// Sets the require.js configuration for your application. require.config({ // 3rd party script alias names (Easier to type "jquery" than "libs/jquery-1.7.2.min") paths: { // Core Libraries jquery: "libs/jquery-1.8.0", underscore: "libs/lodash-0.4.2", backbone: "libs/backbone-0.9.2", // Require.js Plugins text: "plugins/text-2.0.0" }, // Sets the configuration for your third party scripts that are not AMD compatible shim: { "backbone": { deps: ["underscore", "jquery"], exports: "Backbone" //attaches "Backbone" to the window object } } // end Shim Configuration }); // Include Desktop Specific JavaScript files here (or inside of your Desktop router) require(['jquery','backbone','routers/mobileRouter'], function($, Backbone, Mobile) { // Instantiates a new Router this.router = new Mobile(); });