# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from paver.easy import * from paver.doctools import cog import fnmatch # patch to let it support list of patterns def new_fnmatch(self, pattern): if type(pattern) == list: for p in pattern: if fnmatch.fnmatch(self.name, p): return True return False else: return fnmatch.fnmatch(self.name, pattern) path.fnmatch = new_fnmatch import os import sys import shutil import re from glob import glob from tempfile import mkdtemp from subprocess import call, Popen PROJECT_DIR = path(__file__).dirname() sys.path.append(PROJECT_DIR) from pyload import __version__ options = environment.options options( sphinx=Bunch( builddir="_build", sourcedir="" ), apitypes=Bunch( path="thrift", ), virtualenv=Bunch( dir="env", python="python2", virtual="virtualenv2", ), cog=Bunch( pattern=["*.py", "*.rst"], ) ) # xgettext args xargs = ["--language=Python", "--add-comments=L10N", "--from-code=utf-8", "--copyright-holder=pyLoad Team", "--package-name=pyload", "--package-version=%s" % __version__, "--msgid-bugs-address='bugs@pyload.org'"] # Modules replace rules module_replace = [ ('from module.plugins.Hoster import Hoster', 'from pyload.plugins.Hoster import Hoster'), ('from module.plugins.Hook import threaded, Expose, Hook', 'from pyload.plugins.Addon import threaded, Expose, Addon'), ('from module.plugins.Hook import Hook', 'from pyload.plugins.Addon import Addon'), ('from module.common.json_layer import json_loads, json_dumps', 'from pyload.utils import json_loads, json_dumps'), ('from module.common.json_layer import json_loads', 'from pyload.utils import json_loads'), ('from module.common.json_layer import json_dumps', 'from pyload.utils import json_dumps'), ('from module.utils import parseFileSize', 'from pyload.utils import parseFileSize'), ('from module.utils import save_join, save_path', 'from pyload.utils.fs import save_join, save_filename as save_path'), ('from module.utils import save_join, fs_encode', 'from pyload.utils.fs import save_join, fs_encode'), ('from module.utils import save_join', 'from pyload.utils.fs import save_join'), ('from module.utils import fs_encode', 'from pyload.utils.fs import fs_encode'), ('from module.unescape import unescape', 'from pyload.utils import html_unescape as unescape'), ('from module.lib.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup', 'from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup'), ('from module.lib import feedparser', 'import feedparser'), ('self.account.getAccountInfo(self.user, ', 'self.account.getAccountInfo('), ('self.account.getAccountInfo(self.user)', 'self.account.getAccountInfo()'), ('self.account.getAccountInfo()["premium"]', 'self.account.isPremium()'), ('self.account.accounts[self.user]["password"]', 'self.account.password'), ("self.account.accounts[self.user]['password']", 'self.account.password'), ('from module.', 'from pyload.') # This should be always the last one ] @task @needs('cog') def html(): """Build html documentation""" module = path("docs") / "pyload" module.rmtree() call_task('paver.doctools.html') @task @cmdopts([ ('path=', 'p', 'Thrift path'), ]) def apitypes(options): """ Generate data types stubs """ outdir = PROJECT_DIR / "pyload" / "remote" if (outdir / "gen-py").exists(): (outdir / "gen-py").rmtree() cmd = [options.apitypes.path, "-strict", "-o", outdir, "--gen", "py:slots,dynamic", outdir / "pyload.thrift"] print "running", cmd p = Popen(cmd) p.communicate() (outdir / "thriftgen").rmtree() (outdir / "gen-py").move(outdir / "thriftgen") #create light ttypes from pyload.remote.create_apitypes import main main() from pyload.remote.create_jstypes import main main() @task def webapp(): """ Builds the pyload web app. Nodejs and npm must be installed """ os.chdir(PROJECT_DIR / "pyload" / "web") # Preserve exit codes ret = call(["npm", "install", "--no-color"]) if ret: exit(ret) ret = call(["bower", "install", "--no-color"]) if ret: exit(ret) ret = call(["grunt", "--no-color"]) if ret: exit(ret) @task def generate_locale(): """ Generates localisation files """ EXCLUDE = ["pyload/lib", "pyload/cli", "pyload/setup", "pyload/plugins", "Setup.py"] makepot("core", path("pyload"), EXCLUDE) makepot("plugins", path("pyload") / "plugins") makepot("setup", "", [], includes="./pyload/Setup.py\n") makepot("cli", path("pyload") / "cli", []) makepot("webUI", path("pyload") / "web" / "app", ["components", "vendor", "gettext"], endings=[".js", ".html"], xxargs="--language=Python --force-po".split(" ")) makehtml("webUI", path("pyload") / "web" / "app" / "templates") path("includes.txt").remove() print "Locale generated" @task @cmdopts([ ('key=', 'k', 'api key') ]) def upload_translations(options): """ Uploads the locale files to translation server """ tmp = path(mkdtemp()) shutil.copy('locale/crowdin.yaml', tmp) os.mkdir(tmp / 'pyLoad') for f in glob('locale/*.pot'): if os.path.isfile(f): shutil.copy(f, tmp / 