define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'app', 'views/abstract/modalView', './input/inputLoader', 'text!tpl/default/queryDialog.html'], function($, _, App, modalView, load_input, template) { return modalView.extend({ events: { 'click .btn-success': 'submit', 'submit form': 'submit' }, template: _.compile(template), // the notificationView parent: null, model: null, input: null, initialize: function() { // Inherit parent events = _.extend({},,; }, renderContent: function() { var data = { title: this.model.get('title'), plugin: this.model.get('plugin'), description: this.model.get('description') }; var input = this.model.get('input').data; if (this.model.isCaptcha()) { data.captcha = input[0]; data.type = input[1]; } return data; }, onRender: function() { // instantiate the input var input = this.model.get('input'); var inputView = load_input(input); this.input = new inputView(input); // only renders after wards this.$('#inputField').append(this.input.render().el); }, submit: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); // TODO: load next task this.model.set('result', this.input.getVal()); var self = this;{success: function() { self.hide(); }}); this.input.clear(); }, onShow: function() { this.input.focus(); }, onHide: function() { this.input.destroy(); } }); });