#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#   Copyright(c) 2008-2014 pyLoad Team
#   http://www.pyload.org
#   This file is part of pyLoad.
#   pyLoad is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#   License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   Subjected to the terms and conditions in LICENSE
#   @author: RaNaN

from collections import defaultdict
from threading import Event
from time import sleep
from random import sample
from subprocess import call

from ReadWriteLock import ReadWriteLock

from Api import DownloadStatus as DS

from utils import lock, read_lock
from utils.fs import exists, join, free_space

from network import get_ip

from threads.DownloadThread import DownloadThread
from threads.DecrypterThread import DecrypterThread

class DownloadManager:
    """ Schedules and manages download and decrypter jobs. """

    def __init__(self, core):
        self.core = core
        self.log = core.log

        #: won't start download when true
        self.paused = True

        #: each thread is in exactly one category
        self.free = []
        #: a thread that in working must have a pyfile as active attribute
        self.working = []
        #: holds the decrypter threads
        self.decrypter = []

        #: indicates when reconnect has occurred
        self.reconnecting = Event()

        self.lock = ReadWriteLock()

    def done(self, thread):
        """ Switch thread from working to free state """
        # only download threads will be re-used
        if isinstance(thread, DownloadThread):
            # clean local var
            thread.active = None
        elif isinstance(thread, DecrypterThread):

    def stop(self, thread):
        """  Removes a thread from all lists  """
        if thread in self.free:
        elif thread in self.working:

    def startDownloadThread(self, info):
        """ Use a free dl thread or create a new one """
        if self.free:
            thread = self.free[0]
            del self.free[0]
            thread = DownloadThread(self)


        # wait until it picked up the task

    def startDecrypterThread(self, info):
        """ Start decrypting of entered data, all links in one package are accumulated to one thread."""
        self.core.files.setDownloadStatus(info.fid, DS.Decrypting)
        self.decrypter.append(DecrypterThread(self, [(info.download.url, info.download.plugin)],
                                              info.fid, info.package, info.owner))

    def activeDownloads(self, uid=None):
        """ retrieve pyfiles of running downloads  """
        return [x.active for x in self.working
                if uid is None or x.active.owner == uid]

    def waitingDownloads(self):
        """ all waiting downloads """
        return [x.active for x in self.working if x.active.hasStatus("waiting")]

    def getProgressList(self, uid):
        """ Progress of all running downloads """
        # decrypter progress could be none
        return filter(lambda x: x is not None,
                      [p.getProgress() for p in self.working + self.decrypter
                       if uid is None or p.owner == uid])

    def processingIds(self):
        """get a id list of all pyfiles processed"""
        return [x.fid for x in self.activeDownloads(None)]

    def shutdown(self):
        """  End all threads """
        self.paused = True
        for thread in self.working + self.free:

    def work(self):
        """ main routine that does the periodical work """


        if free_space(self.core.config["general"]["download_folder"]) / 1024 / 1024 < \
            self.log.warning(_("Not enough space left on device"))
            self.paused = True

        if self.paused or not self.core.api.isTimeDownload():
            return False

        # at least one thread want reconnect and we are supposed to wait
        if self.core.config['reconnect']['wait'] and self.wantReconnect() > 1:
            return False


        # TODO: clean free threads

    def assignJobs(self):
        """ Load jobs from db and try to assign them """

        limit = self.core.config['download']['max_downloads'] - len(self.activeDownloads())

        # check for waiting dl rule
        if limit <= 0:
            # increase limit if there are waiting downloads
            limit += min(len(self.waitingDownloads()), self.core.config['download']['wait_downloads'] +
                                                  self.core.config['download']['max_downloads'] - len(

        slots = self.getRemainingPluginSlots()
        occ = tuple([plugin for plugin, v in slots.iteritems() if v == 0])
        jobs = self.core.files.getJobs(occ)

        # map plugin to list of jobs
        plugins = defaultdict(list)

        for uid, info in jobs.items():
            # check the quota of each user and filter
            quota = self.core.api.calcQuota(uid)
            if -1 < quota < info.size:
                del jobs[uid]


        for plugin, jobs in plugins.iteritems():
            # we know exactly the number of remaining jobs
            # or only can start one job if limit is not known
            to_schedule = slots[plugin] if plugin in slots else 1
            # start all chosen jobs
            for job in self.chooseJobs(jobs, to_schedule):
                # if the job was started the limit will be reduced
                if self.startJob(job, limit):
                    limit -= 1

    def chooseJobs(self, jobs, k):
        """ make a fair choice of which k jobs to start """
        # TODO: prefer admins, make a fairer choice?
        if k <= 0: return []
        if k >= len(jobs): return jobs

        return sample(jobs, k)

    def startJob(self, info, limit):
        """ start a download or decrypter thread with given file info """

        plugin = self.core.pluginManager.findPlugin(info.download.plugin)
        # this plugin does not exits
        if plugin is None:
            self.log.error(_("Plugin '%s' does not exists") % info.download.plugin)
            self.core.files.setDownloadStatus(info.fid, DS.Failed)
            return False

        if plugin == "hoster":
            # this job can't be started
            if limit <= 0:
                return False

            return True

        elif plugin == "crypter":
            self.log.error(_("Plugin type '%s' can't be used for downloading") % plugin)

        return False

    def tryReconnect(self):
        """checks if reconnect needed"""

        if not self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"] or not self.core.api.isTimeReconnect():
            return False

        # only reconnect when all threads are ready
        if not (0 < self.wantReconnect() == len(self.working)):
            return False

        if not exists(self.core.config['reconnect']['method']):
            if exists(join(pypath, self.core.config['reconnect']['method'])):
                self.core.config['reconnect']['method'] = join(pypath, self.core.config['reconnect']['method'])
                self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"] = False
                self.log.warning(_("Reconnect script not found!"))


        self.log.info(_("Starting reconnect"))

        # wait until all thread got the event
        while [x.active.plugin.waiting for x in self.working].count(True) != 0:

        old_ip = get_ip()

        self.core.evm.dispatchEvent("reconnect:before", old_ip)
        self.log.debug("Old IP: %s" % old_ip)

            call(self.core.config['reconnect']['method'], shell=True)
            self.log.warning(_("Failed executing reconnect script!"))
            self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"] = False

        ip = get_ip()
        self.core.evm.dispatchEvent("reconnect:after", ip)

        if not old_ip or old_ip == ip:
            self.log.warning(_("Reconnect not successful"))
            self.log.info(_("Reconnected, new IP: %s") % ip)


    def wantReconnect(self):
        """ number of downloads that are waiting for reconnect """
        active = [x.active.hasPlugin() and x.active.plugin.wantReconnect and x.active.plugin.waiting for x in self.working]
        return active.count(True)

    def getRemainingPluginSlots(self):
        """  dict of plugin names mapped to remaining dls  """
        occ = {}
        # decrypter are treated as occupied
        for p in self.decrypter:
            progress = p.getProgress()
            if progress:
                occ[progress.plugin] = 0

        # get all default dl limits
        for t in self.working:
            if not t.active.hasPlugin(): continue
            limit = t.active.plugin.getDownloadLimit()
            # limit <= 0 means no limit
            occ[t.active.pluginname] = limit if limit > 0 else float('inf')

        # subtract with running downloads
        for t in self.working:
            if not t.active.hasPlugin(): continue
            plugin = t.active.pluginname
            if plugin in occ:
                occ[plugin] -= 1

        return occ