#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: spoob @author: sebnapi @author: RaNaN @author: mkaay @version: v0.4.9 """ CURRENT_VERSION = '' import __builtin__ from getopt import getopt, GetoptError from imp import find_module import logging import logging.handlers import os from os import _exit, execl, getcwd, remove, walk, chdir, close import signal import sys from sys import argv, executable, exit from time import time, sleep from traceback import print_exc import locale locale.locale_alias = locale.windows_locale = {} #save ~100kb ram, no known sideeffects for now import subprocess subprocess.__doc__ = None # the module with the largest doc we are using from module import InitHomeDir from module.plugins.AccountManager import AccountManager from module.interaction.CaptchaManager import CaptchaManager from module.config.ConfigParser import ConfigParser from module.plugins.PluginManager import PluginManager from module.interaction.EventManager import EventManager from module.network.RequestFactory import RequestFactory from module.web.ServerThread import WebServer from module.Scheduler import Scheduler from module.common.JsEngine import JsEngine from module import remote from module.remote.RemoteManager import RemoteManager from module.database import DatabaseBackend, FileHandler import module.common.pylgettext as gettext from module.utils import formatSize, get_console_encoding from module.utils.fs import free_space, exists, makedirs, join, chmod from codecs import getwriter # test runner overwrites sys.stdout if hasattr(sys.stdout, "encoding"): enc = get_console_encoding(sys.stdout.encoding) else: enc = "utf8" sys._stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = getwriter(enc)(sys.stdout, errors="replace") # TODO List # - configurable auth system ldap/mysql # - cron job like sheduler # - plugin stack / multi decrypter # - media plugin type # - general progress info # - content attribute for files / sync status # - sync with disk content / file manager / nested packages # - would require new/modified link collector concept # - interaction manager class Core(object): """pyLoad Core, one tool to rule them all... (the filehosters) :D""" def __init__(self): self.doDebug = False self.startedInGui = False self.running = False self.daemon = False self.remote = True self.pdb = None self.arg_links = [] self.pidfile = "pyload.pid" self.deleteLinks = False # will delete links on startup if len(argv) > 1: try: options, args = getopt(argv[1:], 'vchdusqp:', ["version", "clear", "clean", "help", "debug", "user", "setup", "configdir=", "changedir", "daemon", "quit", "status", "no-remote","pidfile="]) for option, argument in options: if option in ("-v", "--version"): print "pyLoad", CURRENT_VERSION exit() elif option in ("-p", "--pidfile"): self.pidfile = argument elif option == "--daemon": self.daemon = True elif option in ("-c", "--clear"): self.deleteLinks = True elif option in ("-h", "--help"): self.print_help() exit() elif option in ("-d", "--debug"): self.doDebug = True elif option in ("-u", "--user"): from module.setup import Setup self.config = ConfigParser() s = Setup(pypath, self.config) s.set_user() exit() elif option in ("-s", "--setup"): from module.setup import Setup self.config = ConfigParser() s = Setup(pypath, self.config) s.start() exit() elif option == "--changedir": from module.setup import Setup self.config = ConfigParser() s = Setup(pypath, self.config) s.conf_path(True) exit() elif option in ("-q", "--quit"): self.quitInstance() exit() elif option == "--status": pid = self.isAlreadyRunning() if self.isAlreadyRunning(): print pid exit(0) else: print "false" exit(1) elif option == "--clean": self.cleanTree() exit() elif option == "--no-remote": self.remote = False except GetoptError: print 'Unknown Argument(s) "%s"' % " ".join(argv[1:]) self.print_help() exit() def print_help(self): print "" print "pyLoad v%s 2008-2012 the pyLoad Team" % CURRENT_VERSION print "" if sys.argv[0].endswith(".py"): print "Usage: python pyLoadCore.py [options]" else: print "Usage: pyLoadCore [options]" print "" print "<Options>" print " -v, --version", " " * 10, "Print version to terminal" print " -c, --clear", " " * 12, "Delete all saved packages/links" #print " -a, --add=<link/list>", " " * 2, "Add the specified links" print " -u, --user", " " * 13, "Manages users" print " -d, --debug", " " * 12, "Enable debug mode" print " -s, --setup", " " * 12, "Run Setup Assistent" print " --configdir=<dir>", " " * 6, "Run with <dir> as config directory" print " -p, --pidfile=<file>", " " * 3, "Set pidfile to <file>" print " --changedir", " " * 12, "Change config dir permanently" print " --daemon", " " * 15, "Daemonmize after start" print " --no-remote", " " * 12, "Disable remote access (saves RAM)" print " --status", " " * 15, "Display pid if running or False" print " --clean", " " * 16, "Remove .pyc/.pyo files" print " -q, --quit", " " * 13, "Quit running pyLoad instance" print " -h, --help", " " * 13, "Display this help screen" print "" def toggle_pause(self): if self.threadManager.pause: self.threadManager.pause = False return False elif not self.threadManager.pause: self.threadManager.pause = True return True def quit(self, a, b): self.shutdown() self.log.info(_("Received Quit signal")) _exit(1) def writePidFile(self): self.deletePidFile() pid = os.getpid() f = open(self.pidfile, "wb") f.write(str(pid)) f.close() chmod(self.pidfile, 0660) def deletePidFile(self): if self.checkPidFile(): self.log.debug("Deleting old pidfile %s" % self.pidfile) os.remove(self.pidfile) def checkPidFile(self): """ return pid as int or 0""" if os.path.isfile(self.pidfile): f = open(self.pidfile, "rb") pid = f.read().strip() f.close() if pid: pid = int(pid) return pid return 0 def isAlreadyRunning(self): pid = self.checkPidFile() if not pid or os.name == "nt": return False try: os.kill(pid, 0) # 0 - default signal (does nothing) except: return 0 return pid def quitInstance(self): if os.name == "nt": print "Not supported on windows." return pid = self.isAlreadyRunning() if not pid: print "No pyLoad running." return try: os.kill(pid, 3) #SIGUIT t = time() print "waiting for pyLoad to quit" while exists(self.pidfile) and t + 10 > time(): sleep(0.25) if not exists(self.pidfile): print "pyLoad successfully stopped" else: os.kill(pid, 9) #SIGKILL print "pyLoad did not respond" print "Kill signal was send to process with id %s" % pid except: print "Error quitting pyLoad" def cleanTree(self): for path, dirs, files in walk(self.path("")): for f in files: if not f.endswith(".pyo") and not f.endswith(".pyc"): continue if "_25" in f or "_26" in f or "_27" in f: continue print join(path, f) remove(join(path, f)) def start(self, rpc=True, web=True, tests=False): """ starts the fun :D """ self.version = CURRENT_VERSION if not exists("pyload.conf") and not tests: from module.setup import Setup print "This is your first start, running configuration assistent now." self.config = ConfigParser() s = Setup(pypath, self.config) res = False try: res = s.start() except SystemExit: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nSetup interrupted" except: res = False print_exc() print "Setup failed" if not res: remove("pyload.conf") exit() try: signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self.quit) except: pass self.config = ConfigParser() gettext.setpaths([join(os.sep, "usr", "share", "pyload", "locale"), None]) translation = gettext.translation("pyLoad", self.path("locale"), languages=[self.config['general']['language'],"en"],fallback=True) translation.install(True) # load again so translations are propagated self.config.loadDefault() self.debug = self.doDebug or self.config['general']['debug_mode'] self.remote &= self.config['remote']['activated'] pid = self.isAlreadyRunning() # dont exit when in test runner if pid and not tests: print _("pyLoad already running with pid %s") % pid exit() if os.name != "nt" and self.config["general"]["renice"]: os.system("renice %d %d" % (self.config["general"]["renice"], os.getpid())) if self.config["permission"]["change_group"]: if os.name != "nt": try: from grp import getgrnam group = getgrnam(self.config["permission"]["group"]) os.setgid(group[2]) except Exception, e: print _("Failed changing group: %s") % e if self.config["permission"]["change_user"]: if os.name != "nt": try: from pwd import getpwnam user = getpwnam(self.config["permission"]["user"]) os.setuid(user[2]) except Exception, e: print _("Failed changing user: %s") % e if self.debug: self.init_logger(logging.DEBUG) # logging level else: self.init_logger(logging.INFO) # logging level self.do_kill = False self.do_restart = False self.shuttedDown = False self.log.info(_("Starting") + " pyLoad %s" % CURRENT_VERSION) self.log.info(_("Using home directory: %s") % getcwd()) if not tests: self.writePidFile() #@TODO refractor remote.activated = self.remote self.log.debug("Remote activated: %s" % self.remote) self.check_install("Crypto", _("pycrypto to decode container files")) self.captcha = True # checks seems to fail, althoug tesseract is available if self.config['ssl']['activated']: self.check_install("OpenSSL", _("OpenSSL for secure connection")) self.eventManager = EventManager(self) self.setupDB() if self.deleteLinks: self.log.info(_("All links removed")) self.db.purgeLinks() self.requestFactory = RequestFactory(self) __builtin__.pyreq = self.requestFactory self.lastClientConnected = 0 # later imported because they would trigger api import, and remote value not set correctly from module import Api from module.HookManager import HookManager from module.threads.ThreadManager import ThreadManager if Api.activated != self.remote: self.log.warning("Import error: API remote status not correct.") self.api = Api.Api(self) self.scheduler = Scheduler(self) #hell yeah, so many important managers :D self.pluginManager = PluginManager(self) self.interActionManager = None #stub self.accountManager = AccountManager(self) self.threadManager = ThreadManager(self) self.captchaManager = CaptchaManager(self) self.hookManager = HookManager(self) self.remoteManager = RemoteManager(self) self.js = JsEngine() # enough initialization for test cases if tests: return self.log.info(_("Downloadtime: %s") % self.api.isTimeDownload()) if rpc: self.remoteManager.startBackends() if web: self.init_webserver() dl_folder = self.config["general"]["download_folder"] if not exists(dl_folder): makedirs(dl_folder) spaceLeft = free_space(dl_folder) self.log.info(_("Free space: %s") % formatSize(spaceLeft)) self.config.save() #save so config files gets filled link_file = join(pypath, "links.txt") if exists(link_file): f = open(link_file, "rb") if f.read().strip(): self.api.addPackage("links.txt", [link_file], 1) f.close() link_file = "links.txt" if exists(link_file): f = open(link_file, "rb") if f.read().strip(): self.api.addPackage("links.txt", [link_file], 1) f.close() #self.scheduler.addJob(0, self.accountManager.getAccountInfos) self.log.info(_("Activating Accounts...")) self.accountManager.refreshAllAccounts() self.threadManager.pause = False self.running = True self.hookManager.activateHooks() self.log.info(_("pyLoad is up and running")) self.eventManager.dispatchEvent("coreReady") #test api # from module.common.APIExerciser import startApiExerciser # startApiExerciser(self, 3) #some memory stats # from guppy import hpy # hp=hpy() # print hp.heap() # import objgraph # objgraph.show_most_common_types(limit=30) # import memdebug # memdebug.start(8002) # from meliae import scanner # scanner.dump_all_objects(self.path('objs.json')) locals().clear() while True: sleep(2) if self.do_restart: self.log.info(_("restarting pyLoad")) self.restart() if self.do_kill: self.shutdown() self.log.info(_("pyLoad quits")) self.removeLogger() _exit(0) #@TODO thrift blocks shutdown self.threadManager.work() self.scheduler.work() def setupDB(self): self.db = DatabaseBackend(self) # the backend self.db.setup() self.files = FileHandler(self) self.db.manager = self.files #ugly? def init_webserver(self): if self.config['webinterface']['activated']: self.webserver = WebServer(self) self.webserver.start() def init_logger(self, level): console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) frm = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") console.setFormatter(frm) self.log = logging.getLogger("log") # settable in config if not exists(self.config['log']['log_folder']): makedirs(self.config['log']['log_folder'], 0600) if self.config['log']['file_log']: if self.config['log']['log_rotate']: file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(join(self.config['log']['log_folder'], 'log.txt'), maxBytes=self.config['log']['log_size'] * 1024, backupCount=int(self.config['log']['log_count']), encoding="utf8") else: file_handler = logging.FileHandler(join(self.config['log']['log_folder'], 'log.txt'), encoding="utf8") file_handler.setFormatter(frm) self.log.addHandler(file_handler) self.log.addHandler(console) #if console logging self.log.setLevel(level) def removeLogger(self): for h in list(self.log.handlers): self.log.removeHandler(h) h.close() def check_install(self, check_name, legend, python=True, essential=False): """check wether needed tools are installed""" try: if python: find_module(check_name) else: pipe = subprocess.PIPE subprocess.Popen(check_name, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe) return True except: if essential: self.log.info(_("Install %s") % legend) exit() return False def isClientConnected(self): return (self.lastClientConnected + 30) > time() def restart(self): self.shutdown() chdir(owd) # close some open fds for i in range(3,50): try: close(i) except : pass execl(executable, executable, *sys.argv) _exit(0) def shutdown(self): self.log.info(_("shutting down...")) self.eventManager.dispatchEvent("coreShutdown") try: if self.config['webinterface']['activated'] and hasattr(self, "webserver"): self.webserver.quit() for thread in self.threadManager.threads: thread.put("quit") pyfiles = self.files.cache.values() for pyfile in pyfiles: pyfile.abortDownload() self.hookManager.deactivateHooks() except: if self.debug: print_exc() self.log.info(_("error while shutting down")) finally: self.files.syncSave() self.shuttedDown = True self.deletePidFile() def shell(self): """ stop and open a ipython shell inplace""" if self.debug: from IPython import embed sys.stdout = sys._stdout embed() def breakpoint(self): if self.debug: from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb sys.stdout = sys._stdout if not self.pdb: self.pdb = Pdb() self.pdb.set_trace() def print_exc(self): if self.debug: print_exc() def path(self, *args): return join(pypath, *args) def deamon(): try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: sys.exit(0) except OSError, e: print >> sys.stderr, "fork #1 failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror) sys.exit(1) # decouple from parent environment os.setsid() os.umask(0) # do second fork try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: # exit from second parent, print eventual PID before print "Daemon PID %d" % pid sys.exit(0) except OSError, e: print >> sys.stderr, "fork #2 failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror) sys.exit(1) # Iterate through and close some file descriptors. for fd in range(0, 3): try: os.close(fd) except OSError: # ERROR, fd wasn't open to begin with (ignored) pass os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR) # standard input (0) os.dup2(0, 1) # standard output (1) os.dup2(0, 2) pyload_core = Core() pyload_core.start() def main(): #change name to 'pyLoadCore' #from module.lib.rename_process import renameProcess #renameProcess('pyLoadCore') if "--daemon" in sys.argv: deamon() else: pyload_core = Core() try: pyload_core.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pyload_core.shutdown() pyload_core.log.info(_("killed pyLoad from Terminal")) pyload_core.removeLogger() _exit(1) # And so it begins... if __name__ == "__main__": main()