# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re

from time import time

from pyload.utils import json_loads
from pyload.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo

class BayfilesCom(SimpleHoster):
    __name    = "BayfilesCom"
    __type    = "hoster"
    __version = "0.08"

    __pattern = r'https?://(?:www\.)?bayfiles\.(com|net)/file/(?P<ID>\w+/\w+/[^/]+)'

    __description = """Bayfiles.com hoster plugin"""
    __license     = "GPLv3"
    __authors     = [("zoidberg", "zoidberg@mujmail.cz"),
                       ("Walter Purcaro", "vuolter@gmail.com")]

    INFO_PATTERN = r'<p title="(?P<N>[^"]+)">[^<]*<strong>(?P<S>[\d .,]+)(?P<U>[\w^_]+)</strong></p>'
    OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'(<p>The requested file could not be found.</p>|<title>404 Not Found</title>)'

    WAIT_PATTERN = r'>Your IP [\d.]* has recently downloaded a file\. Upgrade to premium or wait (\d+) minutes\.<'
    VARS_PATTERN = r'var vfid = (\d+);\s*var delay = (\d+);'
    FREE_LINK_PATTERN = r'javascript:window\.location\.href = \'(.+?)\';'
    PREMIUM_LINK_PATTERN = r'(?:<a class="highlighted-btn" href="|(?=http://s\d+\.baycdn\.com/dl/))(.*?)"'

    def handleFree(self):
        m = re.search(self.WAIT_PATTERN, self.html)
        if m:
            self.retry(wait_time=int(m.group(1)) * 60)

        # Get download token
        m = re.search(self.VARS_PATTERN, self.html)
        if m is None:
            self.error(_("VARS_PATTERN not found"))
        vfid, delay = m.groups()

        res = json_loads(self.load('http://bayfiles.com/ajax_download',
                         get={"_": time() * 1000,
                              "action": "startTimer",
                              "vfid": vfid}, decode=True))

        if not "token" in res or not res['token']:
            self.fail(_("No token"))


        self.html = self.load('http://bayfiles.com/ajax_download', get={
            "token": res['token'],
            "action": "getLink",
            "vfid": vfid})

        # Get final link and download
        m = re.search(self.FREE_LINK_PATTERN, self.html)
        if m is None:
            self.error(_("Free link"))

    def handlePremium(self):
        m = re.search(self.PREMIUM_LINK_PATTERN, self.html)
        if m is None:
            self.error(_("Premium link"))

    def startDownload(self, url):
        self.logDebug("%s URL: %s" % ("Premium" if self.premium else "Free", url))
        # check download
        check = self.checkDownload({
            "waitforfreeslots": re.compile(r"<title>BayFiles</title>"),
            "notfound": re.compile(r"<title>404 Not Found</title>")
        if check == "waitforfreeslots":
            self.retry(30, 5 * 60, "Wait for free slot")
        elif check == "notfound":
            self.retry(30, 5 * 60, "404 Not found")

getInfo = create_getInfo(BayfilesCom)