#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #Copyright (C) 2011 RaNaN # #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, #or (at your option) any later version. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #See the GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ### from getopt import GetoptError, getopt import gettext import os from os import _exit from os.path import join import sys from sys import exit from threading import Thread, Lock from time import sleep from traceback import print_exc from codecs import getwriter sys.stdout = getwriter("utf8")(sys.stdout, errors="replace") from module import InitHomeDir from module.cli.printer import * from module.cli import AddPackage, ManageFiles from module.utils import formatSize, decode from module.ConfigParser import ConfigParser from module.remote.thriftbackend.ThriftClient import ThriftClient, NoConnection, NoSSL, WrongLogin, ConnectionClosed from module.lib.Getch import Getch class Cli: def __init__(self, client, command): self.client = client self.command = command if not self.command: self.getch = Getch() self.input = "" self.inputline = 0 self.lastLowestLine = 0 self.menuline = 0 self.lock = Lock() #processor funcions, these will be changed dynamically depending on control flow self.headerHandler = self #the download status self.bodyHandler = self #the menu section self.inputHandler = self os.system("clear") println(1, blue("py") + yellow("Load") + white(_(" Command Line Interface"))) println(2, "") self.thread = RefreshThread(self) self.thread.start() self.start() else: self.processCommand() def reset(self): """ reset to initial main menu """ self.input = "" self.headerHandler = self.bodyHandler = self.inputHandler = self def start(self): """ main loop. handle input """ while True: #inp = raw_input() inp = self.getch.impl() if ord(inp) == 3: os.system("clear") sys.exit() # ctrl + c elif ord(inp) == 13: #enter try: self.lock.acquire() self.inputHandler.onEnter(self.input) except Exception, e: println(2, red(e)) finally: self.lock.release() elif ord(inp) == 127: self.input = self.input[:-1] #backspace try: self.lock.acquire() self.inputHandler.onBackSpace() finally: self.lock.release() elif ord(inp) == 27: #ugly symbol pass else: self.input += inp try: self.lock.acquire() self.inputHandler.onChar(inp) finally: self.lock.release() self.inputline = self.bodyHandler.renderBody(self.menuline) self.renderFooter(self.inputline) def refresh(self): """refresh screen""" println(1, blue("py") + yellow("Load") + white(_(" Command Line Interface"))) println(2, "") self.lock.acquire() self.menuline = self.headerHandler.renderHeader(3) + 1 println(self.menuline - 1, "") self.inputline = self.bodyHandler.renderBody(self.menuline) self.renderFooter(self.inputline) self.lock.release() def setInput(self, string=""): self.input = string def setHandler(self, klass): #create new handler with reference to cli self.bodyHandler = self.inputHandler = klass(self) self.input = "" def renderHeader(self, line): """ prints download status """ #print updated information # print "\033[J" #clear screen # self.println(1, blue("py") + yellow("Load") + white(_(" Command Line Interface"))) # self.println(2, "") # self.println(3, white(_("%s Downloads:") % (len(data)))) data = self.client.statusDownloads() speed = 0 println(line, white(_("%s Downloads:") % (len(data)))) line += 1 for download in data: if download.status == 12: # downloading percent = download.percent z = percent / 4 speed += download.speed println(line, cyan(download.name)) line += 1 println(line, blue("[") + yellow(z * "#" + (25 - z) * " ") + blue("] ") + green(str(percent) + "%") + _( " Speed: ") + green(formatSize(speed) + "/s") + _(" Size: ") + green( download.format_size) + _(" Finished in: ") + green(download.format_eta) + _( " ID: ") + green(download.fid)) line += 1 if download.status == 5: println(line, cyan(download.name)) line += 1 println(line, _("waiting: ") + green(download.format_wait)) line += 1 println(line, "") line += 1 status = self.client.statusServer() if status.pause: println(line, _("Status: ") + red("paused") + _(" total Speed: ") + red(formatSize(speed) + "/s") + _( " Files in queue: ") + red(status.queue)) else: println(line, _("Status: ") + red("running") + _(" total Speed: ") + red(formatSize(speed) + "/s") + _( " Files in queue: ") + red(status.queue)) return line + 1 def renderBody(self, line): """ prints initial menu """ println(line, white(_("Menu:"))) println(line + 1, "") println(line + 2, mag("1.") + _(" Add Links")) println(line + 3, mag("2.") + _(" Manage Queue")) println(line + 4, mag("3.") + _(" Manage Collector")) println(line + 5, mag("4.") + _(" (Un)Pause Server")) println(line + 6, mag("5.") + _(" Kill Server")) println(line + 7, mag("6.") + _(" Quit")) return line + 8 def renderFooter(self, line): """ prints out the input line with input """ println(line, "") line += 1 println(line, white(" Input: ") + decode(self.input)) #clear old output if line < self.lastLowestLine: for i in range(line + 1, self.lastLowestLine + 1): println(i, "") self.lastLowestLine = line #set cursor to position print "\033[" + str(self.inputline) + ";0H" def onChar(self, char): """ default no special handling for single chars """ if char == "1": self.setHandler(AddPackage) elif char == "2": self.setHandler(ManageFiles) elif char == "3": self.setHandler(ManageFiles) self.bodyHandler.target = 0 elif char == "4": self.client.togglePause() elif char == "5": self.client.kill() self.client.close() sys.exit() elif char == "6": os.system('clear') sys.exit() def onEnter(self, inp): pass def onBackSpace(self): pass def processCommand(self): command = self.command[0] args = [] if len(self.command) > 1: args = self.command[1:] if command == "status": files = self.client.statusDownloads() if not files: print "No downloads running." for download in files: if