# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pyload.plugin.Account import Account
from pyload.utils import json_loads

class FilecloudIo(Account):
    __name    = "FilecloudIo"
    __type    = "account"
    __version = "0.04"

    __description = """FilecloudIo account plugin"""
    __license     = "GPLv3"
    __authors     = [("zoidberg", "zoidberg@mujmail.cz"),
                       ("stickell", "l.stickell@yahoo.it")]

    def loadAccountInfo(self, user, req):
        # It looks like the first API request always fails, so we retry 5 times, it should work on the second try
        for _i in xrange(5):
            rep = req.load("https://secure.filecloud.io/api-fetch_apikey.api",
                           post={"username": user, "password": self.getAccountData(user)['password']})
            rep = json_loads(rep)
            if rep['status'] == 'ok':
            elif rep['status'] == 'error' and rep['message'] == 'no such user or wrong password':
                self.logError(_("Wrong username or password"))
                return {"valid": False, "premium": False}
            return {"premium": False}

        akey = rep['akey']
        self.accounts[user]['akey'] = akey  # Saved for hoster plugin
        rep = req.load("http://api.filecloud.io/api-fetch_account_details.api",
                       post={"akey": akey})
        rep = json_loads(rep)

        if rep['is_premium'] == 1:
            return {"validuntil": float(rep['premium_until']), "trafficleft": -1}
            return {"premium": False}

    def login(self, user, data, req):
        req.cj.setCookie("secure.filecloud.io", "lang", "en")
        html = req.load('https://secure.filecloud.io/user-login.html')

        if not hasattr(self, "form_data"):
            self.form_data = {}

        self.form_data['username'] = user
        self.form_data['password'] = data['password']

        html = req.load('https://secure.filecloud.io/user-login_p.html',

        if "you have successfully logged in" not in html: