#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this plrogram; if not, see . @author: RaNaN """ from bottle import request, HTTPError, redirect, ServerAdapter from webinterface import env, TEMPLATE from module.database.UserDatabase import has_permission, PERMS, ROLE def render_to_response(name, args={}, proc=[]): for p in proc: args.update(p()) t = env.get_template(TEMPLATE + "/" + name) return t.render(**args) def parse_permissions(session): perms = {"add": False, "delete": False, "status": False, "see_downloads": False, "download" : False, "settings": False} if not session.get("authenticated", False): return perms if session.get("role") == ROLE.ADMIN: for k in perms.iterkeys(): perms[k] = True else: p = session.get("permission") perms["add"] = has_permission(p, PERMS.ADD) perms["delete"] = has_permission(p, PERMS.DELETE) perms["status"] = has_permission(p, PERMS.STATUS) perms["see_downloads"] = has_permission(p, PERMS.SEE_DOWNLOADS) perms["download"] = has_permission(p, PERMS.DOWNLOAD) perms["settings"] = has_permission(p, PERMS.SETTINGS) return perms def parse_userdata(session): return {"name": session.get("name", "Anonymous"), "is_staff": True, "is_authenticated": session.get("authenticated", False)} def login_required(perm=None): def _dec(func): def _view(*args, **kwargs): s = request.environ.get('beaker.session') if s.get("name", None) and s.get("authenticated", False): if perm: pass #print perm return func(*args, **kwargs) else: if request.header.get('X-Requested-With') == 'XMLHttpRequest': return HTTPError(403, "Forbidden") else: return redirect("/login") return _view return _dec class CherryPyWSGI(ServerAdapter): def run(self, handler): from wsgiserver import CherryPyWSGIServer server = CherryPyWSGIServer((self.host, self.port), handler) server.start()