# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import feedparser from time import mktime, time from pyload.plugins.Hook import Hook class Ev0InFetcher(Hook): __name__ = "Ev0InFetcher" __type__ = "hook" __version__ = "0.21" __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", False), ("interval", "int", "Check interval in minutes", 10), ("queue", "bool", "Move new shows directly to Queue", False), ("shows", "str", "Shows to check for (comma seperated)", ""), ("quality", "xvid;x264;rmvb", "Video Format", "xvid"), ("hoster", "str", "Hoster to use (comma seperated)", "NetloadIn,RapidshareCom,MegauploadCom,HotfileCom")] __description__ = """Checks rss feeds for Ev0.in""" __author_name__ = "mkaay" __author_mail__ = "mkaay@mkaay.de" def setup(self): self.interval = self.getConfig("interval") * 60 def filterLinks(self, links): results = self.core.pluginManager.parseUrls(links) sortedLinks = {} for url, hoster in results: if hoster not in sortedLinks: sortedLinks[hoster] = [] sortedLinks[hoster].append(url) for h in self.getConfig("hoster").split(","): try: return sortedLinks[h.strip()] except: continue return [] def periodical(self): def normalizefiletitle(filename): filename = filename.replace('.', ' ') filename = filename.replace('_', ' ') filename = filename.lower() return filename shows = [s.strip() for s in self.getConfig("shows").split(",")] feed = feedparser.parse("http://feeds.feedburner.com/ev0in/%s?format=xml" % self.getConfig("quality")) showStorage = {} for show in shows: showStorage[show] = int(self.getStorage("show_%s_lastfound" % show, 0)) found = False for item in feed['items']: for show, lastfound in showStorage.iteritems(): if show.lower() in normalizefiletitle(item['title']) and lastfound < int(mktime(item.date_parsed)): links = self.filterLinks(item['description'].split("
")) packagename = item['title'].encode("utf-8") self.logInfo(_("New episode '%s' (matched '%s')") % (packagename, show)) self.core.api.addPackage(packagename, links, 1 if self.getConfig("queue") else 0) self.setStorage("show_%s_lastfound" % show, int(mktime(item.date_parsed))) found = True if not found: pass for show, lastfound in self.getStorage().iteritems(): if int(lastfound) > 0 and int(lastfound) + (3600 * 24 * 30) < int(time()): self.delStorage("show_%s_lastfound" % show) self.logDebug("Cleaned '%s' record" % show)