# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: RaNaN """ from Queue import Queue from threading import Thread from os import listdir, stat from os.path import join from time import sleep, time, strftime, gmtime from traceback import print_exc, format_exc from pprint import pformat from sys import exc_info, exc_clear from copy import copy from types import MethodType from pycurl import error from pyload.datatype.PyFile import PyFile from pyload.manager.thread.PluginThread import PluginThread from pyload.plugins.Plugin import Abort, Fail, Reconnect, Retry, SkipDownload from pyload.utils.packagetools import parseNames from pyload.utils import safe_join from pyload.api import OnlineStatus class InfoThread(PluginThread): def __init__(self, manager, data, pid=-1, rid=-1, add=False): """Constructor""" PluginThread.__init__(self, manager) self.data = data self.pid = pid # package id # [ .. (name, plugin) .. ] self.rid = rid #result id self.add = add #add packages instead of return result self.cache = [] #accumulated data self.start() def run(self): """run method""" plugins = {} container = [] for url, plugintype, pluginname in data: try: plugins[plugintype][pluginname].append(url) except: plugins[plugintype][pluginname] = [url] # filter out container plugins for name in self.m.core.pluginManager.containerPlugins: if name in plugins: container.extend([(name, url) for url in plugins[name]]) del plugins[name] #directly write to database if self.pid > -1: for plugintype, pluginname, urls in plugins.iteritems(): plugin = self.m.core.pluginManager.getPlugin(plugintype, pluginname, True) if hasattr(plugin, "getInfo"): self.fetchForPlugin(pluginname, plugin, urls, self.updateDB) self.m.core.files.save() elif self.add: for plugintype, pluginname, urls in plugins.iteritems(): plugin = self.m.core.pluginManager.getPlugin(plugintype, pluginname, True) if hasattr(plugin, "getInfo"): self.fetchForPlugin(pluginname, plugin, urls, self.updateCache, True) else: #generate default result result = [(url, 0, 3, url) for url in urls] self.updateCache(pluginname, result) packs = parseNames([(name, url) for name, x, y, url in self.cache]) self.m.log.debug("Fetched and generated %d packages" % len(packs)) for k, v in packs: self.m.core.api.addPackage(k, v) #empty cache del self.cache[:] else: #post the results for name, url in container: #attach container content try: data = self.decryptContainer(name, url) except: print_exc() self.m.log.error("Could not decrypt container.") data = [] for url, plugintype, pluginname in data: try: plugins[plugintype][pluginname].append(url) except: plugins[plugintype][pluginname] = [url] self.m.infoResults[self.rid] = {} for plugintype, pluginname, urls in plugins.iteritems(): plugin = self.m.core.pluginManager.getPlugin(plugintype, pluginname, True) if hasattr(plugin, "getInfo"): self.fetchForPlugin(pluginname, plugin, urls, self.updateResult, True) #force to process cache if self.cache: self.updateResult(pluginname, [], True) else: #generate default result result = [(url, 0, 3, url) for url in urls] self.updateResult(pluginname, result, True) self.m.infoResults[self.rid]["ALL_INFO_FETCHED"] = {} self.m.timestamp = time() + 5 * 60 def updateDB(self, plugin, result): self.m.core.files.updateFileInfo(result, self.pid) def updateResult(self, plugin, result, force=False): #parse package name and generate result #accumulate results self.cache.extend(result) if len(self.cache) >= 20 or force: #used for package generating tmp = [(name, (url, OnlineStatus(name, plugin, "unknown", status, int(size)))) for name, size, status, url in self.cache] data = parseNames(tmp) result = {} for k, v in data.iteritems(): for url, status in v: status.packagename = k result[url] = status self.m.setInfoResults(self.rid, result) self.cache = [] def updateCache(self, plugin, result): self.cache.extend(result) def fetchForPlugin(self, pluginname, plugin, urls, cb, err=None): try: result = [] #result loaded from cache process = [] #urls to process for url in urls: if url in self.m.infoCache: result.append(self.m.infoCache[url]) else: process.append(url) if result: self.m.log.debug("Fetched %d values from cache for %s" % (len(result), pluginname)) cb(pluginname, result) if process: self.m.log.debug("Run Info Fetching for %s" % pluginname) for result in plugin.getInfo(process): #result = [ .. (name, size, status, url) .. ] if not type(result) == list: result = [result] for res in result: self.m.infoCache[res[3]] = res #: why don't assign res dict directly? cb(pluginname, result) self.m.log.debug("Finished Info Fetching for %s" % pluginname) except Exception, e: self.m.log.warning(_("Info Fetching for %(name)s failed | %(err)s") % {"name": pluginname, "err": str(e)}) if self.m.core.debug: print_exc() # generate default results if err: result = [(url, 0, 3, url) for url in urls] cb(pluginname, result) def decryptContainer(self, plugin, url): data = [] # only works on container plugins self.m.log.debug("Pre decrypting %s with %s" % (url, plugin)) # dummy pyfile pyfile = PyFile(self.m.core.files, -1, url, url, 0, 0, "", plugin, -1, -1) pyfile.initPlugin() # little plugin lifecycle try: pyfile.plugin.setup() pyfile.plugin.loadToDisk() pyfile.plugin.decrypt(pyfile) pyfile.plugin.deleteTmp() for pack in pyfile.plugin.packages: pyfile.plugin.urls.extend(pack[1]) data = self.m.core.pluginManager.parseUrls(pyfile.plugin.urls) self.m.log.debug("Got %d links." % len(data)) except Exception, e: self.m.log.debug("Pre decrypting error: %s" % str(e)) finally: pyfile.release() return data