0) { this.get_files(true).map(function(file) { file.set('selected', true); }); } else { file.set('selected', false); }); this.render(); } }); });