#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #Copyright (C) 2009 spoob, sebnapi, RaNaN # #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, #or (at your option) any later version. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #See the GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ### CURRENT_VERSION = '0.1.1' print_test_status = False import ConfigParser import gettext from glob import glob import logging import logging.handlers from os import mkdir from os import sep from os.path import basename from os.path import exists from sys import argv from sys import exit from sys import path from sys import stdout import time from time import sleep import urllib2 from module.file_list import File_List from module.remote.RequestObject import RequestObject from module.remote.SocketServer import ServerThread from module.thread_list import Thread_List from module.web.WebServer import WebServer class Core(object): """ pyLoad main """ def __init__(self): self.config = {} self.config['plugin_folder'] = "plugins" self.plugins_avaible = {} self.read_config() self.do_kill = False translation = gettext.translation("pyLoad", "locale", languages=[self.config['language']]) translation.install(unicode=True) self.check_create(self.config['log_folder'], _("folder for logs")) self.check_create(self.config['download_folder'], _("folder for downloads")) self.check_create(self.config['link_file'], _("file for links"), False) self.check_create(self.config['failed_file'], _("file for failed links"), False) if self.config['debug_mode']: self.init_logger(logging.DEBUG) # logging level self.print_test_status = True else: self.init_logger(logging.INFO) # logging level self.print_test_status = False self.check_update() self.logger.info(_("Downloadtime: %s") % self.is_dltime()) # debug only path.append(self.config['plugin_folder']) self.create_plugin_index() self.init_server() self.file_list = File_List(self) self.thread_list = Thread_List(self) #Webserver self.init_webserver() def read_config(self): """ read config and sets preferences """ self.configfile = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() self.configfile.read('config') for section in self.configfile.sections(): for option in self.configfile.options(section): self.config[option] = self.configfile.get(section, option) self.config[option] = False if self.config[option].lower() == 'false' else self.config[option] #new config syntax, keep old until all config accesses are changed for section in self.configfile.sections(): self.config[section] = {} for option in self.configfile.options(section): self.config[section][option] = self.configfile.get(section, option) self.config[section][option] = False if self.config[section][option].lower() == 'false' else self.config[section][option] def set_option(self, section, option, value): self.config[option] = value self.configfile.set(section, option, str(value)) self.configfile.write(open('config', "wb")) def read_option(self): return self.config def create_plugin_index(self): for file_handler in glob(self.config['plugin_folder'] + sep + '*.py') + glob(self.config['plugin_folder'] + sep + 'DLC.pyc'): if file_handler != self.config['plugin_folder'] + sep + "Plugin.py": plugin_pattern = "" plugin_file = basename(file_handler).replace('.pyc', '').replace('.py', '') for line in open(file_handler, "r").readlines(): if "props['pattern']" in line: plugin_pattern = line.split("r\"")[1].split("\"")[0] if plugin_pattern != "": self.plugins_avaible[plugin_file] = plugin_pattern self.logger.debug(plugin_file + _(" added")) self.logger.info(_("created index of plugins")) def read_links(self): """read links from txt""" txt = open(self.config['link_file'], 'r') new_links = 0 links = txt.readlines() for link in links: if link != "\n": self.file_list.append(link) new_links += 1 txt.close() self.file_list.save() if new_links: self.logger.info("Parsed link from %s: %i" % (self.config['link_file'], new_links)) txt = open(self.config['link_file'], 'w') txt.write("") txt.close() def check_update(self): """checks newst version """ if not self.config['search_updates']: return False newst_version = urllib2.urlopen("http://update.pyload.org/index.php?do=" + CURRENT_VERSION).readline() if newst_version == "True": if not self.config['install_updates']: self.logger.info("New version available, please run Updater") else: updater = __import__("pyLoadUpdater") updater.main() else: self.logger.info("pyLoad is up-to-date") def check_create(self, check_name, legend, folder=True): if not exists(check_name): try: if folder: mkdir(check_name) else: open(check_name, "w") print _("%s created") % legend except: print _("could