# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Test links (random.bin): # http://ul.to/044yug9o # http://ul.to/gzfhd0xs import re from time import sleep from module.utils import html_unescape, parseFileSize from module.plugins.Hoster import Hoster from module.network.RequestFactory import getURL from module.plugins.Plugin import chunks from module.plugins.internal.CaptchaService import ReCaptcha key = "bGhGMkllZXByd2VEZnU5Y2NXbHhYVlZ5cEE1bkEzRUw=".decode('base64') def getID(url): """ returns id from file url""" m = re.match(UploadedTo.__pattern__, url) return m.group('ID') def getAPIData(urls): post = {"apikey": key} idMap = {} for i, url in enumerate(urls): id = getID(url) post["id_%s" % i] = id idMap[id] = url for i in xrange(5): api = unicode(getURL("http://uploaded.net/api/filemultiple", post=post, decode=False), 'iso-8859-1') if api != "can't find request": break else: sleep(3) result = {} if api: for line in api.splitlines(): data = line.split(",", 4) if data[1] in idMap: result[data[1]] = (data[0], data[2], data[4], data[3], idMap[data[1]]) return result def parseFileInfo(self, url='', html=''): if not html and hasattr(self, "html"): html = self.html name, size, status, found, fileid = url, 0, 3, None, None if re.search(self.FILE_OFFLINE_PATTERN, html): # File offline status = 1 else: found = re.search(self.FILE_INFO_PATTERN, html) if found: name, fileid = html_unescape(found.group('N')), found.group('ID') size = parseFileSize(found.group('S')) status = 2 return name, size, status, fileid def getInfo(urls): for chunk in chunks(urls, 80): result = [] api = getAPIData(chunk) for data in api.itervalues(): if data[0] == "online": result.append((html_unescape(data[2]), data[1], 2, data[4])) elif data[0] == "offline": result.append((data[4], 0, 1, data[4])) yield result class UploadedTo(Hoster): __name__ = "UploadedTo" __type__ = "hoster" __pattern__ = r"https?://[\w\.-]*?(uploaded\.(to|net)|ul\.to)(/file/|/?\?id=|.*?&id=|/)(?P<ID>\w+)" __version__ = "0.71" __description__ = """Uploaded.net Download Hoster""" __author_name__ = ("spoob", "mkaay", "zoidberg", "netpok", "stickell") __author_mail__ = ("spoob@pyload.org", "mkaay@mkaay.de", "zoidberg@mujmail.cz", "netpok@gmail.com", "l.stickell@yahoo.it") FILE_INFO_PATTERN = r'<a href="file/(?P<ID>\w+)" id="filename">(?P<N>[^<]+)</a> \s*<small[^>]*>(?P<S>[^<]+)</small>' FILE_OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'<small class="cL">Error: 404</small>' DL_LIMIT_PATTERN = "You have reached the max. number of possible free downloads for this hour" def setup(self): self.html = None self.multiDL = False self.resumeDownload = False self.url = False self.chunkLimit = 1 # critical problems with more chunks if self.account: self.premium = self.account.getAccountInfo(self.user)["premium"] if self.premium: self.multiDL = True self.resumeDownload = True self.fileID = getID(self.pyfile.url) self.pyfile.url = "http://uploaded.net/file/%s" % self.fileID def process(self, pyfile): self.load("http://uploaded.net/language/en", just_header=True) api = getAPIData([pyfile.url]) # TODO: fallback to parse from site, because api sometimes delivers wrong status codes if not api: self.logWarning("No response for API call") self.html = unicode(self.load(pyfile.url, decode=False), 'iso-8859-1') name, size, status, self.fileID = parseFileInfo(self) self.logDebug(name, size, status, self.fileID) if status == 1: self.offline() elif status == 2: pyfile.name, pyfile.size = name, size else: self.fail('Parse error - file info') elif api == 'Access denied': self.fail(_("API key invalid")) else: if self.fileID not in api: self.offline() self.data = api[self.fileID] if self.data[0] != "online": self.offline() pyfile.name = html_unescape(self.data[2]) # self.pyfile.name = self.get_file_name() if self.premium: self.handlePremium() else: self.handleFree() def handlePremium(self): info = self.account.getAccountInfo(self.user, True) self.logDebug("%(name)s: Use Premium Account (%(left)sGB left)" % {"name": self.__name__, "left": info["trafficleft"] / 1024 / 1024}) if int(self.data[1]) / 1024 > info["trafficleft"]: self.logInfo(_("%s: Not enough traffic left" % self.__name__)) self.account.empty(self.user) self.resetAccount() self.fail(_("Traffic exceeded")) header = self.load("http://uploaded.net/file/%s" % self.fileID, just_header=True) if "location" in header: #Direct download print "Direct Download: " + header['location'] self.download(header['location']) else: #Indirect download self.html = self.load("http://uploaded.net/file/%s" % self.fileID) found = re.search(r'<div class="tfree".*\s*<form method="post" action="(.*?)"', self.html) if not found: self.fail("Download URL not found. Try to enable direct downloads.") url = found.group(1) print "Premium URL: " + url self.download(url, post={}) def handleFree(self): self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, decode=True) if 'var free_enabled = false;' in self.html: self.logError("Free-download capacities exhausted.") self.retry(24, 300) found = re.search(r"Current waiting period: <span>(\d+)</span> seconds", self.html) if not found: self.fail("File not downloadable for free users") self.setWait(int(found.group(1))) js = self.load("http://uploaded.net/js/download.js", decode=True) challengeId = re.search(r'Recaptcha\.create\("([^"]+)', js) url = "http://uploaded.net/io/ticket/captcha/%s" % self.fileID downloadURL = "" for i in range(5): #self.req.lastURL = str(self.url) re_captcha = ReCaptcha(self) challenge, result = re_captcha.challenge(challengeId.group(1)) options = {"recaptcha_challenge_field": challenge, "recaptcha_response_field": result} self.wait() result = self.load(url, post=options) self.logDebug("result: %s" % result) if "limit-size" in result: self.fail("File too big for free download") elif "limit-slot" in result: # Temporary restriction so just wait a bit self.setWait(30 * 60, True) self.wait() self.retry() elif "limit-parallel" in result: self.fail("Cannot download in parallel") elif self.DL_LIMIT_PATTERN in result: # limit-dl self.setWait(3 * 60 * 60, True) self.wait() self.retry() elif 'err:"captcha"' in result: self.logError("ul.net captcha is disabled") self.invalidCaptcha() elif "type:'download'" in result: self.correctCaptcha() downloadURL = re.search("url:'([^']+)", result).group(1) break else: self.fail("Unknown error '%s'") if not downloadURL: self.fail("No Download url retrieved/all captcha attempts failed") self.download(downloadURL, disposition=True) check = self.checkDownload({"limit-dl": self.DL_LIMIT_PATTERN}) if check == "limit-dl": self.setWait(3 * 60 * 60, True) self.wait() self.retry()