# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pyload.Api import LinkStatus, DownloadStatus as DS from pyload.utils import to_list, has_method, uniqify from pyload.utils.fs import exists, remove, fs_encode from Base import Base, Retry # represent strings as LinkStatus def to_link_list(links, status=DS.Queued): return [LinkStatus(link, link, -1, status) if isinstance(link, basestring) else link for link in links] class Package: """ Container that indicates that a new package should be created """ def __init__(self, name=None, links=None): self.name = name # list of link status self.links = [] if links: self.addLinks(links) # nested packages self.packs = [] def addLinks(self, links): """ Add one or multiple links to the package :param links: One or list of urls or :class:`LinkStatus` """ self.links.extend(to_link_list(to_list(links))) def addPackage(self, pack): self.packs.append(pack) def getURLs(self): return [link.url for link in self.links] def getAllURLs(self): urls = self.getURLs() for p in self.packs: urls.extend(p.getAllURLs()) return urls # same name and urls is enough to be equal for packages def __eq__(self, other): return self.name == other.name and self.links == other.links def __repr__(self): return u"<CrypterPackage name=%s, links=[%s], packs=%s>" % (self.name, ", ".join(str(l) for l in self.links), self.packs) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.name) ^ hash(frozenset(self.links)) ^ hash(self.name) class PyFileMockup: """ Legacy class needed by old crypter plugins """ def __init__(self, url, pack_name): self.url = url self.name = url self.packageid = -1 self.pack_name = pack_name + " Package" def package(self): # mockes the pyfile package class PyPackage: def __init__(self, f): self.name = f.pack_name self.folder = self.name return PyPackage(self) class Crypter(Base): """ Base class for (de)crypter plugins. Overwrite decrypt* methods. How to use decrypt* methods: You have to overwrite at least one method of decryptURL, decryptURLs, decryptFile. After decrypting and generating urls/packages you have to return the result. Valid return Data is: :class:`Package` instance Crypter.Package A **new** package will be created with the name and the urls of the object. List of urls and `Package` instances All urls in the list will be added to the **current** package. For each `Package`\ instance a new package will be created. """ #: Prefix to annotate that the submited string for decrypting is indeed file content CONTENT_PREFIX = "filecontent:" #: Optional name of an account plugin that should be used, but does not guarantee that one is available USE_ACCOUNT = None #: When True this crypter will not be decrypted directly and queued one by one. # Needed for crypter that can't run in parallel or need to wait between decryption. QUEUE_DECRYPT = False @classmethod def decrypt(cls, core, url_or_urls, password=None): """Static method to decrypt urls or content. Can be used by other plugins. To decrypt file content prefix the string with ``CONTENT_PREFIX `` as seen above. :param core: pyLoad `Core`, needed in decrypt context :param url_or_urls: List of urls or single url/ file content :param password: optional password used for decrypting :raises Exception: No decryption errors are cascaded :return: List of decrypted urls, all package info removed """ urls = to_list(url_or_urls) p = cls(core, password) try: result = p._decrypt(urls) finally: p.clean() ret = [] for url_or_pack in result: if isinstance(url_or_pack, Package): #package ret.extend(url_or_pack.getAllURLs()) elif isinstance(url_or_pack, LinkStatus): #link ret.append(url_or_pack.url) else: core.log.debug("Invalid decrypter result: " + url_or_pack) return uniqify(ret) __type__ = "crypter" # TODO: pass user to crypter def __init__(self, core, password=None): Base.__init__(self, core) self.req = None # load account if set if self.USE_ACCOUNT: self.account = self.core.accountManager.selectAccount(self.USE_ACCOUNT, self.owner) if self.account: self.req = self.account.getAccountRequest() if self.req is None: self.req = core.requestFactory.getRequest() #: Password supplied by user self.password = password # TODO: removed in future # For old style decrypter, do not use these! self.packages = [] self.urls = [] self.pyfile = None self.init() def init(self): """More init stuff if needed""" def setup(self): """Called everytime before decrypting. A Crypter plugin will be most likely used for several jobs.""" def decryptURL(self, url): """Decrypt a single url :param url: url to decrypt :return: See :class:`Crypter` Documentation """ if url.startswith("http"): # basic method to redirect return self.decryptFile(self.load(url)) else: self.fail(_("Not existing file or unsupported protocol")) def decryptURLs(self, urls): """Decrypt a bunch of urls :param urls: list of urls :return: See :class:`Crypter` Documentation """ raise NotImplementedError def decryptFile(self, content): """Decrypt file content :param content: content to decrypt as string :return: See :class:`Crypter` Documentation """ raise NotImplementedError def _decrypt(self, urls): """Internal method to select decrypting method :param urls: List of urls/content :return: (links, packages) """ cls = self.__class__ # separate local and remote files content, urls = self.getLocalContent(urls) result = [] if urls and has_method(cls, "decrypt"): self.logDebug("Deprecated .decrypt() method in Crypter plugin") result = [] for url in urls: self.pyfile = PyFileMockup(url, cls.__name__) self.setup() self.decrypt(self.pyfile) result.extend(self.convertPackages()) elif urls: method = True try: self.setup() result = to_list(self.decryptURLs(urls)) except NotImplementedError: method = False # this will raise error if not implemented if not method: for url in urls: self.setup() result.extend(to_list(self.decryptURL(url))) for f, c in content: self.setup() result.extend(to_list(self.decryptFile(c))) try: if f.startswith("tmp_"): remove(f) except IOError: self.logWarning(_("Could not remove file '%s'") % f) self.core.print_exc() return to_link_list(result) def getLocalContent(self, urls): """Load files from disk and separate to file content and url list :param urls: :return: list of (filename, content), remote urls """ content = [] # do nothing if no decryptFile method if hasattr(self.__class__, "decryptFile"): remote = [] for url in urls: path = None if url.startswith("http"): # skip urls directly pass elif url.startswith(self.CONTENT_PREFIX): path = url elif exists(url): path = url elif exists(self.core.path(url)): path = self.core.path(url) if path: try: if path.startswith(self.CONTENT_PREFIX): content.append(("", path[len(self.CONTENT_PREFIX)])) else: f = open(fs_encode(path), "rb") content.append((f.name, f.read())) f.close() except IOError, e: self.logError("IOError", e) else: remote.append(url) #swap filtered url list urls = remote return content, urls def retry(self): """ Retry decrypting, will only work once. Somewhat deprecated method, should be avoided. """ raise Retry() def convertPackages(self): """ Deprecated """ self.logDebug("Deprecated method .convertPackages()") res = [] for pack in self.packages: # only use name and urls res.append(Package(pack[0], pack[1])) res.extend(self.urls) return res def clean(self): if hasattr(self, "req"): self.req.close() del self.req