define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'app', 'models/ConfigHolder', './configSectionView'], function($, _, Backbone, App, ConfigHolder, configSectionView) { // Renders settings over view page return Backbone.View.extend({ el: "body", templateMenu: _.compile($("#template-menu").html()), events: { 'click .settings-menu li > a': 'change_section', 'click .btn-add': 'choosePlugin', 'click .iconf-remove': 'deleteConfig' }, menu: null, selected: null, content: null, modal: null, coreConfig: null, // It seems collections are not needed pluginConfig: null, // currently open configHolder config: null, lastConfig: null, isLoading: false, initialize: function() { = this.$('.settings-menu'); this.content = this.$('.setting-box > form'); // set a height with css so animations will work this.content.height(this.content.height()); this.refresh(); console.log("Settings initialized"); }, refresh: function() { var self = this; $.ajax(App.apiRequest("getCoreConfig", null, {success: function(data) { self.coreConfig = data; self.render(); }})); $.ajax(App.apiRequest("getPluginConfig", null, {success: function(data) { self.pluginConfig = data; self.render(); }})); }, render: function() {{ core: this.coreConfig, plugin: this.pluginConfig })); // mark the selected element this.$('li[data-name="' + this.selected + '"]').addClass("active"); }, openConfig: function(name) { // Do nothing when this config is already open if (this.config && this.config.get('name') === name) return; this.lastConfig = this.config; this.config = new ConfigHolder({name: name}); this.loading(); var self = this; this.config.fetch({success: function() { if (!self.isLoading); }, failure: _.bind(this.failure, this)}); }, loading: function() { this.isLoading = true; var self = this; this.content.fadeOut({complete: function() { if (self.config.isLoaded()); self.isLoading = false; }}); }, show: function() { // TODO animations are bit sloppy this.content.css('display', 'block'); var oldHeight = this.content.height(); // this will destroy the old view if (this.lastConfig) this.lastConfig.trigger('destroy'); else this.content.empty(); // reset the height this.content.css('height', ''); // append the new element this.content.append(new configSectionView({model: this.config}).render().el); // get the new height var height = this.content.height(); // set the old height again this.content.height(oldHeight); this.content.animate({ opacity: 'show', height: height }); }, failure: function() { // TODO this.config = null; }, change_section: function(e) { // TODO check for changes // TODO move this into render? var el = $(; this.selected ="name"); this.openConfig(this.selected);"").removeClass("active"); el.addClass("active"); e.preventDefault(); }, choosePlugin: function(e) { var self = this; _.requireOnce(['views/settings/pluginChooserModal'], function(Modal) { if (self.modal === null) self.modal = new Modal();; }); }, deleteConfig: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var el = $(; var name ="name"); var self = this; $.ajax(App.apiRequest("deleteConfig", {plugin: name}, { success: function() { self.refresh(); }})); } }); });