define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore', 'app', 'utils/apitypes'], function($, Backbone, _, App, Api) { 'use strict'; return Backbone.Model.extend({ // cache results for 1 min CACHE: 60 * 1000, defaults: { timestamp: 0, // dict with all addon handlers data: null }, fetch: function(options) { return, App.apiRequest('getAddonHandler', null, options)); }, parse: function(resp) { this.set('timestamp', new Date().getTime()); return {data: resp}; }, // available addon handler for package or media types // async when callback is set getForType: function(pack, media, callback) { var self = this; if (callback && (!this.has('data') || this.get('timestamp') + this.CACHE < new Date().getTime())) { this.fetch({success: function() { callback(self.getForType(pack, media)); }}); return; } var addons = this.get('data'); // TODO: filter accordingly if (_.isFunction(callback)) { callback(addons); } else { return addons; } }, // dispatches call to the plugin invoke: function(plugin, func, args, success) { console.log('Invoking addon', plugin, func, args); return $.ajax(App.apiRequest('invokeAddon', { plugin: plugin, func: func, func_args: args }, {sucess: success})); } }); });