namespace java org.pyload.thrift typedef i32 FileID typedef i32 PackageID typedef i32 TaskID typedef i32 ResultID typedef i32 InteractionID typedef list LinkList typedef string PluginName typedef byte Progress typedef byte Priority enum DownloadStatus { Finished Offline, Online, Queued, Skipped, Waiting, TempOffline, Starting, Failed, Aborted, Decrypting, Custom, Downloading, Processing, Unknown } enum Destination { Collector, Queue } // types for user interaction // some may only be place holder currently not supported // also all input - output combination are not reasonable, see InteractionManager for further info enum Input { NONE, TEXT, TEXTBOX, PASSWORD, BOOL, // confirm like, yes or no dialog CLICK, // for positional captchas CHOICE, // choice from list MULTIPLE, // multiple choice from list of elements LIST, // arbitary list of elements TABLE // table like data structure } // more can be implemented by need // this describes the type of the outgoing interaction // ensure they can be logcial or'ed enum Output { CAPTCHA = 1, QUESTION = 2, NOTIFICATION = 4, } struct DownloadInfo { 1: FileID fid, 2: string name, 3: i64 speed, 4: i32 eta, 5: string format_eta, 6: i64 bleft, 7: i64 size, 8: string format_size, 9: Progress percent, 10: DownloadStatus status, 11: string statusmsg, 12: string format_wait, 13: i64 wait_until, 14: PackageID packageID, 15: string packageName, 16: PluginName plugin, } struct ServerStatus { 1: bool pause, 2: i16 active, 3: i16 queue, 4: i16 total, 5: i64 speed, 6: bool download, 7: bool reconnect } struct FileData { 1: FileID fid, 2: string url, 3: string name, 4: PluginName plugin, 5: i64 size, 6: string format_size, 7: DownloadStatus status, 8: string statusmsg, 9: PackageID packageID, 10: string error, 11: i16 order } struct PackageData { 1: PackageID pid, 2: string name, 3: string folder, 4: string site, 5: string password, 6: Destination dest, 7: i16 order, 8: optional i16 linksdone, 9: optional i64 sizedone, 10: optional i64 sizetotal, 11: optional i16 linkstotal, 12: optional list links, 13: optional list fids } struct InteractionTask { 1: InteractionID iid, 2: Input input, 3: list structure, 4: list preset, 5: Output output, 6: list data, 7: string title, 8: string description, 9: string plugin, } struct ConfigItem { 1: string name, 2: string long_name, 3: string description, 4: string type, 5: string default_value, 6: string value, } struct ConfigSection { 1: string name, 2: string long_name, 3: string description, 4: string long_description, 5: optional list items, 6: optional map handler, } struct CaptchaTask { 1: i16 tid, 2: binary data, 3: string type, 4: string resultType } struct EventInfo { 1: string eventname, 2: list event_args, } struct UserData { 1: string name, 2: string email, 3: i32 role, 4: i32 permission, 5: string templateName } struct AccountInfo { 1: PluginName plugin, 2: string loginname, 3: bool valid, 4: i64 validuntil, 5: i64 trafficleft, 6: i64 maxtraffic, 7: bool premium, 8: bool activated, 9: map options, } struct ServiceCall { 1: PluginName plugin, 2: string func, 3: string arguments, // empty string or json encoded list } struct OnlineStatus { 1: string name, 2: PluginName plugin, 3: string packagename, 4: DownloadStatus status, 5: i64 size, // size <= 0 : unknown } struct OnlineCheck { 1: ResultID rid, // -1 -> nothing more to get 2: map data, //url to result } // exceptions exception PackageDoesNotExists{ 1: PackageID pid } exception FileDoesNotExists{ 1: FileID fid } exception UserDoesNotExists{ 1: string user } exception ServiceDoesNotExists{ 1: string plugin 2: string func } exception ServiceException{ 1: string msg } service Pyload { //config string getConfigValue(1: string section, 2: string option), void setConfigValue(1: string section, 2: string option, 3: string value), map getConfig(), map getPluginConfig(), ConfigSection configureSection(1: string section), // server status void pauseServer(), void unpauseServer(), bool togglePause(), ServerStatus statusServer(), i64 freeSpace(), string getServerVersion(), void kill(), void restart(), list getLog(1: i32 offset), bool isTimeDownload(), bool isTimeReconnect(), bool toggleReconnect(), // download preparing // packagename - urls map generatePackages(1: LinkList links), map checkURLs(1: LinkList urls), map parseURLs(1: string html, 2: string url), // parses results and generates packages OnlineCheck checkOnlineStatus(1: LinkList urls), OnlineCheck checkOnlineStatusContainer(1: LinkList urls, 2: string filename, 3: binary data) // poll results from previosly started online check OnlineCheck pollResults(1: ResultID rid), // downloads - information list statusDownloads(), PackageData getPackageData(1: PackageID pid) throws (1: PackageDoesNotExists e), PackageData getPackageInfo(1: PackageID pid) throws (1: PackageDoesNotExists e), FileData getFileData(1: FileID fid) throws (1: FileDoesNotExists e), list getQueue(), list getCollector(), list getQueueData(), list getCollectorData(), map getPackageOrder(1: Destination destination), map getFileOrder(1: PackageID pid) // downloads - adding/deleting list generateAndAddPackages(1: LinkList links, 2: Destination dest), PackageID addPackage(1: string name, 2: LinkList links, 3: Destination dest, 4: string password), void addFiles(1: PackageID pid, 2: LinkList links), void uploadContainer(1: string filename, 2: binary data), void deleteFiles(1: list fids), void deletePackages(1: list pids), // downloads - modifying void pushToQueue(1: PackageID pid), void pullFromQueue(1: PackageID pid), void restartPackage(1: PackageID pid), void restartFile(1: FileID fid), void recheckPackage(1: PackageID pid), void stopAllDownloads(), void stopDownloads(1: list fids), void setPackageName(1: PackageID pid, 2: string name), void movePackage(1: Destination destination, 2: PackageID pid), void moveFiles(1: list fids, 2: PackageID pid), void orderPackage(1: PackageID pid, 2: i16 position), void orderFile(1: FileID fid, 2: i16 position), void setPackageData(1: PackageID pid, 2: map data) throws (1: PackageDoesNotExists e), list deleteFinished(), void restartFailed(), //events list getEvents(1: string uuid) //accounts list getAccounts(1: bool refresh), list getAccountTypes() void updateAccount(1: PluginName plugin, 2: string account, 3: string password, 4: map options), void removeAccount(1: PluginName plugin, 2: string account), //auth bool login(1: string username, 2: string password), UserData getUserData(1: string username, 2:string password) throws (1: UserDoesNotExists ex), map getAllUserData(), //services // servicename : description map> getServices(), bool hasService(1: PluginName plugin, 2: string func), string call(1: ServiceCall info) throws (1: ServiceDoesNotExists ex, 2: ServiceException e), //info // {plugin: {name: value}} map> getAllInfo(), map getInfoByPlugin(1: PluginName plugin), //scheduler // TODO // User interaction //captcha bool isCaptchaWaiting(), CaptchaTask getCaptchaTask(1: bool exclusive), string getCaptchaTaskStatus(1: TaskID tid), void setCaptchaResult(1: TaskID tid, 2: string result), }