#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: spoob @author: sebnapi @author: RaNaN @author: mkaay @version: v0.4.2 """ CURRENT_VERSION = '0.4.2' from getopt import GetoptError from getopt import getopt import gettext from imp import find_module import logging import logging.handlers import os from os import _exit from os import execv from os import getcwd from os import makedirs from os import name as platform from os import remove from os import sep from os.path import exists from os.path import join import signal import subprocess import sys from sys import argv from sys import executable from sys import exit import thread import time from time import sleep from traceback import print_exc from xmlrpclib import Binary from module import InitHomeDir from module.AccountManager import AccountManager from module.CaptchaManager import CaptchaManager from module.ConfigParser import ConfigParser from module.FileDatabase import FileHandler from module.HookManager import HookManager from module.PluginManager import PluginManager from module.PullEvents import PullManager from module.RequestFactory import RequestFactory from module.ThreadManager import ThreadManager import module.remote.SecureXMLRPCServer as Server from module.web.ServerThread import WebServer from module.FileDatabase import PyFile from module.Scheduler import Scheduler from module.JsEngine import JsEngine from codecs import getwriter if os.name == "nt": enc = "cp850" else: enc = "utf8" sys.stdout = getwriter(enc)(sys.stdout, errors = "replace") class Core(object): """ pyLoad Core, one tool to rule them all... (the filehosters) :D""" def __init__(self): self.doDebug = False self.daemon = False self.arg_links = [] self.pidfile = "pyload.pid" if len(argv) > 1: try: options, args = getopt(argv[1:], 'vca:hdusq', ["version", "clear", "add=", "help", "debug", "user", "setup", "configdir=", "changedir", "daemon", "quit"]) for option, argument in options: if option in ("-v", "--version"): print "pyLoad", CURRENT_VERSION exit() elif option in ("--daemon"): self.daemon = True elif option in ("-c", "--clear"): try: remove("files.db") print "Removed Linklist" except: print "No Linklist found" elif option in ("-a", "--add"): #self.arg_links.append(argument) #@TODO print "Added %s" % argument elif option in ("-h", "--help"): self.print_help() exit() elif option in ("-d", "--debug"): self.doDebug = True elif option in ("-u", "--user"): from module.setup import Setup self.config = ConfigParser() s = Setup(pypath, self.config) s.set_user() exit() elif option in ("-s", "--setup"): from module.setup import Setup self.config = ConfigParser() s = Setup(pypath, self.config) s.start() exit() elif option == "--changedir": from module.setup import Setup self.config = ConfigParser() s = Setup(pypath, self.config) s.conf_path(True) exit() elif option in ("-q", "--quit"): self.quitInstance() exit() except GetoptError: print 'Unknown Argument(s) "%s"' % " ".join(argv[1:]) self.print_help() exit() def print_help(self): print "" print "pyLoad %s Copyright (c) 2008-2010 the pyLoad Team" % CURRENT_VERSION print "" print "Usage: [python] pyLoadCore.py [options]" print "" print "<Options>" print " -v, --version", " " * 10, "Print version to terminal" print " -c, --clear", " " * 12, "Delete the saved linklist" #print " -a, --add=<link/list>", " " * 2, "Add the specified links" print " -u, --user", " " * 13, "Set new User and password" print " -d, --debug", " " * 12, "Enable debug mode" print " -s, --setup", " " * 12, "Run Setup Assistent" print " --configdir=<dir>", " " * 6, "Run with <dir> as config directory" print " --changedir", " "* 12, "Change config dir permanently" print " --daemon", " " * 15, "Daemonize after start" print " -q, --quit", " " * 13, "Try to quit running pyLoad" print " -h, --help", " " * 13, "Display this help screen" print "" def toggle_pause(self): if self.threadManager.pause: self.threadManager.pause = False return False elif not self.threadManager.pause: self.threadManager.pause = True return True def quit(self, a, b): self.shutdown() self.log.info(_("Received Quit signal")) _exit(1) def writePidFile(self): self.deletePidFile() pid = os.getpid() f = open(self.pidfile, "wb") f.write(str(pid)) f.close() def deletePidFile(self): if self.checkPidFile(): self.log.debug("Deleting old pidfile %s" % self.pidfile) os.remove(self.pidfile) def checkPidFile(self): """ return pid as int or 0""" if os.path.isfile(self.pidfile): f = open(self.pidfile, "rb") pid = int(f.read()) f.close() return pid else: return 0 def isAlreadyRunning(self): pid = self.checkPidFile() if