#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #Copyright (C) 2009 sp00b, sebnapi, RaNaN # #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, #or (at your option) any later version. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #See the GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ### from __future__ import with_statement import re import subprocess import time import urllib2 from os.path import exists from threading import RLock from download_thread import Download_Thread class Thread_List(object): def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.list = parent.file_list #file list self.threads = [] self.max_threads = int(self.parent.config['general']['max_downloads']) self.lock = RLock() self.py_downloading = [] # files downloading self.occ_plugins = [] #occupied plugins self.pause = False self.reconnecting = False self.select_thread() def create_thread(self): """ creates thread for Py_Load_File and append thread to self.threads """ thread = Download_Thread(self) self.threads.append(thread) return True def remove_thread(self, thread): self.threads.remove(thread) def select_thread(self): """ create all threads """ while len(self.threads) < self.max_threads: self.create_thread() def get_job(self): """return job if suitable, otherwise send thread idle""" if not self.parent.server_methods.is_time_download() or self.pause or self.reconnecting or self.list.queueEmpty(): #conditions when threads dont download return None self.init_reconnect() self.lock.acquire() pyfile = None for f in self.list.getDownloadList(): if not f.modul.__name__ in self.occ_plugins: pyfile = f break if pyfile: self.py_downloading.append(pyfile) if not pyfile.plugin.multi_dl: self.occ_plugins.append(pyfile.modul.__name__) pyfile.active = True if pyfile.plugin.props['type'] == "container": self.parent.logger.info('Get links from: ' + pyfile.url) else: self.parent.logger.info('Download starts: ' + pyfile.url) self.lock.release() return pyfile def job_finished(self, pyfile): """manage completing download""" self.lock.acquire() if not pyfile.plugin.multi_dl: self.occ_plugins.remove(pyfile.modul.__name__) pyfile.active = False if pyfile.plugin.req.curl and not pyfile.status == "reconnected": try: pyfile.plugin.req.pycurl.close() except: pass self.py_downloading.remove(pyfile) if pyfile.status.type == "finished": if pyfile.plugin.props['type'] == "container": #works(!) but adds many packs to queue self.list.packager.removeFileFromPackage(pyfile.id, pyfile.package.data["id"]) newLinks = 0 if pyfile.plugin.links: newPackager = self.list.packager.addNewPackage(pyfile.status.filename) for link in pyfile.plugin.links: newFile = self.list.collector.addLink(link) self.list.packager.addFileToPackage(newPackager, self.list.collector.popFile(newFile)) newLinks += 1 self.list.packager.pushPackage2Queue(newPackager) if newLinks: self.parent.logger.info("Parsed link from %s: %i" % (pyfile.status.filename, newLinks)) else: self.parent.logger.info("No links in %s" % pyfile.status.filename) #~ self.list.packager.removeFileFromPackage(pyfile.id, pyfile.package.id) #~ for link in pyfile.plugin.links: #~ id = self.list.collector.addLink(link) #~ pyfile.packager.pullOutPackage(pyfile.package.id) #~ pyfile.packager.addFileToPackage(pyfile.package.id, pyfile.collector.popFile(id)) else: self.parent.logger.info("Download finished: %s" % pyfile.url) elif pyfile.status.type == "reconnected": pyfile.plugin.req.init_curl() elif pyfile.status.type == "failed": self.parent.logger.warning("Download failed: " + pyfile.url+ " | " + pyfile.status.error) with open(self.parent.config['general']['failed_file'], 'a') as f: f.write(pyfile.url + "\n") elif pyfile.status.type == "aborted": self.parent.logger.info("Download aborted: " + pyfile.url) self.list.save() self.lock.release() return True def init_reconnect(self): """initialise a reonnect""" if not self.parent.config['general']['use_reconnect'] or self.reconnecting or not self.parent.is_reconnect_time(): return False if not exists(self.parent.config['general']['reconnect_method']): self.parent.logger.info(self.parent.config['general']['reconnect_method'] + " not found") self.parent.config['general']['use_reconnect'] = False return False self.lock.acquire() if self.check_reconnect(): self.reconnecting = True self.reconnect() time.sleep(1.1) self.reconnecting = False self.lock.release() return True self.lock.release() return False def check_reconnect(self): """checks if all files want reconnect""" if not self.py_downloading: return False i = 0 for obj in self.py_downloading: if obj.status.want_reconnect: i += 1 if len(self.py_downloading) == i: return True else: return False def reconnect(self): reconn = subprocess.Popen(self.parent.config['general']['reconnect_method']) reconn.wait() time.sleep(1) ip = "" while ip == "": #solange versuch bis neue ip ausgelesen try: ip = re.match(".*Current IP Address: (.*)</body>.*", urllib2.urlopen("http://checkip.dyndns.org/").read()).group(1) #versuchen neue ip aus zu lesen except: ip = "" time.sleep(1) self.parent.logger.info("Reconnected, new IP: " + ip)