# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: zoidberg """ from pyload.plugins.MultiHoster import MultiHoster #from time import mktime, strptime #from pycurl import REFERER import re from pyload.utils import parseFileSize class MultishareCz(MultiHoster): __name__ = "MultishareCz" __version__ = "0.02" __type__ = "account" __description__ = """Multishare.cz account plugin""" __author_name__ = "zoidberg" __author_mail__ = "zoidberg@mujmail.cz" TRAFFIC_LEFT_PATTERN = r'<span class="profil-zvyrazneni">Kredit:</span>\s*<strong>(?P<S>[0-9,]+) (?P<U>\w+)</strong>' ACCOUNT_INFO_PATTERN = r'<input type="hidden" id="(u_ID|u_hash)" name="[^"]*" value="([^"]+)">' HOSTER_PATTERN = r'<img class="logo-shareserveru"[^>]*?alt="([^"]+)"></td>\s*<td class="stav">[^>]*?alt="OK"' def loadAccountInfo(self, user, req): #self.relogin(user) html = req.load("http://www.multishare.cz/profil/", decode=True) found = re.search(self.TRAFFIC_LEFT_PATTERN, html) trafficleft = parseFileSize(found.group('S'), found.group('U')) / 1024 if found else 0 self.premium = True if trafficleft else False html = req.load("http://www.multishare.cz/", decode=True) mms_info = dict(re.findall(self.ACCOUNT_INFO_PATTERN, html)) return dict(mms_info, **{"validuntil": -1, "trafficleft": trafficleft}) def login(self, user, data, req): html = req.load('http://www.multishare.cz/html/prihlaseni_process.php', post={ "akce": "Přihlásit", "heslo": data['password'], "jmeno": user }, decode=True) if '<div class="akce-chyba akce">' in html: self.wrongPassword() def loadHosterList(self, req): page = req.load("http://www.multishare.cz/monitoring/") return re.findall(self.HOSTER_PATTERN, page)