not pid or os.name == "nt": return False try: os.kill(pid, 0) except: return 0 return pid def quitInstance(self): if os.name == "nt": print "Not supported on windows." return pid = self.isAlreadyRunning() if not pid: print "No pyLoad running." try: os.kill(pid, 3) #SIGUIT print "pyLoad successfully stopped" except: print "Error quitting pyLoad" def start(self, xmlrpc=True, web=True): """ starts the fun :D """ if not exists("pyload.conf"): from module.setup import Setup print "This is your first start, running configuration assistent now." self.config = ConfigParser() s = Setup(pypath, self.config) try: res = s.start() except: res = False print_exc() print "Setup failed" if not res: remove("pyload.conf") exit() try: signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self.quit) except: pass self.config = ConfigParser() translation = gettext.translation("pyLoad", self.path("locale"), languages=["en", self.config['general']['language']]) translation.install(True) self.debug = self.doDebug or self.config['general']['debug_mode'] pid = self.isAlreadyRunning() if pid: print _("pyLoad already running with pid %s") % pid exit() if os.name != "nt" and self.config["general"]["renice"]: os.system("renice %d %d" % (self.config["general"]["renice"], os.getpid()) ) if self.config["permission"]["change_group"]: if os.name != "nt": try: from grp import getgrnam group = getgrnam(self.config["permission"]["group"]) os.setgid(group[2]) except Exception, e: print _("Failed changing group: %s") % e if self.config["permission"]["change_user"]: if os.name != "nt": try: from pwd import getpwnam user = getpwnam(self.config["permission"]["user"]) os.setuid(user[2]) except Exception, e: print _("Failed changing user: %s") % e self.check_file(self.config['log']['log_folder'], _("folder for logs"), True) if self.debug: self.init_logger(logging.DEBUG) # logging level else: self.init_logger(logging.INFO) # logging level self.do_kill = False self.do_restart = False self.shuttedDown = False self.log.info(_("Using home directory: %s") % getcwd()) #@TODO refractor self.check_install("Crypto", _("pycrypto to decode container files")) img = self.check_install("Image", _("Python Image Libary (PIL) for captcha reading")) #self.check_install("pycurl", _("pycurl to download any files"), True, True) self.check_install("django", _("Django for webinterface")) self.check_file("tmp", _("folder for temporary files"), True) tesser = self.check_install("tesseract", _("tesseract for captcha reading"), False) if os.name != "nt" else True self.captcha = tesser self.check_file(self.config['general']['download_folder'], _("folder for downloads"), True) self.check_file("links.txt", _("file for links")) if self.config['ssl']['activated']: self.check_install("OpenSSL", _("OpenSSL for secure connection"), True) self.requestFactory = RequestFactory(self) #path.append(self.plugin_folder) self.lastClientConnected = 0 self.server_methods = ServerMethods(self) self.scheduler = Scheduler(self) #hell yeah, so many important managers :D self.files = FileHandler(self) self.pluginManager = PluginManager(self) self.pullManager = PullManager(self) self.accountManager = AccountManager(self) self.threadManager = ThreadManager(self) self.captchaManager = CaptchaManager(self) self.hookManager = HookManager(self) self.js = JsEngine() self.log.info(_("Downloadtime: %s") % self.server_methods.is_time_download()) if xmlrpc: self.init_server() if web: self.init_webserver() #linkFile = self.config['general']['link_file'] freeSpace = self.freeSpace() if freeSpace > 5 * 1024: self.log.info(_("Free space: %sGB") % (freeSpace / 1024)) else: self.log.info(_("Free space: %sMB") % freeSpace) self.threadManager.pause = False #self.threadManager.start() self.hookManager.coreReady() self.config.save() #save so config files gets filled link_file = join(pypath, "links.txt") if exists(link_file): f = open(link_file, "rb") if f.read().strip(): self.server_methods.add_package("links.txt", [link_file], 1) f.close() link_file = "links.txt" if exists(link_file): f = open(link_file, "rb") if f.read().strip(): self.server_methods.add_package("links.txt", [link_file], 1) f.close() self.scheduler.addJob(0, self.accountManager.getAccountInfos) self.writePidFile() while True: sleep(2) if self.do_restart: self.log.info(_("restarting pyLoad")) self.restart() if self.do_kill: self.shutdown() self.log.info(_("pyLoad quits")) self.removeLogger() exit() self.threadManager.work() self.scheduler.work() self.hookManager.periodical() def init_server(self): try: server_addr = (self.config['remote']['listenaddr'], int(self.config['remote']['port'])) usermap = {self.config.username: self.config.password} if self.config['ssl']['activated']: if exists(self.config['ssl']['cert']) and exists(self.config['ssl']['key']): self.server = Server.SecureXMLRPCServer(server_addr, self.config['ssl']['cert'], self.config['ssl']['key'], usermap) self.log.info(_("Secure XMLRPC Server Started")) else: self.log.warning(_("SSL Certificates not found, fallback to auth XMLRPC server")) self.server = Server.AuthXMLRPCServer(server_addr, usermap) self.log.info(_("Auth XMLRPC Server Started")) else: self.server = Server.AuthXMLRPCServer(server_addr, usermap) self.log.info(_("Auth XMLRPC Server Started")) self.server.register_instance(self.server_methods) thread.start_new_thread(self.server.serve_forever, ()) except Exception, e: self.log.error(_("Failed starting XMLRPC server CLI and GUI will not be available: %s") % str(e)) if self.debug: print_exc() def init_webserver(self): if self.config['webinterface']['activated']: self.webserver = WebServer(self) self.webserver.start() def init_logger(self, level): console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) frm = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") console.setFormatter(frm) self.log = logging.getLogger("log") # settable in config if self.config['log']['file_log']: file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(join(self.config['log']['log_folder'], 'log.txt'), maxBytes=102400, backupCount=int(self.config['log']['log_count']), encoding="utf8" ) #100 kib each file_handler.setFormatter(frm) self.log.addHandler(file_handler) self.log.addHandler(console) #if console logging self.log.setLevel(level) def removeLogger(self): for h in list(self.log.handlers): self.log.removeHandler(h) h.close() def check_install(self, check_name, legend, python=True, essential=False): """check wether needed tools are installed""" try: if python: find_module(check_name) else: pipe = subprocess.PIPE subprocess.Popen(check_name, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe) return True except: if essential: self.log.info(_("Install %s") % legend) exit() return False def check_file(self, check_names, description="", folder=False, empty=True, essential=False, quiet=False): """check wether needed files exists""" tmp_names = [] if not type(check_names) == list: tmp_names.append(check_names) else: tmp_names.extend(check_names) file_created = True file_exists = True for tmp_name in tmp_names: if not exists(tmp_name): file_exists = False if empty: try: if folder: tmp_name = tmp_name.replace("/", sep) makedirs(tmp_name) else: open(tmp_name, "w") except: file_created = False else: file_created = False if not file_exists and not quiet: if file_created: #self.log.info( _("%s created") % description ) pass else: if not empty: self.log.warning(_("could not find %(desc)s: %(name)s") % {"desc": description, "name": tmp_name}) else: print _("could not create %(desc)s: %(name)s") % {"desc": description, "name": tmp_name} if essential: exit() def isClientConnected(self): return (self.lastClientConnected + 30) > time.time() def restart(self): self.shutdown() execv(executable, [executable, "pyLoadCore.py"]) def compare_time(self, start, end): start = map(int, start) end = map(int, end) if start == end: return True now = list(time.localtime()[3:5]) if start < now and end > now: return True elif start > end and (now > start or now < end): return True elif start < now and end < now and start > end: return True else: return False def shutdown(self): self.log.info(_("shutting down...")) try: if self.config['webinterface']['activated'] and hasattr(self, "webserver"): self.webserver.quit() #self.webserver.join() for thread in self.threadManager.threads: thread.put("quit") pyfiles = self.files.cache.values() for pyfile in pyfiles: pyfile.abortDownload() except: if self.debug: print_exc() self.log.info(_("error while shutting down")) finally: self.files.syncSave() self.threadManager.cleanup() self.shuttedDown = True self.deletePidFile() def path(self, * args): return join(pypath, * args) def freeSpace(self): folder = self.config['general']['download_folder'] if platform == 'nt': import ctypes free_bytes = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0) ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(ctypes.c_wchar_p(folder), None, None, ctypes.pointer(free_bytes)) return free_bytes.value / 1024 / 1024 #megabyte else: from os import statvfs s = statvfs(folder) return s.f_bsize * s.f_bavail / 1024 / 1024 #megabyte #################################### ########## XMLRPC Methods ########## #################################### class ServerMethods(): """ methods that can be used by clients with xmlrpc connection""" def __init__(self, core): self.core = core def status_downloads(self): """ gives status about all files currently processed """ downloads = [] for pyfile in [x.active for x in self.core.threadManager.threads + self.core.threadManager.localThreads if x.active and x.active != "quit"]: if not isinstance(pyfile, PyFile): continue download = {} download['id'] = pyfile.id download['name'] = pyfile.name download['speed'] = pyfile.getSpeed() download['eta'] = pyfile.getETA() download['format_eta'] = pyfile.formatETA() download['kbleft'] = pyfile.getBytesLeft() #holded for backward comp. download['bleft'] = pyfile.getBytesLeft() download['size'] = pyfile.getSize() download['format_size'] = pyfile.formatSize() download['percent'] = pyfile.getPercent() download['status'] = pyfile.status download['statusmsg'] = pyfile.m.statusMsg[pyfile.status] download['format_wait'] = pyfile.formatWait() download['wait_until'] = pyfile.waitUntil download['package'] = pyfile.package().name downloads.append(download) return downloads def get_conf_val(self, cat, var, sec="core"): """ get config value """ if sec == "core": return self.core.config[cat][var] elif sec == "plugin": return self.core.config.getPlugin(cat, var) def set_conf_val(self, cat, opt, val, sec="core"): """ set config value """ if sec == "core": self.core.config[str(cat)][str(opt)] = val elif sec == "plugin": self.core.config.setPlugin(cat, opt, val) def get_config(self): """ gets complete config """ return self.core.config.config def get_plugin_config(self): """ gets complete plugin config """ return self.core.config.plugin def pause_server(self): self.core.threadManager.pause = True def unpause_server(self): self.core.threadManager.pause = False def toggle_pause(self): if self.core.threadManager.pause: self.core.threadManager.pause = False else: self.core.threadManager.pause = True return self.core.threadManager.pause def status_server(self): """ dict with current server status """ status = {} status['pause'] = self.core.threadManager.pause status['activ'] = len(self.core.threadManager.processingIds()) status['queue'] = self.core.files.getFileCount() status['total'] = self.core.files.getFileCount() status['speed'] = 0 for pyfile in [x.active for x in self.core.threadManager.threads if x.active and x.active != "quit"]: status['speed'] += pyfile.getSpeed() status['download'] = not self.core.threadManager.pause and self.is_time_download() status['reconnect'] = self.core.config['reconnect']['activated'] and self.is_time_reconnect() return status def free_space(self): return self.core.freeSpace() def get_server_version(self): return CURRENT_VERSION def add_package(self, name, links, queue=0): #0 is collector if self.core.config['general']['folder_per_package']: folder = name else: folder = "" folder = folder.replace("http://","").replace(":","").replace("/","_").replace("\\","_") pid = self.core.files.addPackage(name, folder, queue) self.core.files.addLinks(links, pid) self.core.log.info(_("Added package %(name)s containing %(count)d links") % {"name": name, "count": len(links)}) self.core.files.save() return pid def get_package_data(self, id): return self.core.files.getPackageData(int(id)) def get_file_data(self, id): info = self.core.files.getFileData(int(id)) if not info: return None info = {str(info.keys()[0]): info[info.keys()[0]]} return info def del_links(self, ids): for id in ids: self.core.files.deleteLink(int(id)) self.core.files.save() def del_packages(self, ids): for id in ids: self.core.files.deletePackage(int(id)) self.core.files.save() def kill(self): self.core.do_kill = True return True def restart(self): self.core.do_restart = True def get_queue(self): return self.core.files.getCompleteData(1) def get_collector(self): return self.core.files.getCompleteData(0) def get_queue_info(self): return self.core.files.getInfoData(1) def get_collector_info(self): return self.core.files.getInfoData(0) def add_files_to_package(self, pid, urls): #@TODO implement pass def push_package_to_queue(self, id): self.core.files.setPackageLocation(id, 1) def restart_package(self, packid): self.core.files.restartPackage(int(packid)) def recheck_package(self, packid): self.core.files.reCheckPackage(int(packid)) def restart_file(self, fileid): self.core.files.restartFile(int(fileid)) def upload_container(self, filename, content): th = open(join(self.core.config["general"]["download_folder"], "tmp_" + filename), "wb") th.write(str(content)) th.close() self.add_package(th.name, [th.name], 