# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @author: RaNaN from os.path import exists, join import re from subprocess import Popen from threading import Event, Lock from time import sleep, time from traceback import print_exc from random import choice import pycurl from pyload.manager.thread.Decrypter import DecrypterThread from pyload.manager.thread.Download import DownloadThread from pyload.manager.thread.Info import InfoThread from pyload.datatype.File import PyFile from pyload.network.RequestFactory import getURL from pyload.utils import freeSpace, lock class ThreadManager(object): """manages the download threads, assign jobs, reconnect etc""" def __init__(self, core): """Constructor""" self.core = core self.threads = [] #: thread list self.localThreads = [] #: addon+decrypter threads self.pause = True self.reconnecting = Event() self.reconnecting.clear() self.downloaded = 0 # number of files downloaded since last cleanup self.lock = Lock() # some operations require to fetch url info from hoster, so we caching them so it wont be done twice # contains a timestamp and will be purged after timeout self.infoCache = {} # pool of ids for online check self.resultIDs = 0 # threads which are fetching hoster results self.infoResults = {} # timeout for cache purge self.timestamp = 0 pycurl.global_init(pycurl.GLOBAL_DEFAULT) for _i in range(0, self.core.config.get("download", "max_downloads")): self.createThread() def createThread(self): """create a download thread""" thread = DownloadThread(self) self.threads.append(thread) def createInfoThread(self, data, pid): """ start a thread whichs fetches online status and other infos data = [ .. () .. ] """ self.timestamp = time() + 5 * 60 InfoThread(self, data, pid) @lock def createResultThread(self, data, add=False): """ creates a thread to fetch online status, returns result id """ self.timestamp = time() + 5 * 60 rid = self.resultIDs self.resultIDs += 1 InfoThread(self, data, rid=rid, add=add) return rid @lock def getInfoResult(self, rid): """returns result and clears it""" self.timestamp = time() + 5 * 60 if rid in self.infoResults: data = self.infoResults[rid] self.infoResults[rid] = {} return data else: return {} @lock def setInfoResults(self, rid, result): self.infoResults[rid].update(result) def getActiveFiles(self): active = [x.active for x in self.threads if x.active and isinstance(x.active, PyFile)] for t in self.localThreads: active.extend(t.getActiveFiles()) return active def processingIds(self): """get a id list of all pyfiles processed""" return [x.id for x in self.getActiveFiles()] def work(self): """run all task which have to be done (this is for repetivive call by core)""" try: self.tryReconnect() except Exception, e: self.core.log.error(_("Reconnect Failed: %s") % str(e)) self.reconnecting.clear() if self.core.debug: print_exc() self.checkThreadCount() try: self.assignJob() except Exception, e: self.core.log.warning("Assign job error", e) if self.core.debug: print_exc() sleep(0.5) self.assignJob() # it may be failed non critical so we try it again if (self.infoCache or self.infoResults) and self.timestamp < time(): self.infoCache.clear() self.infoResults.clear() self.core.log.debug("Cleared Result cache") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tryReconnect(self): """checks if reconnect needed""" if not (self.core.config.get("reconnect", "activated") and self.core.api.isTimeReconnect()): return False active = [x.active.plugin.wantReconnect and x.active.plugin.waiting for x in self.threads if x.active] if not (0 < active.count(True) == len(active)): return False if not exists(self.core.config.get("reconnect", "method")): if exists(join(pypath, self.core.config.get("reconnect", "method"))): self.core.config.set("reconnect", "method", join(pypath, self.core.config.get("reconnect", "method"))) else: self.core.config.set("reconnect", "activated", False) self.core.log.warning(_("Reconnect script not found!")) return self.reconnecting.set() # Do reconnect self.core.log.info(_("Starting reconnect")) while [x.active.plugin.waiting for x in self.threads if x.active].count(True) != 0: sleep(0.25) ip = self.getIP() self.core.addonManager.beforeReconnecting(ip) self.core.log.debug("Old IP: %s" % ip) try: reconn = Popen(self.core.config.get("reconnect", "method"), bufsize=-1, shell=True) # , stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except Exception: self.core.log.warning(_("Failed executing reconnect script!")) self.core.config.set("reconnect", "activated", False) self.reconnecting.clear() if self.core.debug: print_exc() return reconn.wait() sleep(1) ip = self.getIP() self.core.addonManager.afterReconnecting(ip) self.core.log.info(_("Reconnected, new IP: %s") % ip) self.reconnecting.clear() def getIP(self): """retrieve current ip""" services = [("http://automation.whatismyip.com/n09230945.asp", "(\S+)"), ("http://checkip.dyndns.org/", ".*Current IP Address: (\S+)</body>.*")] ip = "" for _i in range(10): try: sv = choice(services) ip = getURL(sv[0]) ip = re.match(sv[1], ip).group(1) break except Exception: ip = "" sleep(1) return ip #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def checkThreadCount(self): """checks if there are need for increasing or reducing thread count""" if len(self.threads) == self.core.config.get("download", "max_downloads"): return True elif len(self.threads) < self.core.config.get("download", "max_downloads"): self.createThread() else: free = [x for x in self.threads if not x.active] if free: free[0].put("quit") def cleanPycurl(self): """ make a global curl cleanup (currently ununused) """ if self.processingIds(): return False pycurl.global_cleanup() pycurl.global_init(pycurl.GLOBAL_DEFAULT) self.downloaded = 0 self.core.log.debug("Cleaned up pycurl") return True #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def assignJob(self): """assing a job to a thread if possible""" if self.pause or not self.core.api.isTimeDownload(): return # if self.downloaded > 20: # if not self.cleanPyCurl(): return free = [x for x in self.threads if not x.active] inuse = set([((x.active.plugintype, x.active.pluginname), self.getLimit(x)) for x in self.threads if x.active and isinstance(x.active, PyFile) and x.active.hasPlugin() and x.active.plugin.account]) inuse = map(lambda x: ('.'.join(x[0]), x[1], len([y for y in self.threads if y.active and isinstance(y.active, PyFile) and y.active.plugintype == x[0][0] and y.active.pluginname == x[0][1]])), inuse) onlimit = [x[0] for x in inuse if x[1] > 0 and x[2] >= x[1]] occ = [x.active.plugintype + '.' + x.active.pluginname for x in self.threads if x.active and isinstance(x.active, PyFile) and x.active.hasPlugin() and not x.active.plugin.multiDL] + onlimit occ.sort() occ = tuple(set(occ)) job = self.core.files.getJob(occ) if job: try: job.initPlugin() except Exception, e: self.core.log.critical(str(e)) print_exc() job.setStatus("failed") job.error = str(e) job.release() return if job.plugin.getPluginType() == "hoster": spaceLeft = freeSpace(self.core.config.get("general", "download_folder")) / 1024 / 1024 if spaceLeft < self.core.config.get("general", "min_free_space"): self.core.log.warning(_("Not enough space left on device")) self.pause = True if free and not self.pause: thread = free[0] # self.downloaded += 1 thread.put(job) else: # put job back if occ not in self.core.files.jobCache: self.core.files.jobCache[occ] = [] self.core.files.jobCache[occ].append(job.id) # check for decrypt jobs job = self.core.files.getDecryptJob() if job: job.initPlugin() thread = DecrypterThread(self, job) else: thread = DecrypterThread(self, job) def getLimit(self, thread): limit = thread.active.plugin.account.getAccountData(thread.active.plugin.user)["options"].get("limitDL", ["0"])[0] return int(limit) def cleanup(self): """do global cleanup, should be called when finished with pycurl""" pycurl.global_cleanup()