from module.plugins.Account import Account
from module.common.json_layer import json_loads

class RPNetBiz(Account):
    __name__ = "RPNetBiz"
    __version__ = "0.1"
    __type__ = "account"
    __description__ = """ account plugin"""
    __author_name__ = "Dman"
    __author_mail__ = ""

    def loadAccountInfo(self, user, req):
        # Get account information from
        response = self.getAccountStatus(user, req)
            if response['accountInfo']['isPremium']:
                # Parse account info. Change the trafficleft later to support per host info.
                account_info = {"validuntil": int(response['accountInfo']['premiumExpiry']),
                                "trafficleft": -1, "premium": True}
                account_info = {"validuntil": None, "trafficleft": None, "premium": False}

        except KeyError:
            #handle wrong password exception
            account_info = {"validuntil": None, "trafficleft": None, "premium": False}

        return account_info

    def login(self, user, data, req):
        # Get account information from
        response = self.getAccountStatus(user, req)

        # If we have an error in the response, we have wrong login information
        if 'error' in response:

    def getAccountStatus(self, user, req):
        # Using the rpnet API, check if valid premium account
        response = req.load("",
                            get={"username": user, "password": self.accounts[user]['password'],
                                 "action": "showAccountInformation"})
        self.logDebug("JSON data: %s" % response)

        return json_loads(response)