# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from gettext import gettext

from new_collections import namedtuple

from pyload.Api import Input, InputType
from pyload.utils import decode, to_bool

ConfigData = namedtuple("ConfigData", "label description input")

# Maps old config formats to new values
input_dict = {
    "int": InputType.Int,
    "bool": InputType.Bool,
    "time": InputType.Time,
    "file": InputType.File,
    "list": InputType.List,
    "folder": InputType.Folder

def to_input(typ):
    """ Converts old config format to input type"""
    return input_dict.get(typ, InputType.Text)

def to_configdata(entry):
    if len(entry) != 4:
        raise ValueError("Config entry must be of length 4")

    # Values can have different roles depending on the two config formats
    conf_name, type_label, label_desc, default_input = entry

    # name, label, desc, input
    if isinstance(default_input, Input):
        _input = default_input
        conf_label = type_label
        conf_desc = label_desc
    # name, type, label, default
        _input = Input(to_input(type_label))
        _input.default_value = from_string(default_input, _input.type)
        conf_label = label_desc
        conf_desc = ""

    return conf_name, ConfigData(gettext(conf_label), gettext(conf_desc), _input)

def from_string(value, typ=None):
    """ cast value to given type, unicode for strings """

    # value is no string
    if not isinstance(value, basestring):
        return value

    value = decode(value)

    if typ == InputType.Int:
        return int(value)
    elif typ == InputType.Bool:
        return to_bool(value)
    elif typ == InputType.Time:
        if not value: value = "0:00"
        if not ":" in value: value += ":00"
        return value
        return value