not create %s") % legend exit() def init_logger(self, level): file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(self.config['log_folder'] + sep + 'log.txt', maxBytes=102400, backupCount=int(self.config['log_count'])) #100 kib each console = logging.StreamHandler(stdout) frm = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") file_handler.setFormatter(frm) console.setFormatter(frm) self.logger = logging.getLogger("log") # settable in config if self.config['file_log']: self.logger.addHandler(file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(console) #if console logging self.logger.setLevel(level) def is_dltime(self): start = self.config['start'].split(":") end = self.config['end'].split(":") return self.compare_time(start, end) def is_reconnect_time(self): start = self.config['starttime'].split(":") end = self.config['endtime'].split(":") return self.compare_time(start, end) def compare_time(self, start, end): if start == end: return True now = time.localtime()[3:5] if start < now and end > now: return True elif start > end and (now > start or now < end): return True elif start < now and end < now and start > end: return True else: return False def format_time(self, seconds): seconds = int(seconds) if seconds > 60: hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) return "%.2i:%.2i:%.2i" % (hours, minutes, seconds) return _("%i seconds") % seconds def get_downloads(self): list = [] for pyfile in self.thread_list.py_downloading: download = {} download['id'] = pyfile.id download['name'] = pyfile.status.filename download['speed'] = pyfile.status.get_speed() download['eta'] = pyfile.status.get_ETA() download['kbleft'] = pyfile.status.kB_left() download['size'] = pyfile.status.size() download['percent'] = pyfile.status.percent() download['status'] = pyfile.status.type download['wait_until'] = pyfile.status.waituntil list.append(download) return list def server_send_status(self): obj = RequestObject() obj.command = "update" obj.data = self.get_downloads() obj.status = self.server_status() self.server.push_all(obj) def server_status(self): status = {} status['pause'] = self.thread_list.pause status['queue'] = len(self.file_list.files) return status def init_server(self): self.server = ServerThread(self) self.server.start() def init_webserver(self): self.webserver = WebServer(self) self.webserver.start() def kill(self): self.do_kill = True self.logger.info("Going to kill pyLoad") exit() return True def shutdown(self): "abort all downloads and exit" self.thread_list.pause = True for pyfile in self.thread_list.py_downloading: pyfile.plugin.req.abort = True while self.thread_list.py_downloading: sleep(1) self.logger.info("Going to shutdown pyLoad") exit() def add_links(self, links): self.file_list.extend(links) self.file_list.save() def remove_links(self, ids): for id in ids: self.file_list.remove_id(id) self.file_list.save() def get_links(self): return self.file_list.data def move_links_up(self, ids): for id in ids: self.file_list.move(id) self.file_list.save() def move_links_down(self, ids): for id in ids: self.file_list.move(id, 1) self.file_list.save() def toggle_pause(self): if self.thread_list.pause: self.thread_list.pause = False return False elif not self.thread_list.pause: self.thread_list.pause = True return True def start(self): """ starts the machine """ if len(argv) > 1: shortOptions = 'pu:l:' longOptions = ['print', 'url=', 'list='] opts, extraparams = __import__("getopt").getopt(argv[1:], shortOptions, longOptions) for option, params in opts: if option in ("-p", "--print"): print "Print test output" self.print_test_status = True elif option in ("-u", "--url"): self.logger.info("Add url: " + params) self.add_links([params]) elif option in ("-l", "--list"): list = open(params, 'r').readlines() self.add_links(list) self.logger.info("Add list:" + params) self.read_links() while True: #self.thread_list.status() if self.print_test_status: self._test_print_status() self.server_send_status() sleep(2) if self.do_kill: self.logger.info("pyLoad quits") exit() def _test_print_status(self): if self.thread_list.py_downloading: for pyfile in self.thread_list.py_downloading: if pyfile.status.type == 'downloading': print pyfile.status.filename + ": speed is", int(pyfile.status.get_speed()), "kb/s" print pyfile.status.filename + ": finished in", self.format_time(pyfile.status.get_ETA()) elif pyfile.status.type == 'waiting': print pyfile.status.filename + ": wait", self.format_time(pyfile.status.waituntil - time.time()) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(argv) > 1: if argv[1] == "-v": print "pyLoad", CURRENT_VERSION exit() testLoader = Core() testLoader.start()