# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @author: RaNaN from __future__ import with_statement import os import sys import threading import traceback import pyload.utils.pylgettext as gettext from codecs import getwriter from getopt import GetoptError, getopt from os import _exit from os.path import join, exists, basename from sys import exit from time import sleep from Getch import Getch from rename_process import renameProcess from pyload.api import Destination from pyload.cli import AddPackage, ManageFiles from pyload.config.Parser import ConfigParser from pyload.remote.thriftbackend.ThriftClient import ThriftClient, NoConnection, NoSSL, WrongLogin, ConnectionClosed from pyload.utils import formatSize, decode from pyload.utils.printer import * class Cli(object): def __init__(self, client, command): self.client = client self.command = command if not self.command: renameProcess('pyload-cli') self.getch = Getch() self.input = "" self.inputline = 0 self.lastLowestLine = 0 self.menuline = 0 self.lock = threading.Lock() # processor funcions, these will be changed dynamically depending on control flow self.headerHandler = self #: the download status self.bodyHandler = self #: the menu section self.inputHandler = self os.system("clear") println(1, blue("py") + yellow("Load") + white(_(" Command Line Interface"))) println(2, "") self.thread = RefreshThread(self) self.thread.start() self.start() else: self.processCommand() def reset(self): """ reset to initial main menu """ self.input = "" self.headerHandler = self.bodyHandler = self.inputHandler = self def start(self): """ main loop. handle input """ while True: # inp = raw_input() inp = self.getch.impl() if ord(inp) == 3: os.system("clear") sys.exit() #: ctrl + c elif ord(inp) == 13: #: enter try: self.lock.acquire() self.inputHandler.onEnter(self.input) except Exception, e: println(2, red(e)) finally: self.lock.release() elif ord(inp) == 127: self.input = self.input[:-1] #: backspace try: self.lock.acquire() self.inputHandler.onBackSpace() finally: self.lock.release() elif ord(inp) == 27: #: ugly symbol pass else: self.input += inp try: self.lock.acquire() self.inputHandler.onChar(inp) finally: self.lock.release() self.inputline = self.bodyHandler.renderBody(self.menuline) self.renderFooter(self.inputline) def refresh(self): """refresh screen""" println(1, blue("py") + yellow("Load") + white(_(" Command Line Interface"))) println(2, "") self.lock.acquire() self.menuline = self.headerHandler.renderHeader(3) + 1 println(self.menuline - 1, "") self.inputline = self.bodyHandler.renderBody(self.menuline) self.renderFooter(self.inputline) self.lock.release() def setInput(self, string=""): self.input = string def setHandler(self, klass): # create new handler with reference to cli self.bodyHandler = self.inputHandler = klass(self) self.input = "" def renderHeader(self, line): """ prints download status """ # print updated information # print "\033[J" #: clear screen # self.println(1, blue("py") + yellow("Load") + white(_(" Command Line Interface"))) # self.println(2, "") # self.println(3, white(_("%s Downloads:") % (len(data)))) data = self.client.statusDownloads() speed = 0 println(line, white(_("%s Downloads:") % (len(data)))) line += 1 for download in data: if download.status == 12: #: downloading percent = download.percent z = percent / 4 speed += download.speed println(line, cyan(download.name)) line += 1 println(line, blue("[") + yellow(z * "#" + (25 - z) * " ") + blue("] ") + green(str(percent) + "%") + _( " Speed: ") + green(formatSize(download.speed) + "/s") + _(" Size: ") + green( download.format_size) + _(" Finished in: ") + green(download.format_eta) + _( " ID: ") + green(download.fid)) line += 1 if download.status == 5: println(line, cyan(download.name)) line += 1 println(line, _("waiting: ") + green(download.format_wait)) line += 1 println(line, "") line += 1 status = self.client.statusServer() if status.pause: paused = _("Status:") + " " + red(_("paused")) else: paused = _("Status:") + " " + red(_("running")) println(line, "%s %s: %s %s: %s %s: %s" % ( paused, _("total Speed"), red(formatSize(speed) + "/s"), _("Files in queue"), red( status.queue), _("Total"), red(status.total))) return line + 1 def renderBody(self, line): """ prints initial menu """ println(line, white(_("Menu:"))) println(line + 1, "") println(line + 2, mag("1.") + _(" Add Links")) println(line + 3, mag("2.") + _(" Manage Queue")) println(line + 4, mag("3.") + _(" Manage Collector")) println(line + 5, mag("4.") + _(" (Un)Pause Server")) println(line + 6, mag("5.") + _(" Kill Server")) println(line + 7, mag("6.") + _(" Quit")) return line + 8 def renderFooter(self, line): """ prints out the input line with input """ println(line, "") line += 1 println(line, white(" Input: ") + decode(self.input)) # clear old output if line < self.lastLowestLine: for i in xrange(line + 1, self.lastLowestLine + 1): println(i, "") self.lastLowestLine = line # set cursor to position print "\033[" + str(self.inputline) + ";0H" def onChar(self, char): """ default no special handling for single chars """ if char == "1": self.setHandler(AddPackage) elif char == "2": self.setHandler(ManageFiles) elif char == "3": self.setHandler(ManageFiles) self.bodyHandler.target = Destination.Collector elif char == "4": self.client.togglePause() self.setInput() elif char == "5": self.client.kill() self.client.close() sys.exit() elif char == "6": os.system('clear') sys.exit() def onEnter(self, inp): pass def onBackSpace(self): pass def processCommand(self): command = self.command[0] args = [] if len(self.command) > 1: args = self.command[1:] if command == "status": files = self.client.statusDownloads() if not files: print "No downloads running." for download in files: if download.status == 12: #: downloading print print_status(download) print "\tDownloading: %s @ %s/s\t %s (%s%%)" % ( download.format_eta, formatSize(download.speed), formatSize(download.size - download.bleft), download.percent) elif download.status == 5: print print_status(download) print "\tWaiting: %s" % download.format_wait else: print print_status(download) elif command == "queue": print_packages(self.client.getQueueData()) elif command == "collector": print_packages(self.client.getCollectorData()) elif command == "add": if len(args) < 2: print _("Please use this syntax: add ...") return self.client.addPackage(args[0], args[1:], Destination.Queue) elif command == "add_coll": if len(args) < 2: print _("Please use this syntax: add ...") return self.client.addPackage(args[0], args[1:], Destination.Collector) elif command == "del_file": self.client.deleteFiles([int(x) for x in args]) print "Files deleted." elif command == "del_package": self.client.deletePackages([int(x) for x in args]) print "Packages deleted." elif command == "move": for pid in args: pack = self.client.getPackageInfo(int(pid)) self.client.movePackage((pack.dest + 1) % 2, pack.pid) elif command == "check": print _("Checking %d links:") % len(args) print rid = self.client.checkOnlineStatus(args).rid self.printOnlineCheck(self.client, rid) elif command == "check_container": path = args[0] if not exists(join(owd, path)): print _("File does not exists.") return with open(join(owd, path), "rb") as f: content = f.read() rid = self.client.checkOnlineStatusContainer([], basename(f.name), content).rid self.printOnlineCheck(self.client, rid) elif command == "pause": self.client.pause() elif command == "unpause": self.client.unpause() elif command == "toggle": self.client.togglePause() elif command == "kill": self.client.kill() elif command == "restart_file": for x in args: self.client.restartFile(int(x)) print "Files restarted." elif command == "restart_package": for pid in args: self.client.restartPackage(int(pid)) print "Packages restarted." else: print_commands() def printOnlineCheck(self, client, rid): while True: sleep(1) result = client.pollResults(rid) for url, status in result.data.iteritems(): if status.status == 2: check = "Online" elif status.status == 1: check = "Offline" else: check = "Unknown" print "%-45s %-12s\t %-15s\t %s" % (status.name, formatSize(status.size), status.plugin, check) if result.rid == -1: break class RefreshThread(Thread): def __init__(self, cli): Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.cli = cli def run(self): while True: sleep(1) try: self.cli.refresh() except ConnectionClosed: os.system("clear") print _("pyLoad was terminated") _exit(0) except Exception, e: println(2, red(str(e))) self.cli.reset() traceback.print_exc() def print_help(config): print print "pyLoad CLI Copyright (c) 2008-2015 the pyLoad Team" print print "Usage: [python] pyload-cli.py [options] [command]" print print "" print "See pyload-cli.py -c for a complete listing." print print "" print " -i, --interactive", " Start in interactive mode" print print " -u, --username=", " " * 2, "Specify Username" print " --pw=", " " * 2, "Password" print " -a, --address=", " " * 3, "Specify address (current=%s)" % config['addr'] print " -p, --port", " " * 7, "Specify port (current=%s)" % config['port'] print print " -l, --language", " " * 3, "Set user interface language (current=%s)" % config['language'] print " -h, --help", " " * 7, "Display this help screen" print " -c, --commands", " " * 3, "List all available commands" print def print_packages(data): for pack in data: print "Package %s (#%s):" % (pack.name, pack.pid) for download in pack.links: print "\t" + print_file(download) print