# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pyload.plugin.Account import Account class ShareonlineBiz(Account): __name = "ShareonlineBiz" __type = "account" __version = "0.24" __description = """Share-online.biz account plugin""" __license = "GPLv3" __authors = [("mkaay", "mkaay@mkaay.de"), ("zoidberg", "zoidberg@mujmail.cz")] def getUserAPI(self, user, req): return req.load("http://api.share-online.biz/account.php", {"username": user, "password": self.accounts[user]['password'], "act": "userDetails"}) def loadAccountInfo(self, user, req): html = self.getUserAPI(user, req) info = {} for line in html.splitlines(): if "=" in line: key, value = line.split("=") info[key] = value self.logDebug(info) if "dl" in info and info['dl'].lower() != "not_available": req.cj.setCookie("share-online.biz", "dl", info['dl']) if "a" in info and info['a'].lower() != "not_available": req.cj.setCookie("share-online.biz", "a", info['a']) return {"validuntil": int(info['expire_date']) if "expire_date" in info else -1, "trafficleft": -1, "premium": True if ("dl" in info or "a" in info) and (info['group'] != "Sammler") else False} def login(self, user, data, req): html = self.getUserAPI(user, req) if "EXCEPTION" in html: self.wrongPassword()