define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore', 'app', 'utils/apitypes', 'views/abstract/itemView', 'helpers/formatTimeLeft', 'hbs!tpl/dashboard/file'], function($, Backbone, _, App, Api, ItemView, formatTime, template) { 'use strict'; // Renders single file item return ItemView.extend({ tagName: 'li', className: 'file-view row-fluid', template: template, events: { 'click .checkbox': 'select', 'click .btn-delete': 'deleteItem', 'click .btn-restart': 'restart' }, initialize: function() { this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render); // This will be triggered manually and changed before with silent=true this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:visible', this.visibility_changed); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:progress', this.onProgressChanged); this.listenTo(this.model, 'remove', this.unrender); this.listenTo(App.vent, 'dashboard:destroyContent', this.destroy); }, onDestroy: function() { }, render: function() { var data = this.model.toJSON(); if ( { var status =; if (status === Api.DownloadStatus.Offline || status === Api.DownloadStatus.TempOffline) data.offline = true; else if (status === Api.DownloadStatus.Online) = true; else if (status === Api.DownloadStatus.Waiting) data.waiting = true; else if (status === Api.DownloadStatus.Downloading) data.downloading = true; else if (this.model.isFailed()) data.failed = true; else if (this.model.isFinished()) data.finished = true; } this.$el.html(this.template(data)); if (this.model.get('selected')) this.$el.addClass('ui-selected'); else this.$el.removeClass('ui-selected'); if (this.model.get('visible')) this.$; else this.$el.hide(); return this; }, select: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var checked = this.$el.hasClass('ui-selected'); // toggle class immediately, so no re-render needed this.model.set('selected', !checked, {silent: true}); this.$el.toggleClass('ui-selected'); App.vent.trigger('file:selection'); }, visibility_changed: function(visible) { // TODO: improve animation, height is not available when element was not visible if (visible) this.$el.slideOut(true); else { this.$el.calculateHeight(true); this.$el.slideIn(true); } }, onProgressChanged: function(prog) { // TODO: progress for non download statuses if (!this.model.isDownload()) return; // criteria for re-rendering // ensure that the dl bar is rendered var render = !this.$('.progress .bar') || this.model.get('size') !== prog.get('total'); this.model.set({ progress: prog.getPercent(), eta: prog.get('eta'), size: prog.get('total') }, {silent: true}); if (this.model.get('download').status === Api.DownloadStatus.Downloading) { if (render) this.render(); var bar = this.$('.progress .bar'); bar.width(this.model.get('progress') + '%'); bar.html('  ' + formatTime(this.model.get('eta'))); } else if (this.model.get('download').status === Api.DownloadStatus.Waiting) { this.$('.second').html( ' ' + formatTime(this.model.get('eta'))); } else // Every else state can be rendered normally this.render(); } }); });