define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore', 'collections/FileList', 'require'], function($, Backbone, _, FileList, require) { return Backbone.Model.extend({ idAttribute: 'pid', defaults: { pid: -1, name: null, folder: "", root: -1, owner: -1, site: "", comment: "", password: "", added: -1, tags: null, status: -1, packageorder: -1, stats: null, fids: null, pids: null, files: null, // Collection packs: null // Collection }, // Model Constructor initialize: function() { }, // Changes url + method and delegates call to super class fetch: function(options) { options || (options = {}); options.url = 'api/getFileTree/' + this.get('pid') + '/false'; options.type = "post"; return, options); }, save: function(options) { // TODO }, destroy: function(options) { options || (options = {}); // TODO: as post data options.url = 'api/deletePackages/[' + this.get('pid') + ']'; options.type = "post"; return, options); }, parse: function(resp, xhr) { // Package is loaded from tree collection if (_.has(resp, 'root')) { resp.root.files = new FileList(_.values(resp.files)); // circular dependencies needs to be avoided var PackageList = require('collections/PackageList'); resp.root.packs = new PackageList(_.values(resp.packages)); return resp.root; } return, resp, xhr); }, // Package data is complete when it contains collection for containing files or packs isLoaded: function() { return this.has('files'); }, // Any time a model attribute is set, this method is called validate: function(attrs) { } }); });