1) def get_log(self, offset=0): filename = join(self.core.config['log']['log_folder'], 'log.txt') try: fh = open(filename, "r") lines = fh.readlines() fh.close() if offset >= len(lines): return None return lines[offset:] except: return ('No log available', ) def stop_downloads(self): pyfiles = self.core.files.cache.values() for pyfile in pyfiles: pyfile.abortDownload() def abort_files(self, fids): pyfiles = self.core.files.cache.values() for pyfile in pyfiles: if pyfile.id in fids: pyfile.abortDownload() def stop_download(self, type, id): if self.core.files.cache.has_key(id): self.core.files.cache[id].abortDownload() def set_package_name(self, pid, name): pack = self.core.files.getPackage(pid) pack.name = name pack.sync() def pull_out_package(self, pid): """put package back to collector""" self.core.files.setPackageLocation(pid, 0) def move_package(self, dest, pid): if dest not in (0,1): return self.core.files.setPackageLocation(pid, dest) def is_captcha_waiting(self): self.core.lastClientConnected = time.time() task = self.core.captchaManager.getTask() return not task is None def get_captcha_task(self, exclusive=False): self.core.lastClientConnected = time.time() task = self.core.captchaManager.getTask() if task: task.setWatingForUser(exclusive=exclusive) c = task.getCaptcha() return str(task.getID()), Binary(c[0]), str(c[1]) else: return None, None, None def get_task_status(self, tid): self.core.lastClientConnected = time.time() return self.core.captchaManager.getTaskFromID(tid).getStatus() def set_captcha_result(self, tid, result): self.core.lastClientConnected = time.time() task = self.core.captchaManager.getTaskFromID(tid) if task: task.setResult(result) task.setDone() return True else: return False def get_events(self, uuid): return self.core.pullManager.getEvents(uuid) def get_accounts(self, force=False, refresh=True): return self.core.accountManager.getAccountInfos(force, refresh) def update_account(self, plugin, account, password=None, options={}): """ create and update account """ self.core.accountManager.updateAccount(plugin, account, password, options) def remove_account(self, plugin, account): self.core.accountManager.removeAccount(plugin, account) def set_priority(self, id, priority): p = self.core.files.getPackage(id) p.setPriority(priority) def order_package(self, id, pos): self.core.files.reorderPackage(id, pos) def order_file(self, id, pos): self.core.files.reorderFile(id, pos) def set_package_data(self, id, data): p = self.core.files.getPackage(id) if not p: return for key, value in data.iteritems(): if key == "id": continue setattr(p, key, value) p.sync() self.core.files.save() def checkURLs(self, urls): support = self.core.pluginManager.parseUrls(urls) return [(u, p) if not p == "BasePlugin" else (u, None) for u, p in support] def is_time_download(self): start = self.core.config['downloadTime']['start'].split(":") end = self.core.config['downloadTime']['end'].split(":") return self.core.compare_time(start, end) def is_time_reconnect(self): start = self.core.config['reconnect']['startTime'].split(":") end = self.core.config['reconnect']['endTime'].split(":") return self.core.compare_time(start, end) def deamon(): try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: sys.exit(0) except OSError, e: print >>sys.stderr, "fork #1 failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror) sys.exit(1) # decouple from parent environment os.setsid() os.umask(0) # do second fork try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: # exit from second parent, print eventual PID before print "Daemon PID %d" % pid sys.exit(0) except OSError, e: print >>sys.stderr, "fork #2 failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror) sys.exit(1) from resource import getrlimit, RLIMIT_NOFILE, RLIM_INFINITY # Resource usage information. maxfd = getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1] if (maxfd == RLIM_INFINITY): maxfd = 1024 # Iterate through and close all file descriptors. for fd in range(0, maxfd): try: os.close(fd) except OSError: # ERROR, fd wasn't open to begin with (ignored) pass os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR) # standard input (0) os.dup2(0, 1) # standard output (1) os.dup2(0, 2) pyload_core = Core() pyload_core.start() # And so it begins... if __name__ == "__main__": if "--daemon" in sys.argv: deamon() pyload_core = Core() try: pyload_core.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pyload_core.shutdown() pyload_core.log.info(_("killed pyLoad from Terminal")) pyload_core.removeLogger() _exit(1)