download.status == 12: # downloading print print_status(download) print "\tDownloading: %s @ %s/s\t %s (%s%%)" % ( download.format_eta, formatSize(download.speed), formatSize(download.size - download.bleft), download.percent) if download.status == 5: print print_status(download) print "\tWaiting: %s" % download.format_wait elif command == "queue": print_packages(self.client.getQueueData()) elif command == "collector": print_packages(self.client.getCollectorData()) elif command == "add": if len(args) < 2: print _("Please use this syntax: add <Package name> <link> <link2> ...") return self.client.addPackage(args[0], args[1:], 0) elif command == "add_coll": if len(args) < 2: print _("Please use this syntax: add <Package name> <link> <link2> ...") return self.client.addPackage(args[0], args[1:], 1) elif command == "del_file": self.client.deleteFiles([int(x) for x in args]) print "Files deleted." elif command == "del_package": self.client.deletePackages([int(x) for x in args]) print "Packages deleted." elif command == "move": for pid in args: pack = self.client.getPackageData(int(pid)) self.client.movePackage((pack.dest + 1) % 2, pack.pid) elif command == "pause": self.client.pause() elif command == "unpause": self.client.unpause() elif command == "toggle": self.client.togglePause() elif command == "kill": self.client.kill() else: print_commands() class RefreshThread(Thread): def __init__(self, cli): Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.cli = cli def run(self): while True: sleep(1) try: self.cli.refresh() except ConnectionClosed: os.system("clear") print _("pyLoad was terminated") _exit(0) except Exception, e: println(2, red(str(e))) self.cli.reset() print_exc() def print_help(): print print "pyLoadCli Copyright (c) 2008-2011 the pyLoad Team" print print "Usage: [python] pyLoadCli.py [options] [command]" print print "<Commands>" print "See pyLoadCli.py -c for a complete listing." print print "<Options>" print " -i, --interactive", " Start in interactive mode" print print " -u, --username=", " " * 2, "Specify Username" print " --pw=<password>", " " * 2, "Password" print " -a, --address=", " " * 3, "Specify address (default=" print " -p, --port", " " * 7, "Specify port (default=7227)" print print " -h, --help", " " * 7, "Display this help screen" print " -c, --commands", " " * 3, "List all available commands" print def print_packages(data): for pack in data: print "Package %s (#%s):" % (pack.name, pack.pid) for download in pack.links: print "\t" + print_file(download) print def print_file(download): return "#%(id)-6d %(name)-30s %(statusmsg)-10s %(plugin)-8s" % { "id": download.fid, "name": download.name, "statusmsg": download.statusmsg, "plugin": download.plugin } def print_status(download): return "#%(id)-6s %(name)-40s Status: %(statusmsg)-10s Size: %(size)s" % { "id": download.fid, "name": download.name, "statusmsg": download.statusmsg, "size": download.format_size } def print_commands(): commands = [("status", _("Prints server status")), ("queue", _("Prints downloads in queue")), ("collector", _("Prints downloads in collector")), ("add <name> <link1> <link2>...", _("Adds package to queue")), ("add_coll <name> <link1> <link2>...", _("Adds package to collector")), ("del_file <fid> <fid2>...", _("Delete Files from Queue/Collector")), ("del_package <pid> <pid2>...", _("Delete Packages from Queue/Collector")), ("move <pid> <pid2>...", _("Move Packages from Queue to Collector or vice versa")), ("pause", _("Pause the server")), ("unpause", _("continue downloads")), ("toggle", _("Toggle pause/unpause")), ("kill", _("kill server")), ] print _("List of commands:") print for c in commands: print "%-35s %s" % c if __name__ == "__main__": config = ConfigParser() translation = gettext.translation("pyLoadCli", join(pypath, "locale"), languages=["en", config['general']['language']]) translation.install(unicode=True) username = "" password = "" addr = "" port = 7227 interactive = False command = None shortOptions = 'iu:p:a:hc' longOptions = ['interactive', "username=", "pw=", "address=", "port=", "help", "commands"] try: opts, extraparams = getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortOptions, longOptions) for option, params in opts: if option in ("-i", "--interactive"): interactive = True elif option in ("-u", "--username"): username = params elif option in ("-a", "--address"): addr = params elif option in ("-p", "--port"): port = int(params) elif option in ("-h", "--help"): print_help() exit() elif option in ("--pw"): password = params elif option in ("-c", "--comands"): print_commands() exit() except GetoptError: print 'Unknown Argument(s) "%s"' % " ".join(sys.argv[1:]) print_help() exit() if len(extraparams) >= 1: command = extraparams client = False if interactive: try: client = ThriftClient(addr, port, username, password) except WrongLogin: pass except NoSSL: print _("You need py-openssl to connect to this pyLoad Core.") exit() except NoConnection: addr = False port = False if not client: if not addr: addr = raw_input(_("Address: ")) if not port: port = int(raw_input(_("Port: "))) if not username: username = raw_input(_("Username: ")) if not password: from getpass import getpass password = getpass(_("Password: ")) try: client = ThriftClient(addr, port, username, password) except WrongLogin: print _("Login data is wrong.") except NoConnection: print _("Could not establish connection to %(addr)s:%(port)s." % {"addr": addr, "port": port}) else: try: client = ThriftClient(addr, port, username, password) except WrongLogin: print _("Login data is wrong.") except NoConnection: print _("Could not establish connection to %(addr)s:%(port)s." % {"addr": addr, "port": port}) except NoSSL: print _("You need py-openssl to connect to this pyLoad core.") if interactive and command: print _("Interactive mode ignored since you passed some commands.") if client: cli = Cli(client, command)