'pyLoad') config = tmp / 'crowdin.yaml' content = open(config, 'rb').read() content = content.format(key=options.key, tmp=tmp) f = open(config, 'wb') f.write(content) f.close() call(['crowdin-cli', '-c', config, 'upload', 'source']) shutil.rmtree(tmp) print "Translations uploaded" @task @cmdopts([ ('key=', 'k', 'api key') ]) def download_translations(options): """ Downloads the translated files from translation server """ tmp = path(mkdtemp()) shutil.copy('locale/crowdin.yaml', tmp) os.mkdir(tmp / 'pyLoad') for f in glob('locale/*.pot'): if os.path.isfile(f): shutil.copy(f, tmp / 'pyLoad') config = tmp / 'crowdin.yaml' content = open(config, 'rb').read() content = content.format(key=options.key, tmp=tmp) f = open(config, 'wb') f.write(content) f.close() call(['crowdin-cli', '-c', config, 'download']) for language in (tmp / 'pyLoad').listdir(): if not language.isdir(): continue target = path('locale') / language.basename() print "Copy language %s" % target if target.exists(): shutil.rmtree(target) shutil.copytree(language, target) shutil.rmtree(tmp) @task def compile_translations(): """ Compile PO files to MO """ for language in path('locale').listdir(): if not language.isdir(): continue for f in glob(language / 'LC_MESSAGES' / '*.po'): print "Compiling %s" % f call(['msgfmt', '-o', f.replace('.po', '.mo'), f]) @task def tests(): """ Run complete test suite """ call(["tests/run_pyload.sh"]) call(["tests/nosetests.sh"]) call(["tests/quit_pyload.sh"]) @task @cmdopts([ ('virtual=', 'v', 'virtualenv path'), ('python=', 'p', 'python path') ]) def virtualenv(options): """Setup virtual environment""" if path(options.dir).exists(): return call([options.virtual, "--no-site-packages", "--python", options.python, options.dir]) print "$ source %s/bin/activate" % options.dir @task def clean_env(): """Deletes the virtual environment""" env = path(options.virtualenv.dir) if env.exists(): env.rmtree() @task def clean(): """Cleans build directories""" path("build").rmtree() path("dist").rmtree() @task def replace_module_imports(): """Replace imports from stable syntax to master""" for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('pyload/plugins'): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.py'): path = os.path.join(root, filename) f = open(path, 'r') content = f.read() f.close() for rule in module_replace: content = content.replace(rule[0], rule[1]) if '/addons/' in path: content = content.replace('(Hook):', '(Addon):') elif '/accounts/' in path: content = content.replace('self.accounts[user]["password"]', 'self.password') content = content.replace("self.accounts[user]['password']", 'self.password') f = open(path, 'w') f.write(content) f.close() #helper functions def walk_trans(path, excludes, endings=[".py"]): result = "" for f in path.walkfiles(): if [True for x in excludes if x in f.dirname().relpath()]: continue if f.name in excludes: continue for e in endings: if f.name.endswith(e): result += "./%s\n" % f.relpath() break return result def makepot(domain, p, excludes=[], includes="", endings=[".py"], xxargs=[]): print "Generate %s.pot" % domain f = open("includes.txt", "wb") if includes: f.write(includes) if p: f.write(walk_trans(path(p), excludes, endings)) f.close() call(["xgettext", "--files-from=includes.txt", "--default-domain=%s" % domain] + xargs + xxargs) # replace charset und move file with open("%s.po" % domain, "rb") as f: content = f.read() path("%s.po" % domain).remove() content = content.replace("charset=CHARSET", "charset=UTF-8") with open("locale/%s.pot" % domain, "wb") as f: f.write(content) def makehtml(domain, p): """ Parses entries from html and append them to existing pot file""" pot = path("locale") / "%s.pot" % domain with open(pot, 'rb') as f: content = f.readlines() msgids = {} # parse existing ids and line for i, line in enumerate(content): if line.startswith("msgid "): msgid = line[6:-1].strip('"') msgids[msgid] = i # TODO: parses only n=2 plural single = re.compile(r'\{\{ ?(?:gettext|_) "((?:\\.|[^"\\])*)" ?\}\}') plural = re.compile(r'\{\{ ?(?:ngettext) *"((?:\\.|[^"\\])*)" *"((?:\\.|[^"\\])*)"') for f in p.walkfiles(): if not f.endswith("html"): continue with open(f, "rb") as html: for i, line in enumerate(html.readlines()): key = None nmessage = plural.search(line) message = single.search(line) if nmessage: key = nmessage.group(1) keyp = nmessage.group(2) if key not in msgids: content.append("\n") content.append('msgid "%s"\n' % key) content.append('msgid_plural "%s"\n' % keyp) content.append('msgstr[0] ""\n') content.append('msgstr[1] ""\n') msgids[key] = len(content) - 4 elif message: key = message.group(1) if key not in msgids: content.append("\n") content.append('msgid "%s"\n' % key) content.append('msgstr ""\n') msgids[key] = len(content) - 2 if key: content.insert(msgids[key], "#: %s:%d\n" % (f, i)) msgids[key] += 1 with open(pot, 'wb') as f: f.writelines(content) print "Parsed html files"