# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: zoidberg """ import re from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo, PluginParseError from module.common.json_layer import json_loads from module.plugins.internal.CaptchaService import ReCaptcha class FilecloudIo(SimpleHoster): __name__ = "FilecloudIo" __type__ = "hoster" __pattern__ = r"http://(?:\w*\.)*(?:filecloud\.io|ifile\.it|mihd\.net)/(?P<ID>\w+).*" __version__ = "0.02" __description__ = """Filecloud.io (formerly Ifile.it) plugin - free account only""" __author_name__ = ("zoidberg", "stickell") FILE_SIZE_PATTERN = r'{var __ab1 = (?P<S>\d+);}' FILE_NAME_PATTERN = r'id="aliasSpan">(?P<N>.*?) <' FILE_OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'l10n.(FILES__DOESNT_EXIST|REMOVED)' TEMP_OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'l10n.FILES__WARNING' UKEY_PATTERN = r"'ukey'\s*:'(\w+)'," AB1_PATTERN = r"if\( __ab1 == '(\w+)' \)" ERROR_MSG_PATTERN = r"var __error_msg\s*=\s*l10n\.(.*?);" DOWNLOAD_LINK_PATTERN = r'"(http://s\d+.filecloud.io/%s/\d+/.*?)"' RECAPTCHA_KEY_PATTERN = r"var __recaptcha_public\s*=\s*'([^']+)';" RECAPTCHA_KEY = '6Lf5OdISAAAAAEZObLcx5Wlv4daMaASRov1ysDB1' def setup(self): self.resumeDownload = self.multiDL = True self.chunkLimit = 1 def handleFree(self): data = {"ukey": self.file_info['ID']} found = re.search(self.AB1_PATTERN, self.html) if not found: raise PluginParseError("__AB1") data["__ab1"] = found.group(1) if not self.account: self.fail("User not logged in") elif not self.account.logged_in: recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self) captcha_challenge, captcha_response = recaptcha.challenge(self.RECAPTCHA_KEY) self.account.form_data = {"recaptcha_challenge_field": captcha_challenge, "recaptcha_response_field": captcha_response} self.account.relogin(self.user) self.retry(max_tries=2) json_url = "http://filecloud.io/download-request.json" response = self.load(json_url, post=data) self.logDebug(response) response = json_loads(response) if "error" in response and response["error"]: self.fail(response) self.logDebug(response) if response["captcha"]: recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self) found = re.search(self.RECAPTCHA_KEY_PATTERN, self.html) captcha_key = found.group(1) if found else self.RECAPTCHA_KEY data["ctype"] = "recaptcha" for i in range(5): data["recaptcha_challenge"], data["recaptcha_response"] = recaptcha.challenge(captcha_key) json_url = "http://filecloud.io/download-request.json" response = self.load(json_url, post=data) self.logDebug(response) response = json_loads(response) if "retry" in response and response["retry"]: self.invalidCaptcha() else: self.correctCaptcha() break else: self.fail("Incorrect captcha") if response["dl"]: self.html = self.load('http://filecloud.io/download.html') found = re.search(self.DOWNLOAD_LINK_PATTERN % self.file_info['ID'], self.html) if not found: raise PluginParseError("Download URL") download_url = found.group(1) self.logDebug("Download URL: %s" % download_url) if "size" in self.file_info and self.file_info['size']: self.check_data = {"size": int(self.file_info['size'])} self.download(download_url) else: self.fail("Unexpected server response") def handlePremium(self): akey = self.account.getAccountData(self.user)['akey'] ukey = self.file_info['ID'] self.logDebug("Akey: %s | Ukey: %s" % (akey, ukey)) rep = self.load("http://api.filecloud.io/api-fetch_download_url.api", post={"akey": akey, "ukey": ukey}) self.logDebug("FetchDownloadUrl: " + rep) rep = json_loads(rep) if rep['status'] == 'ok': self.download(rep['download_url'], disposition=True) else: self.fail(rep['message']) getInfo = create_getInfo(FilecloudIo)