define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore', 'app', 'utils/apitypes'],
    function($, Backbone, _, App, Api) {
        'use strict';

        return Backbone.Model.extend({

            idAttribute: 'name',

            defaults: {
                name: '',
                label: '',
                description: '',
                input: null,
                value: null,
                // additional attributes
                inputView: null

            // Model Constructor
            initialize: function() {


            isChanged: function() {
                return this.get('inputView') && this.get('inputView').getVal() !== this.get('value');

            // set new value and return json
            prepareSave: function() {
                // set the new value
                if (this.get('inputView'))
                    this.set('value', this.get('inputView').getVal());

                // These values are enough to be handled correctly
                return {
                    name: this.get('name'),
                    value: this.get('value'),
                    '@class': this.get('@class')