# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @author: RaNaN, mkaay import threading import traceback from time import time from pyload.utils import encode class CaptchaManager(object): def __init__(self, core): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.core = core self.tasks = [] #: task store, for outgoing tasks only self.ids = 0 #: only for internal purpose def newTask(self, img, format, file, result_type): task = CaptchaTask(self.ids, img, format, file, result_type) self.ids += 1 return task def removeTask(self, task): self.lock.acquire() if task in self.tasks: self.tasks.remove(task) self.lock.release() def getTask(self): self.lock.acquire() for task in self.tasks: if task.status in ("waiting", "shared-user"): self.lock.release() return task self.lock.release() return None def getTaskByID(self, tid): self.lock.acquire() for task in self.tasks: if task.id == str(tid): #: task ids are strings self.lock.release() return task self.lock.release() return None def handleCaptcha(self, task, timeout=50): cli = self.core.isClientConnected() if cli: #: client connected -> should solve the captcha task.setWaiting(timeout) #: wait 50 sec for response for plugin in self.core.addonManager.activePlugins(): try: plugin.captchaTask(task) except Exception: if self.core.debug: traceback.print_exc() if task.handler or cli: #: the captcha was handled self.tasks.append(task) return True task.error = _("No Client connected for captcha decrypting") return False class CaptchaTask(object): def __init__(self, id, img, format, file, result_type='textual'): self.id = str(id) self.captchaImg = img self.captchaFormat = format self.captchaFile = file self.captchaResultType = result_type self.handler = [] #: the hook plugins that will take care of the solution self.result = None self.waitUntil = None self.error = None #: error message self.status = "init" self.data = {} #: handler can store data here def getCaptcha(self): return self.captchaImg, self.captchaFormat, self.captchaResultType def setResult(self, text): if self.isTextual(): self.result = text if self.isPositional(): try: parts = text.split(',') self.result = (int(parts[0]), int(parts[1])) except Exception: self.result = None def getResult(self): return encode(self.result) def getStatus(self): return self.status def setWaiting(self, sec): """ let the captcha wait secs for the solution """ self.waitUntil = max(time() + sec, self.waitUntil) self.status = "waiting" def isWaiting(self): if self.result or self.error or self.timedOut(): return False else: return True def isTextual(self): """ returns if text is written on the captcha """ return self.captchaResultType == 'textual' def isPositional(self): """ returns if user have to click a specific region on the captcha """ return self.captchaResultType == 'positional' def setWatingForUser(self, exclusive): if exclusive: self.status = "user" else: self.status = "shared-user" def timedOut(self): return time() > self.waitUntil def invalid(self): """ indicates the captcha was not correct """ for x in self.handler: x.captchaInvalid(self) def correct(self): for x in self.handler: x.captchaCorrect(self) def __str__(self): return "<CaptchaTask '%s'>" % self.id