// Sets the require.js configuration for your application. 'use strict'; require.config({ deps: ['default'], paths: { jquery: '../components/jquery/jquery', flot: '../components/flot/jquery.flot', transit: '../components/jquery.transit/jquery.transit', animate: '../components/jquery.animate-enhanced/scripts/src/jquery.animate-enhanced', cookie: '../components/jquery.cookie/jquery.cookie', omniwindow: 'vendor/jquery.omniwindow', select2: '../components/select2/select2', bootstrap: '../components/bootstrap/docs/assets/js/bootstrap', underscore: '../components/underscore/underscore', backbone: '../components/backbone/backbone', marionette: '../components/backbone.marionette/lib/backbone.marionette', // version must be tested carefully, many are broken for amd handlebars: '../components/handlebars.js/dist/handlebars', jed: '../components/jed/jed', moment: '../components/momentjs/moment', // TODO: Two hbs dependencies could be replaced i18nprecompile: '../components/require-handlebars-plugin/hbs/i18nprecompile', json2: '../components/require-handlebars-plugin/hbs/json2', // Plugins // text: '../components/requirejs-text/text', hbs: '../components/require-handlebars-plugin/hbs', // Shortcut tpl: '../templates/default' }, map: { '*': { 'Handlebars': 'handlebars' } }, hbs: { disableI18n: true, helperPathCallback: // Callback to determine the path to look for helpers function(name) { if (name === '_' || name === 'ngettext') name = 'gettext'; // Some helpers are accumulated into one file if (name.indexOf('file') === 0) name = 'fileHelper'; return 'helpers/' + name; }, templateExtension: 'html' }, // Sets the configuration for your third party scripts that are not AMD compatible shim: { underscore: { exports: '_' }, backbone: { deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'], exports: 'Backbone' }, marionette: { deps: ['backbone'], exports: 'Backbone' }, handlebars: { exports: 'Handlebars' }, flot: ['jquery'], transit: ['jquery'], cookie: ['jquery'], omniwindow: ['jquery'], select2: ['jquery'], bootstrap: ['jquery'], animate: ['jquery'] } });