#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import with_statement from os.path import exists from os.path import join from os.path import abspath from os import makedirs from subprocess import PIPE from subprocess import Popen from subprocess import call from sys import version_info from cStringIO import StringIO import threading import sys import logging core = None log = logging.getLogger("log") class WebServer(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, pycore): global core threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.core = pycore core = pycore self.running = True self.server = pycore.config['webinterface']['server'] self.https = pycore.config['webinterface']['https'] self.setDaemon(True) def run(self): sys.path.append(join(pypath, "module", "web")) avail = ["builtin"] host = self.core.config['webinterface']['host'] port = self.core.config['webinterface']['port'] serverpath = join(pypath, "module", "web") path = join(abspath(""), "servers") out = StringIO() if not exists("pyload.db"): #print "########## IMPORTANT ###########" #print "### Database for Webinterface does not exitst, it will not be available." #print "### Please run: python %s syncdb" % join(self.pycore.path, "module", "web", "manage.py") #print "### You have to add at least one User, to gain access to webinterface: python %s createsuperuser" % join(self.pycore.path, "module", "web", "manage.py") #print "### Dont forget to restart pyLoad if you are done." log.warning(_("Database for Webinterface does not exitst, it will not be available.")) log.warning(_("Please run: python pyLoadCore -s")) log.warning(_("Go through the setup and create a database and add an user to gain access.")) return None try: import flup avail.append("fastcgi") except: pass try: call(["lighttpd", "-v"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) import flup avail.append("lighttpd") except: pass try: call(["nginx", "-v"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) import flup avail.append("nginx") except: pass try: if self.https: if exists(self.core.config["ssl"]["cert"]) and exists(self.core.config["ssl"]["key"]): if not exists("ssl.pem"): key = file(self.core.config["ssl"]["key"], "rb") cert = file(self.core.config["ssl"]["cert"], "rb") pem = file("ssl.pem", "wb") pem.writelines(key.readlines()) pem.writelines(cert.readlines()) key.close() cert.close() pem.close() else: log.warning(_("SSL certificates not found.")) self.https = False else: pass except: self.https = False if not self.server in avail: self.server = "builtin" log.warning(_("Can't use %(server)s, either python-flup or %(server)s is not installed!") % {"server": self.server}) if self.server == "nginx": if not exists(join(path, "nginx")): makedirs(join(path, "nginx")) config = file(join(serverpath, "servers", "nginx_default.conf"), "rb") content = config.read() config.close() content = content.replace("%(path)", join(path, "nginx")) content = content.replace("%(host)", host) content = content.replace("%(port)", str(port)) content = content.replace("%(media)", join(serverpath, "media")) content = content.replace("%(version)", ".".join(map(str, version_info[0:2]))) if self.https: content = content.replace("%(ssl)", """ ssl on; ssl_certificate %s; ssl_certificate_key %s; """ % (abspath(self.core.config["ssl"]["cert"]), abspath(self.core.config["ssl"]["key"]) )) else: content = content.replace("%(ssl)", "") new_config = file(join(path, "nginx.conf"), "wb") new_config.write(content) new_config.close() command = ['nginx', '-c', join(path, "nginx.conf")] self.p = Popen(command, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stdout=Output(out)) log.info(_("Starting nginx Webserver: %s:%s") % (host, port)) import run_fcgi run_fcgi.handle("daemonize=false", "method=threaded", "host=", "port=9295") elif self.server == "lighttpd": if not exists(join(path, "lighttpd")): makedirs(join(path, "lighttpd")) config = file(join(serverpath, "servers", "lighttpd_default.conf"), "rb") content = config.readlines() config.close() content = "".join(content) content = content.replace("%(path)", join("servers", "lighttpd")) content = content.replace("%(host)", host) content = content.replace("%(port)", str(port)) content = content.replace("%(media)", join(serverpath, "media")) content = content.replace("%(version)", ".".join(map(str, version_info[0:2]))) if self.https: content = content.replace("%(ssl)", """ ssl.engine = "enable" ssl.pemfile = "%s" ssl.ca-file = "%s" """ % ("ssl.pem" , self.core.config["ssl"]["cert"]) ) else: content = content.replace("%(ssl)", "") new_config = file(join("servers", "lighttpd.conf"), "wb") new_config.write(content) new_config.close() command = ['lighttpd', '-D', '-f', join(path, "lighttpd.conf")] self.p = Popen(command, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stdout=Output(out)) log.info(_("Starting lighttpd Webserver: %s:%s") % (host, port)) import run_fcgi run_fcgi.handle("daemonize=false", "method=threaded", "host=", "port=9295") elif self.server == "fastcgi": #run fastcgi on port import run_fcgi run_fcgi.handle("daemonize=false", "method=threaded", "host=", "port=%s" % str(port)) else: self.core.log.info(_("Starting django builtin Webserver: %s:%s") % (host, port)) import run_server run_server.handle(host, port) def quit(self): try: if self.server == "lighttpd" or self.server == "nginx": self.p.kill() #self.p2.kill() return True else: #self.p.kill() return True except: pass self.running = False class Output: def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream def fileno(self): return 1 def write(self, data): # Do nothing return None #self.stream.write(data) #self.stream.flush() def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.stream, attr)