def print_file(download): return "#%(id)-6d %(name)-30s %(statusmsg)-10s %(plugin)-8s" % { "id": download.fid, "name": download.name, "statusmsg": download.statusmsg, "plugin": download.plugin } def print_status(download): return "#%(id)-6s %(name)-40s Status: %(statusmsg)-10s Size: %(size)s" % { "id": download.fid, "name": download.name, "statusmsg": download.statusmsg, "size": download.format_size } def print_commands(): commands = [("status", _("Prints server status")), ("queue", _("Prints downloads in queue")), ("collector", _("Prints downloads in collector")), ("add ...", _("Adds package to queue")), ("add_coll ...", _("Adds package to collector")), ("del_file ...", _("Delete Files from Queue/Collector")), ("del_package ...", _("Delete Packages from Queue/Collector")), ("move ...", _("Move Packages from Queue to Collector or vice versa")), ("restart_file ...", _("Restart files")), ("restart_package ...", _("Restart packages")), ("check ...", _("Check online status, works with local container")), ("check_container path", _("Checks online status of a container file")), ("pause", _("Pause the server")), ("unpause", _("continue downloads")), ("toggle", _("Toggle pause/unpause")), ("kill", _("kill server")), ] print _("List of commands:") print for c in commands: print "%-35s %s" % c def writeConfig(opts): try: with open(join(homedir, ".pyload-cli"), "w") as cfgfile: cfgfile.write("[cli]") for opt in opts: cfgfile.write("%s=%s\n" % (opt, opts[opt])) except Exception: print _("Couldn't write user config file") def main(): config = {"addr": "", "port": "7227", "language": "en"} try: config['language'] = os.environ['LANG'][0:2] except Exception: pass if (not exists(join(pypath, "locale", config['language']))) or config['language'] == "": config['language'] = "en" configFile = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() configFile.read(join(homedir, ".pyload-cli")) if configFile.has_section("cli"): for opt in configFile.items("cli"): config[opt[0]] = opt[1] gettext.setpaths([join(os.sep, "usr", "share", "pyload", "locale"), None]) translation = gettext.translation("Cli", join(pypath, "locale"), languages=[config['language'], "en"], fallback=True) translation.install(unicode=True) interactive = False command = None username = "" password = "" shortOptions = 'iu:p:a:hcl:' longOptions = ['interactive', "username=", "pw=", "address=", "port=", "help", "commands", "language="] try: opts, extraparams = getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortOptions, longOptions) for option, params in opts: if option in ("-i", "--interactive"): interactive = True elif option in ("-u", "--username"): username = params elif option in ("-a", "--address"): config['addr'] = params elif option in ("-p", "--port"): config['port'] = params elif option in ("-l", "--language"): config['language'] = params gettext.setpaths([join(os.sep, "usr", "share", "pyload", "locale"), None]) translation = gettext.translation("Cli", join(pypath, "locale"), languages=[config['language'], "en"], fallback=True) translation.install(unicode=True) elif option in ("-h", "--help"): print_help(config) exit() elif option in ("--pw"): password = params elif option in ("-c", "--comands"): print_commands() exit() except GetoptError: print 'Unknown Argument(s) "%s"' % " ".join(sys.argv[1:]) print_help(config) exit() if len(extraparams) >= 1: command = extraparams client = False if interactive: try: client = ThriftClient(config['addr'], int(config['port']), username, password) except WrongLogin: pass except NoSSL: print _("You need py-openssl to connect to this pyLoad Core.") exit() except NoConnection: config['addr'] = False config['port'] = False if not client: if not config['addr']: config['addr'] = raw_input(_("Address: ")) if not config['port']: config['port'] = raw_input(_("Port: ")) if not username: username = raw_input(_("Username: ")) if not password: from getpass import getpass password = getpass(_("Password: ")) try: client = ThriftClient(config['addr'], int(config['port']), username, password) except WrongLogin: print _("Login data is wrong.") except NoConnection: print _("Could not establish connection to %(addr)s:%(port)s." % {"addr": config['addr'], "port": config['port']}) else: try: client = ThriftClient(config['addr'], int(config['port']), username, password) except WrongLogin: print _("Login data is wrong.") except NoConnection: print _("Could not establish connection to %(addr)s:%(port)s." % {"addr": config['addr'], "port": config['port']}) except NoSSL: print _("You need py-openssl to connect to this pyLoad core.") if interactive and command: print _("Interactive mode ignored since you passed some commands.") if client: writeConfig(config) cli = Cli(client, command)