# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #from functools import wraps from pyload.utils import has_method, to_list from Base import Base def class_name(p): return p.rpartition(".")[2] def AddEventListener(event): """ Used to register method for events. Arguments needs to match parameter of event :param event: Name of event or list of them. """ class _klass(object): def __new__(cls, f, *args, **kwargs): for ev in to_list(event): addonManager.addEventListener(class_name(f.__module__), f.func_name, ev) return f return _klass def AddonHandler(label, desc, package=True, media=-1): """ Register Handler for files, packages, or arbitrary callable methods. In case package is True (default) The method should only accept a pid as argument. When media is set it will work on files and should accept a fileid. Only when both is None the method can be arbitrary. :param label: verbose name :param desc: short description :param package: True if method works withs packages :param media: media type of the file to work with. """ class _klass(object): def __new__(cls, f, *args, **kwargs): addonManager.addAddonHandler(class_name(f.__module__), f.func_name, label, desc, f.func_code.co_varnames[1:], package, media) return f return _klass def AddonProperty(name, desc, default=None, fire_event=True): """ Use this function to declare class variables, that will be exposed as :class:`AddonInfo`. It works similar to the @property function. You declare the variable like `state = AddonProperty(...)` and use it as any other variable. :param name: display name :param desc: verbose description :param default: the default value :param fire_event: Fire `addon:property:change` event, when modified """ # generated name for the attribute h = "__Property" + str(hash(name) ^ hash(desc)) addonManager.addInfoProperty(h, name, desc) def _get(self): if not hasattr(self, h): return default return getattr(self, h) def _set(self, value): if fire_event: self.manager.dispatchEvent("addon:property:change", value) return setattr(self, h, value) def _del(self): return delattr(self, h) return property(_get, _set, _del) def threaded(f): """ Decorator to run method in a thread. """ #@wraps(f) def run(*args, **kwargs): addonManager.startThread(f, *args, **kwargs) return run class Addon(Base): """ Base class for addon plugins. Use @threaded decorator for all longer running tasks. Decorate methods with @Expose, @AddEventListener, @ConfigHandler """ #: periodic call interval in seconds interval = 0 __type__ = "addon" def __init__(self, core, manager, user=None): Base.__init__(self, core, user) #: Callback of periodical job task, used by addonManager self.cb = None #: `AddonManager` self.manager = manager self.init() # start periodically if set self.startPeriodical(self.interval, 0) def startPeriodical(self, interval, wait): """ Starts the periodical calls with given interval. Older entries will be canceled. :param interval: interval in seconds :param wait: time to wait in seconds before periodically starts :return: True if s """ if interval < 1: return False # stop running callback if self.cb: self.stopPeriodical() self.cb = self.core.scheduler.addJob(wait, self._periodical, threaded=False) self.interval = interval return True def stopPeriodical(self): """ Stops periodical call if existing :return: True if the callback was stopped, false otherwise. """ if self.cb and self.core.scheduler.removeJob(self.cb): self.cb = None return True else: return False def _periodical(self): try: if self.isActivated(): self.periodical() except Exception, e: self.core.log.error(_("Error executing addon: %s") % str(e)) self.core.print_exc() if self.cb: self.cb = self.core.scheduler.addJob(self.interval, self._periodical, threaded=False) def __repr__(self): return "<Addon %s>" % self.__name__ def isActivated(self): """ checks if addon is activated""" return True if self.__internal__ else self.getConfig("activated") def getCategory(self): return self.core.pluginManager.getCategory(self.__name__) def init(self): pass def activate(self): """ Used to activate the addon """ if has_method(self.__class__, "coreReady"): self.logDebug("Deprecated method .coreReady() use activate() instead") self.coreReady() def deactivate(self): """ Used to deactivate the addon. """ pass def periodical(self): pass def newInteractionTask(self, task): """ new interaction task for the plugin, it MUST set the handler and timeout or will be ignored """ pass def taskCorrect(self, task): pass def taskInvalid(self, task): pass # public events starts from here def downloadPreparing(self, pyfile): pass def downloadFinished(self, pyfile): pass def downloadFailed(self, pyfile): pass def packageFinished(self, pypack): pass