# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import with_statement from paver.easy import * from paver.setuputils import setup from paver.doctools import cog import os import sys import shutil import re from glob import glob from tempfile import mkdtemp from urllib import urlretrieve from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE from zipfile import ZipFile PROJECT_DIR = path(__file__).dirname() sys.path.append(PROJECT_DIR) options = environment.options path("pyload").mkdir() extradeps = [] if sys.version_info <= (2, 5): extradeps += 'simplejson' setup( name="pyload", version="0.4.10", description='Fast, lightweight and full featured download manager.', long_description=open(PROJECT_DIR / "README.md").read(), keywords = ("pyload", "download-manager", "one-click-hoster", "download"), url="http://pyload.org", download_url='http://pyload.org/download', license='GPL v3', author="pyLoad Team", author_email="support@pyload.org", platforms = ('Any',), #package_dir={'pyload': "src"}, packages=["pyload"], #package_data=find_package_data(), #data_files=[], include_package_data=True, exclude_package_data={'pyload': ["docs*", "scripts*", "tests*"]}, #exluced from build but not from sdist # 'bottle >= 0.10.0' not in list, because its small and contain little modifications install_requires=['thrift >= 0.8.0', 'jinja2', 'pycurl', 'Beaker', 'BeautifulSoup >= 3.2, < 3.3'] + extradeps, extras_require={ 'SSL': ["pyOpenSSL"], 'DLC': ['pycrypto'], 'lightweight webserver': ['bjoern'], 'RSS plugins': ['feedparser'], }, #setup_requires=["setuptools_hg"], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'pyLoadCore = pyLoadCore:main', 'pyLoadCli = pyLoadCli:main' ]}, zip_safe=False, classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP", "Environment :: Console", "Environment :: Web Environment", "Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2" ] ) options( sphinx=Bunch( builddir="_build", sourcedir="" ), get_source=Bunch( src="https://bitbucket.org/spoob/pyload/get/tip.zip", rev=None, clean=False ), thrift=Bunch( path="../thrift/trunk/compiler/cpp/thrift", gen="" ), virtualenv=Bunch( dir="env", python="python2", virtual="virtualenv2", ), cog=Bunch( pattern="*.py", ) ) # xgettext args xargs = ["--language=Python", "--add-comments=L10N", "--from-code=utf-8", "--copyright-holder=pyLoad Team", "--package-name=pyLoad", "--package-version=%s" % options.version, "--msgid-bugs-address='bugs@pyload.org'"] @task @needs('cog') def html(): """Build html documentation""" module = path("docs") / "pyload" pyload.rmtree() call_task('paver.doctools.html') @task @cmdopts([ ('src=', 's', 'Url to source'), ('rev=', 'r', "HG revision"), ("clean", 'c', 'Delete old source folder') ]) def get_source(options): """ Downloads pyload source from bitbucket tip or given rev""" if options.rev: options.url = "https://bitbucket.org/spoob/pyload/get/%s.zip" % options.rev pyload = path("pyload") if len(pyload.listdir()) and not options.clean: return elif pyload.exists(): pyload.rmtree() urlretrieve(options.src, "pyload_src.zip") zip = ZipFile("pyload_src.zip") zip.extractall() path("pyload_src.zip").remove() folder = [x for x in path(".").dirs() if x.name.startswith("spoob-pyload-")][0] folder.move(pyload) change_mode(pyload, 0644) change_mode(pyload, 0755, folder=True) for file in pyload.files(): if file.name.endswith(".py"): file.chmod(0755) (pyload / ".hgtags").remove() (pyload / ".gitignore").remove() #(pyload / "docs").rmtree() f = open(pyload / "__init__.py", "wb") f.close() #options.setup.packages = find_packages() #options.setup.package_data = find_package_data() @task @needs('clean', 'generate_setup', 'minilib', 'get_source', 'setuptools.command.sdist') def sdist(): """ Build source code package with distutils """ @task @cmdopts([ ('path=', 'p', 'Thrift path'), ('gen=', 'g', "Extra --gen option") ]) def thrift(options): """ Generate Thrift stubs """ print "add import for TApplicationException manually as long it is not fixed" outdir = path("pyload") / "remote" / "thriftbackend" (outdir / "gen-py").rmtree() cmd = [options.thrift.path, "-strict", "-o", outdir, "--gen", "py:slots, dynamic", outdir / "pyload.thrift"] if options.gen: cmd.insert(len(cmd) - 1, "--gen") cmd.insert(len(cmd) - 1, options.gen) print "running", cmd p = Popen(cmd) p.communicate() (outdir / "thriftgen").rmtree() (outdir / "gen-py").move(outdir / "thriftgen") #create light ttypes from pyload.remote.socketbackend.create_ttypes import main main() @task def compile_js(): """ Compile .coffee files to javascript""" root = path("pyload") / "web" / "media" / "js" for f in root.glob("*.coffee"): print "generate", f coffee = Popen(["coffee", "-cbs"], stdin=open(f, "rb"), stdout=PIPE) yui = Popen(["yuicompressor", "--type", "js"], stdin=coffee.stdout, stdout=PIPE) coffee.stdout.close() content = yui.communicate()[0] with open(root / f.name.replace(".coffee", ".js"), "wb") as js: js.write("{% autoescape true %}\n") js.write(content) js.write("\n{% endautoescape %}") @task def generate_locale(): """ Generates localization files """ EXCLUDE = ["BeautifulSoup.py", "pyload/cli", "web/locale", "web/ajax", "web/cnl", "web/pyload", "setup.py"] makepot("core", path("pyload"), EXCLUDE, "./pyload.py\n") makepot("cli", path("pyload") / "cli", [], includes="./pyload-cli.py\n") makepot("setup", "", [], includes="./pyload/setup.py\n") EXCLUDE = ["ServerThread.py", "web/media/default"] # strings from js files strings = set() for fi in path("pyload/web").walkfiles(): if not fi.name.endswith(".js") and not fi.endswith(".coffee"): continue with open(fi, "rb") as c: content = c.read() strings.update(re.findall(r"_\s*\(\s*\"([^\"]+)", content)) strings.update(re.findall(r"_\s*\(\s*\'([^\']+)", content)) trans = path("pyload") / "web" / "translations.js" with open(trans, "wb") as js: for s in strings: js.write('_("%s")\n' % s) makepot("django", path("pyload/web"), EXCLUDE, "./%s\n" % trans.relpath(), [".py", ".html"], ["--language=Python"]) trans.remove() path("includes.txt").remove() print "Locale generated" @task @cmdopts([ ('key=', 'k', 'api key') ]) def upload_translations(options): """ Uploads the locale files to translation server """ tmp = path(mkdtemp()) shutil.copy('locale/crowdin.yaml', tmp) os.mkdir(tmp / 'pyLoad') for f in glob('locale/*.pot'): if os.path.isfile(f): shutil.copy(f, tmp / 'pyLoad') config = tmp / 'crowdin.yaml' content = open(config, 'rb').read() content = content.format(key=options.key, tmp=tmp) f = open(config, 'wb') f.write(content) f.close() call(['crowdin-cli', '-c', config, 'upload', 'source']) shutil.rmtree(tmp) print "Translations uploaded" @task @cmdopts([ ('key=', 'k', 'api key') ]) def download_translations(options): """ Downloads the translated files from translation server """ tmp = path(mkdtemp()) shutil.copy('locale/crowdin.yaml', tmp) os.mkdir(tmp / 'pyLoad') for f in glob('locale/*.pot'): if os.path.isfile(f): shutil.copy(f, tmp / 'pyLoad') config = tmp / 'crowdin.yaml' content = open(config, 'rb').read() content = content.format(key=options.key, tmp=tmp) f = open(config, 'wb') f.write(content) f.close() call(['crowdin-cli', '-c', config, 'download']) for language in (tmp / 'pyLoad').listdir(): if not language.isdir(): continue target = path('locale') / language.basename() print "Copy language %s" % target if target.exists(): shutil.rmtree(target) shutil.copytree(language, target) shutil.rmtree(tmp) @task def compile_translations(): """ Compile PO files to MO """ for language in path('locale').listdir(): if not language.isdir(): continue for f in glob(language / 'LC_MESSAGES' / '*.po'): print "Compiling %s" % f call(['msgfmt', '-o', f.replace('.po', '.mo'), f]) @task def tests(): call(["nosetests2"]) @task def virtualenv(options): """Setup virtual environment""" if path(options.dir).exists(): return call([options.virtual, "--no-site-packages", "--python", options.python, options.dir]) print "$ source %s/bin/activate" % options.dir @task def clean_env(): """Deletes the virtual environment""" env = path(options.virtualenv.dir) if env.exists(): env.rmtree() @task @needs('generate_setup', 'minilib', 'get_source', 'virtualenv') def env_install(): """Install pyLoad into the virtualenv""" venv = options.virtualenv call([path(venv.dir) / "bin" / "easy_install", "."]) @task def clean(): """Cleans build directories""" path("build").rmtree() path("dist").rmtree() #helper functions def walk_trans(path, EXCLUDE, endings=[".py"]): result = "" for f in path.walkfiles(): if [True for x in EXCLUDE if x in f.dirname().relpath()]: continue if f.name in EXCLUDE: continue for e in endings: if f.name.endswith(e): result += "./%s\n" % f.relpath() break return result def makepot(domain, p, excludes=[], includes="", endings=[".py"], xxargs=[]): print "Generate %s.pot" % domain f = open("includes.txt", "wb") if includes: f.write(includes) if p: f.write(walk_trans(path(p), excludes, endings)) f.close() call(["xgettext", "--files-from=includes.txt", "--default-domain=%s" % domain] + xargs + xxargs) # replace charset und move file with open("%s.po" % domain, "rb") as f: content = f.read() path("%s.po" % domain).remove() content = content.replace("charset=CHARSET", "charset=UTF-8") with open("locale/%s.pot" % domain, "wb") as f: f.write(content) def change_owner(dir, uid, gid): for p in dir.walk(): p.chown(uid, gid) def change_mode(dir, mode, folder=False): for p in dir.walk(): if folder and p.isdir(): p.chmod(mode) elif p.isfile() and not folder: p.chmod(mode)