#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#   Copyright(c) 2008-2012 pyLoad Team
#   http://www.pyload.org
#   This file is part of pyLoad.
#   pyLoad is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#   License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   Subjected to the terms and conditions in LICENSE
#   @author: RaNaN

from mod_pywebsocket.msgutil import send_message
from mod_pywebsocket.util import get_class_logger

from pyload.Api import UserData
from pyload.remote.json_converter import loads, dumps

class AbstractHandler:
        Abstract Handler providing common methods shared across WebSocket handlers
    PATH = "/"

    OK = 200
    BAD_REQUEST = 400
    FORBIDDEN = 403
    NOT_FOUND = 404
    ERROR = 500

    def __init__(self, api):
        self.log = get_class_logger()
        self.api = api
        self.core = api.core

    def do_extra_handshake(self, req):
        self.log.debug("WS Connected: %s" % req)
        req.api = None #when api is set client is logged in

        # allow login via session when webinterface is active
        if self.core.config['webinterface']['activated']:
            cookie = req.headers_in.getheader('Cookie')
            s = self.load_session(cookie)
            if s:
                uid = s.get('uid', None)
                req.api = self.api.withUserContext(uid)
                self.log.debug("WS authenticated user with cookie: %d" % uid)


    def on_open(self, req):

    def load_session(self, cookies):
        from Cookie import SimpleCookie
        from beaker.session import Session
        from pyload.web.webinterface import session

        cookies = SimpleCookie(cookies)
        sid = cookies.get(session.options['key'])
        if not sid:
            return None

        s = Session({}, use_cookies=False, id=sid.value, **session.options)
        if s.is_new:
            return None

        return s

    def passive_closing_handshake(self, req):
        self.log.debug("WS Closed: %s" % req)

    def on_close(self, req):

    def transfer_data(self, req):
        raise NotImplemented

    def handle_call(self, msg, req):
        """ Parses the msg for an argument call. If func is null an response was already sent.

        :return: func, args, kwargs
            o = loads(msg)
        except ValueError, e: #invalid json object
            self.log.debug("Invalid Request: %s" % e)
            self.send_result(req, self.ERROR, "No JSON request")
            return None, None, None

        if not isinstance(o, basestring) and type(o) != list and len(o) not in range(1, 4):
            self.log.debug("Invalid Api call: %s" % o)
            self.send_result(req, self.ERROR, "Invalid Api call")
            return None, None, None

        # called only with name, no args
        if isinstance(o, basestring):
            return o, [], {}
        elif len(o) == 1: # arguments omitted
            return o[0], [], {}
        elif len(o) == 2:
            func, args = o
            if type(args) == list:
                return func, args, {}
                return func, [], args
            return tuple(o)

    def do_login(self, req, args, kwargs):
        user = None
        # Cookies login when one argument is given
        if len(args) == 1:
            s = self.load_session(args)
            if s:
                user = UserData(uid=s.get('uid', None))
            s = self.api.checkAuth(*args, **kwargs)
            if s:
                user = UserData(uid=s.uid)

        if user:
            req.api = self.api.withUserContext(user.uid)
            return self.send_result(req, self.OK, True)
            return self.send_result(req, self.FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden")

    def do_logout(self, req):
        req.api = None
        return self.send_result(req, self.OK, True)

    def send_result(self, req, code, result):
        return send_message(req, dumps([code, result]))

    def send(self, req, obj):
        return send_message(req, dumps(obj))